Hales for me but they were great together before we sold Derek to Derby if we had a good defence at the time we could have got promotion to the old first division
How can you even ask? Hales all day. Deadly in the penalty area, able to score with both feet and his head, lightning turn of speed, nose for goal. Bearded at a time when most players didn't have beards. A piratical plunderer.
Hales for me but they were great together before we sold Derek to Derby if we had a good defence at the time we could have got promotion to the old first division
I blame him for leaving. We might have won the European Cup had he stayed.
Hales. Should you meet him ask about the incident with the thief at charlton station.
The greatest player no.......one of them yes but not the greatest......it depends how long you've been going......Stuart Leary is acknowledged as being the best, followed closely by Eddie Firmani. As for Killer and Flano......it has to be Killer all day long.
Flash - far better all round player Killer - lazy until a sniff of goal, best chant ever...killer killer killer...mendonca is the only striker we've had since and he was half as good. Simmo was the best player in my lifetime...far better than anyone in the team by 2 miles
I idolised both of them as a boy so was distraught when they had that famous fight. I recall my grandad laughing as we watched it from the stand. Hales has to edge it although Flanagan's hat-trick against Spurs makes it close. Hales was a natural goalscorer, but a useful footballer too. Flanagan was a more all round player with a little bit more ability. Both were top players and a pleasure to watch.
Two different types of player IMO, Killer was a natural goal scorer who came alive more often than not in the box but also if he fancied his chances from distance. Wasn't the greatest doing the mundane stuff but knew how to look after himself and others. Paul Parker then of Fulham who minutes earlier had done Paddy, found this out to his cost one evening, by finishing up in the second row of the old West Stand.
Flash was more cultured and could pick a 50 yard pass no problem, held play up well also with an eye for goal.
Everyone loves a goal scorer but the one with the all time club record (168 in 368 appearances) is the only one for me. Killer, Killer, Killer.
Flanagan was a ridiculously talented, exciting, attacking player, who would strike fear in opponents and would turn games in a "flash".
But... Hales. All day, every day.
He had Rommedahl-like speed and could finish like Wright-Phillips.
For me, Killer was the best Charlton player, ever.
Point of order here Chizz. Hales had blistering acceleration over the first 10 yards, that's what gave him his edge. Well, that and his nerveless killer instinct in front of goal and aggressive winning temperament. But Rommedahl like speed over distance? Haha, no. Flanagan was a talented, left-sided forward/winger who visibly grew in stature after Hales left for his Derby/WestHam sojourn. After converting to Centre-forward and following a hugely successful summer spell in the USA, Flanagan returned the complete player with a new found arrogance and self belief. He had become a finisher of rare class. Better than Hales? Hmm, he undoubtedly had more strings to his bow, a sublime talent. But Killer was the best finisher I've seen in a Charlton shirt and remains my favourite ever Charlton player. In an era when we were disdainfully regarded as plucky little Charlton, a faded former giant, Killer didn't take any shit from anyone and gave us something to be proud of. A legend and a hero
I am slightly put out that his "H" power partner Aurther Horsfield was not added to the choice. However, it would still only be a case of who was second choice to "KILLER" a true LEGEND.
Always gave his all, and was one of the players who you felt was proud and honoured to play for Charlton.
Only joking. But Flash the centre forward and target man was infinitely better than Flash the winger when he first got into the side.
What would we give for a front six of Paddy, Peter Hunt, Dick Tydeman, Peawee (or Robinson), Flash and Killer now?
As for Killer and Flano......it has to be Killer all day long.
Killer - lazy until a sniff of goal, best chant ever...killer killer killer...mendonca is the only striker we've had since and he was half as good.
Simmo was the best player in my lifetime...far better than anyone in the team by 2 miles
Flash was more cultured and could pick a 50 yard pass no problem, held play up well also with an eye for goal.
Everyone loves a goal scorer but the one with the all time club record (168 in 368 appearances) is the only one for me. Killer, Killer, Killer.
(about 2 min in)
Hales had blistering acceleration over the first 10 yards, that's what gave him his edge.
Well, that and his nerveless killer instinct in front of goal and aggressive winning temperament.
But Rommedahl like speed over distance? Haha, no.
Flanagan was a talented, left-sided forward/winger who visibly grew in stature after Hales left for his Derby/WestHam sojourn.
After converting to Centre-forward and following a hugely successful summer spell in the USA, Flanagan returned the complete player with a new found arrogance and self belief.
He had become a finisher of rare class.
Better than Hales? Hmm, he undoubtedly had more strings to his bow, a sublime talent.
But Killer was the best finisher I've seen in a Charlton shirt and remains my favourite ever Charlton player.
In an era when we were disdainfully regarded as plucky little Charlton, a faded former giant, Killer didn't take any shit from anyone and gave us something to be proud of.
A legend and a hero
Always gave his all, and was one of the players who you felt was proud and honoured to play for Charlton.