Had a few lunches in the Tickell Arms many moons ago, and I can confirm the landlord was every bit as bonkers as the letter described. Not that anyone was really turned away of course, and the food was damned good. Last went there en route to a 4-0 pasting at Cambridge, Paul Walsh's last game for us.
I like how the person tweeting *knew* he voted for Brexit - no projection going on there, no Sir. Got a shoehorn, anyone?
But WTF is the guy with the phone doing letting the prick carry on like that and threatening his family? Anyone with an ounce of self respect would have decked him....although he obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the draw, given how he tells all those folk how he's going to do them for assault, whilst making death threats and committing assault himself - on camera and in front of witnesses...
I'd like to know what happened afterwards, but I'm guessing the haranguing halfwit has already had his collar felt. What a grade A nob.
But WTF is the guy with the phone doing letting the prick carry on like that and threatening his family? Anyone with an ounce of self respect would have decked him....although he obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the draw, given how he tells all those folk how he's going to do them for assault, whilst making death threats and committing assault himself - on camera and in front of witnesses...
I'd like to know what happened afterwards, but I'm guessing the haranguing halfwit has already had his collar felt. What a grade A nob.