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Moreish foods



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    Any kind of cheap jelly/fizzy sweets I can eat till I hate myself

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    Durian, Dim Sum, crystallised ginger, macadamia nuts

    Had to Google that, thought it was an 80's pop band!

    Looks weird but I guess tasty...
    Just dont eat them in hotels, public transport or banks in SE Asia and Australia!

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    Durian, Dim Sum, crystallised ginger, macadamia nuts

    Remind me to stay from your house :smile:
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    Liquorice Allsorts (and to an extent Wine Gums)

    Once I open my annual large pack, I can't stop...which is my it's my annual pack!
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    I am rather partial to pickle juce.
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    Matchmakers. Impossible to save any for later.
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    edited August 2016

    Durian, Dim Sum, crystallised ginger, macadamia nuts

    QA. Dim Sum is a generic chinese term for starters, but I assume you mean dim sims; pork and cabbage dumplings widely available in Oz? I went home to stay with my elderly gran in 90s and virtualy lived on them for 4 months. Prefer steamed to deep fried. Love'em
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    Gherkins, the bigger the better. Though not the sweet variety, gots to be tangy.
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    Waitrose Prawn and Chilli pizza is becoming a problem food for me.

    Aldi Jive bars are pure crack.

    Smoke salmon and Horseradish on toast after a smoke is hard to beat.
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    Sushi, I can eat it forever, the boxes you buy at the sandwich counters are not enough need to buy 2 or 3.
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    Sushi, I can eat it forever, the boxes you buy at the sandwich counters are not enough need to buy 2 or 3.

    You should try Lidl's frozen sushi when they have a Japanese week. It's really good and not very expensive.
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    Galaxy Counters
    Chocolate Chip Cookies
    Bombay Mix
    Pork Scratchings
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    Popadoms with Mango Chutney. I just can't stop.
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    Edamame beans
    Any shellfish.

    I eat most anything, including shellfish, but I can't abide olives, anchovies or whitebait
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