Well Wilder is no mug he turned us down and went to an ambitious club. He saw through the regime.
Unlike Robinson who bought into the Regime.
He goes on how he's proud this week. Last week he took the blame. The week before that it was the players, then the Refs, not forgetting the weather, too many games, injuries etc
If everyone was like him no team would ever get promoted or win anything.
His points tally is abysmal.
No wonder he's worried if Roland sells.
His track record was worse than all our mangers put together last season.
He has carried on with us where he left of with MKD.
He certainly talks the talk.
He certainly does not walk the walk.
We can all see how badly Tarbuck is doing.
Slade was sacked and Robinson appointed to give us " the best chance of promotion".
Robinson was given a transfer window and he brought in five players.
None have made a huge impression or improvement due to injuries, suspensions or just not being picked by the manager who signed them.
We're now told that it is about next season. But that wasn't the line when Russell "right man for the job" was sacked.
In patches we play some good football under Robinson but that has been when we play 442 using Slade and previous managers players.
And we played as well if not better under Nugent who didn't have Holmes or a transfer window.
Karl wasted months, and many points and a transfer window, trying to make 4231 work and has failed.
We are set for our worse league finish in 90 years.
Wilder can hardly have done worse if he tried but at Sheffield Utd he's been allowed to get on with the job. He's built a team spirit and has a consistent way of playing.
Large portions of his budget aren't being spent on players loaned out to other clubs or paying off previous mistakes. And Wilder isn't obliged to put young players in the shop window for a quick sale.
Wilder never got £8m for a young striker either. But then again neither did Robinson. £400k from £8m to spend but even that wasn't spent well. Injury prone players or inexperienced loaners rather than proven, battle hardened performers but remember Karl you're a farmer not a coach. You job is to babysit any talent we have until they are sold.
But Dowie and Pardue come bloody close
Never hated any Charlton manager, not even Pardew or Dowie. Certainly don't hate Tarbuck.
KR chose to go against the protests in his first interview, and continues to be their mouthpiece to this day. On top of all that his results are shit. He has my support merely for the fact that the team has my support, but he has no credibility and I wouldn't give him the time of day if I saw him in the street.
If we do get new owners I for one hope he gets the chop and we start completely fresh.
But like politicians, almost all managerial careers are destined to end in failure. Just look at Wenger.
Another person making wild assumptions and totally misrepresenting peoples views while making false statements.
For once you are wrong!.....
Oh and I pay for my tickets also...
"All of you" do.