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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Essex_Al said:
    The above is what you wrote last night, @AFKABartram.

    There is never "nothing" that anyone can do, about anything. Never ever. I'm really susprised to have to say to you of all people that the recent history of Charlton and its fans is the best evidence to support my statement.

    kin ell.

    I know what i wrote last night. I wrote it.

    You tell me then what can be done to make him lower his demands?

    What has been done so far, which has been unsuccessful in making him sell at a fair value / lower his demands has been:

    - 50+ protests at home
    - 20+ protests in his own country
    - multiple game stoppages
    - massive security costs
    - 300+ marching through his town
    - picketing of his places of ownership and places of work
    - leafleting in his town
    - multiple flytipping of his property
    - graffeti of his properties
    - reduced income to the club
    - international press ridiculing his name
    - disruption to his local elections
    - harrassement to his key employees and their families
    - disruption at games of other clubs in his network
    - multiple interuption at STVV to his social engagements
    - disruption to his birthday celebrations with his family
    - hate mail / threats to his personal safety

    basically, the kitchen sink has been thrown at it and not one of those things has been successful in forcing / encouraging him to lower his demands to a level his not comfortable with. If rumours are true, over the last couple of months he has allegedly increased his demands.

    So what based on the above is so outlandish in my viewpoint that there is no evidence that protesting has been / will be successful in leading him to sell outside of a level that he in his own mind sees as him comfortable with (delivering faith in his own mind that he has not 'lost' during this experiment?)

    Surely all that has happened over the last five years points to that, no? 

    Not to mention the £60k plus, spunked up the wall in the process!
    I doubt any of it was your money, judging by your posts here and elsewhere.
  • Dazzler21 said:
    RedManS said:
    RedManS said:
    RedManS said:
    And as for not making a difference to the club it's more a personal decision for me. Why should I waste my weekends spending money and travelling around when ultimately it's not going to make a difference to our results and my money and time can be better invested elsewhere. Love our fans, love our club but I hate the feeling it has again, stop going and I don't have to worry about that. 

    20k fans showing up and beating Stoke on the opening home game will suggest everything is ok, no one showing up and Stoke giving us a pasting will send the message that everything is not ok which is what we need. We are not going to grow while Roland is in charge so why does it matter if we stay up or not at this point, clearly it doesn't change his stance on selling the club
    Sounds like you want us to fail on the pitch....
    Oh god, seriously!
    Because when I read it, it doesn’t sound like that at all. 
    It sounds like a genuine supporter who is fed up to the back teeth of our pathetic owner. 
    I understand that, i think near on every fan has had enough. But no one showing up & getting a pasting will literally not effect anything except out teams confidence, let alone get any media coverage. Football is ultimately a game of results. I sure as hell don't want to go back to that Sh*t of league 1, Look at what Bowyer said all last season, we are the 12 man & we can carry them through. 
    Still didn’t mean what Braziliance said meant he wants us to fail either, which is what you were accusing him of. 
    None of us want to be relegated, but if we are, the ONLY person responsible for that will be Douchbag. 
    Not whether a few of the boycotters didn’t bother to show up at Stoke on a Tuesday night. 
    Braziliance doesn't want us to fail. He just doesn't think supporting the team makes any difference. 

    The team's success last season was apparently nothing to do with the paying fans.

    Despite it being something of a proven cliché the 12th man makes a huge difference in motivating and lifting teams.
    Don’t think he meant supporting the team doesn’t make any difference either. 
    He suggested a blanket boycott as a last effort to get rid of Douchbag. 

    The 12th man can make a huge difference. 
    Will it, if we go through this season with what we currently have? I doubt it. 
    Brazilliance said:
    "Why should I waste my weekends spending money and travelling around when ultimately it's not going to make a difference to our results "

    He said it word for word.

    However I do agree that with what we currently have (if we get no loans) then we might still get relegated. 

    A supported team that plays for their fans is far easier to take relegation, than a team with no one to play for. 
  • edited July 2019
    A lot of people to quote so I won't but I just don't buy into the fans stuff. If teams are near enough of equal quality then yes it is a factor, but if we are significantly worse than a team we play (I expect us to be worse than at least 12 teams) then us cheering won't make a player perform beyond his limit. Good numbers sends the message we are ok with the situation. That's my point is all. I don't think it's a genuine strategy and I don't have a plan but I think an empty stadium is a powerful message and it's something we haven't tried to do properly. 

