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Divorce settlement in the news

Anyone seen this story in the news recently....what are people thoughts on it?

Personally I'm disgusted that she is looking for another handout on the back of some poor personal decisions that have affected her pocket - and she still hasn't found a mug willing to support her so goes for the easy option.


  • Prostitute's are cheaper and more fun than marriage.
  • Doesn't seem right on the facts given.
  • feel for the poor fucker
    women =£££€€$$
  • edited February 2017
    There's been 2 cases in the last few days. As a woman, I am disgusted at
    the outcomes; SO unfair on the man
  • Yeah, be interested in all the facts. Said the kid was grown up. On the face of it doesn't seem right
  • Most women love equality .. except on divorce when it comes down to who gets the money, the house, the car, the fridge, the tv, the tea towels, the ..... this verdict is a scandal, especially from the court of appeal, I can imagine some dickhead high court judge coming to this conclusion but the coa has now set a very dangerous precedent
  • edited February 2017
    I wonder what Harriet Harperson would have to say about all this ((:>)
  • There's been 2 cases in the last few days. As a woman, I am disgusted at
    the outcomes; SO unfair on the man

    Please be my next wife: )
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  • Swisdom said:

    Anyone seen this story in the news recently....what are people thoughts on it?

    Personally I'm disgusted that she is looking for another handout on the back of some poor personal decisions that have affected her pocket - and she still hasn't found a mug willing to support her so goes for the easy option.

    That story is SO poorly written. No idea what the timeline is or why he should have to have ever given her any money.
    On the information given, that verdict is an utter disgrace.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    Prostitute's are cheaper and more fun than marriage.

  • I'm tempted to say he deserves it for hijacking the name of the finest Italian scooter.

    But I won't .......................
  • Prostitute's are cheaper and more fun than marriage.

    Ho ho ho
  • Out of interest, are there any cases where the husband gets maintenance from the wife? Surely there must be?
  • I'm guessing if all of her failed property investments had gone well he would have got a cut of that right...?
  • I remember years ago when Mel B of spice girls fame divorced her husband (jimmy somebody, who was one of her backing dancers) he went for maintenance and a divorce settlement from her, the women's groups and female commentators certainly sang a different tune then, they thought it was outrageous of him.

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  • MrOneLung said:

    Some comedian said after he had been divorced a couple of times ' don't get married, just buy a house for someone you don't like'

    Rod Stewart
  • DA9 said:

    I remember years ago when Mel B of spice girls fame divorced her husband (jimmy somebody, who was one of her backing dancers) he went for maintenance and a divorce settlement from her, the women's groups and female commentators certainly sang a different tune then, they thought it was outrageous of him.

    Jimmy Gulzar

    No idea why I know that

  • No wonder shes effing smiling.
  • Hmmm, i'm going to have a go at this getting some money back after a divorce lark - cant just be girls doing it.
  • Women are like tornados. There wet when they come and when they go they take their house with them.
  • Out of interest, are there any cases where the husband gets maintenance from the wife? Surely there must be?

    One of my friends paid maintenance to her ex for a while, because she was working and the kids had residency with him. And I've never heard her whine about it once.
  • edited February 2017

    Out of interest, are there any cases where the husband gets maintenance from the wife? Surely there must be?

    Of course there have.

    This isn't about gender its about greed.

    These cases usually end up being women who are receiving the payments because men have spent the last few thousand years building a society which favours them, meaning when a marriage breaks down the fella usually has more financial worth behind him.

    Doesn't mean there aren't plenty of fellas out there who wouldn't try this one if their rich wife left them. Gender ain't got anything to do with it. You either got morals and the wherewithal to look after yourself or you haven't.
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