I just could not hear it. Loved the book, but could not follow anything in this as just could not hear what they were saying. Turned volume up, then music blared out so had to turn down again. Very disappointed.
Downloaded it and watched on phone on the train on way back from match on Tuesday. Thought it was pretty good, but that might be because I was comparing it with the 90mins of 'entertainment' at The Valley. It's been a long while since I'd read the book, but I think it's following it pretty accurately as far as I recall. Didn't have the same issue with sound / dialogue others reported - maybe they tweaked it for iplayer? or maybe my ears were still sensitive after sitting in the aforementioned library earlier...
I found the programme difficult to follow; maybe due to the tone clarity or volume but we give it another go on Sunday. If any good then I'll press the record button for the following week whilst away.