    As to going down and making Bowyer and the gang leave, as much as I do like this team it's not the best we have seen and I am sure we can overcome it. Bowyer is a great manager in our circumstance, if we had a owner who actually cared about us we could at least replace him. Obviously this isn't a dig at Bowyer the point is from earlier is that if Roland going meant we made our whole squad and manager unhappy I'm afraid that is the option I would take. Again the club and the fans come first, everything else after that can be replaced. 

    I don't want us to fail on the pitch, that's  insane, I didn't go to all those games last season hoping we would lose, I enjoyed our league 1 promotion campaign and felt a connection with the players again, but clearly that is our ceiling now, a league 1 big fish, I want more than that and it will not happen under Roland. If failure on the pitch guaranteed we have a new owner next season then sign me up. 

    Have to add as well my post may seem a bit hypocritical as I did spout before that sometimes there is more to football than winning and a connection with the players is sometimes more important, as things stand I still hold that viewpoint, issue is we only get it for one season and we start again, hence why I feel deflated before the season has started, key players have gone and we have to get familiar with a bunch of new players, keeping the same XI for back to back seasons and adding to it would be nice 
  • Redrobo said:
    If he really wanted to sell there would be a deal to be done. Writing off debt, paying off loans, interest free loan to the club, be part of the consortium, delayed payments etc etc.
    We might not like the thought of it, just saying if he really got himself involved with the discussion and used a bit of imagination he could find an acceptable deal that would as a minimum reduce his personal costs.
    He just wants it all his own way, and that’s not going to happen.

    He also said on live radio that he would not recommend anyone to buy a football club. I don’t think he got that selling tip from Alan Sugar!
    Tbf he probably did because Sir Alan said practically the same thing! 
  • I say it again where is Murray while all this is going on? 

    He should be putting a sound business case to Roland showing why it is prudent to cut his losses and sell at a lower price. He was quite happy at the start to remind him that he did not have many years left so wanted to take the club to the premier league asap sic
    You are right but the once much admired Murray has long since chosen to hide in the shadows in the hope that he gets one final chance to go again with a new owner. I suspect 2shits views him as a total irrelevance even if he did decide to pipe up.
  • Essex_Al said:
    Essex_Al said:
    The above is what you wrote last night, @AFKABartram.

    There is never "nothing" that anyone can do, about anything. Never ever. I'm really susprised to have to say to you of all people that the recent history of Charlton and its fans is the best evidence to support my statement.

    kin ell.

    I know what i wrote last night. I wrote it.

    You tell me then what can be done to make him lower his demands?

    What has been done so far, which has been unsuccessful in making him sell at a fair value / lower his demands has been:

    - 50+ protests at home
    - 20+ protests in his own country
    - multiple game stoppages
    - massive security costs
    - 300+ marching through his town
    - picketing of his places of ownership and places of work
    - leafleting in his town
    - multiple flytipping of his property
    - graffeti of his properties
    - reduced income to the club
    - international press ridiculing his name
    - disruption to his local elections
    - harrassement to his key employees and their families
    - disruption at games of other clubs in his network
    - multiple interuption at STVV to his social engagements
    - disruption to his birthday celebrations with his family
    - hate mail / threats to his personal safety

    basically, the kitchen sink has been thrown at it and not one of those things has been successful in forcing / encouraging him to lower his demands to a level his not comfortable with. If rumours are true, over the last couple of months he has allegedly increased his demands.

    So what based on the above is so outlandish in my viewpoint that there is no evidence that protesting has been / will be successful in leading him to sell outside of a level that he in his own mind sees as him comfortable with (delivering faith in his own mind that he has not 'lost' during this experiment?)

    Surely all that has happened over the last five years points to that, no? 

    Not to mention the £60k plus, spunked up the wall in the process!
    I doubt any of it was your money, judging by your posts here and elsewhere.
    How much does your executive box cost mate?
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Redrobo said:
    If he really wanted to sell there would be a deal to be done. Writing off debt, paying off loans, interest free loan to the club, be part of the consortium, delayed payments etc etc.
    We might not like the thought of it, just saying if he really got himself involved with the discussion and used a bit of imagination he could find an acceptable deal that would as a minimum reduce his personal costs.
    He just wants it all his own way, and that’s not going to happen.

    He also said on live radio that he would not recommend anyone to buy a football club. I don’t think he got that selling tip from Alan Sugar!
    Tbf he probably did because Sir Alan said practically the same thing! 
    Only after he had sold the club!
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  • edited July 2019
    Scoham said:
    RD said “the big problem is that every owner of a Championship football club is expected to lose £15million in operational losses every year. This is not an acceptable business model."

    He needs to amend 2 words.
    Substitute expected for allowed and substitute £15M for £13M and he's accurate.
  • Meanwhile palace turn down a bid of £52m for Zaha 😥😥😥
  • vff said:
    When the financial fair play changed then Duchatelet should have sold. But he didn’t & persisted with a flawed network system with ridiculous expensive contracts negotiated by someone with little apparent knowledge of football. He turned his back on knowledge & expertise in the club. The losses have feck all to do with EFL but his own incompetence for which he refuses any accountability whatsoever. 

    There are plenty of buyers for the club but are not going to buy at inflated price that recovers his losses that he is responsible. 

    I am really tired of Duchatelet’s utter horseshit.

    Classic last line mate.
  • Why do talk sport afford the cranky lump of effluence any air time. Nothing new ever comes to the fore with him. Excuses and blame shifting. We're all fucking tired of it. Pointless having the old fucker on
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  • Effluent
  • In an attempt to cling on to hope, is there any way that his rant about not offering Bowyer a contract could mirror his latest 'wise words'? I would imagine that he wanted to go onto Talksport for a live interview so he could rant about it not being his fault and the EFL rigging the vote etc etc. His rant about Bowyer and his contract was similar in as much as he slagged Bowyer off and yet had to cave in and give him a contract when we all thought this would never happen. Could it be that his rant today is just that he can't get his own way and knows he will have to give in to a buyer very soon - ie before the season starts - or he will lose them.
  • In an attempt to cling on to hope, is there any way that his rant about not offering Bowyer a contract could mirror his latest 'wise words'? I would imagine that he wanted to go onto Talksport for a live interview so he could rant about it not being his fault and the EFL rigging the vote etc etc. His rant about Bowyer and his contract was similar in as much as he slagged Bowyer off and yet had to cave in and give him a contract when we all thought this would never happen. Could it be that his rant today is just that he can't get his own way and knows he will have to give in to a buyer very soon - ie before the season starts - or he will lose them.
    I wish. I can see him still being here this time next year. And the year after that and so on.

    By the time he sells we'd have been up for sale longer than not under his ownership.
  • edited July 2019
    I’m sure we are getting to many lifers when they popped out. @Happy Valley could I get a mention in 1957? @happyvalley
    its happening!

  • Solidgone said:
    I’m sure we are getting to many lifers when they popped out. @Happy Valley could I get a mention in 1957? @happyvalley
    its happening!

    1956 me. 4th Sept.
  • JamesSeed said:
    Solidgone said:
    I’m sure we are getting to many lifers when they popped out. @Happy Valley could I get a mention in 1957? @happyvalley
    its happening!

    1956 me. 4th Sept.
    Damn!!!!  I got married on James Seed’s birthday in 1987
  • 1955 was a very good year for handsome, intelligent boys to be born. I hear that those born at the beginning of August are also now known for their virility.
  • Can we keep a log on here like the updated squad list thread, where it shows all the EFL clubs being bought and sold since they changed the FFP rules as per according to him, send it to talksport next time we know yellow tooth is on and ask them to ask him why these clubs managed to be bought and sold despite you claiming no one is buying clubs anymore now.
    I am sure the Bury and Bolton fans would enjoy this update, as would the Notts County ones.  Let's see where Sunderland are next year.   To be honest this could actually be one of the reasons why RD hasn't sold the club.

    Would you honestly sell your house on the never never to the sort of people that but football clubs?

    Disclaimer this is no way a defence of old yellow nor is it an insinuation that ALL owners are bad. 
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!