Everyone is staring at their shoes, not wanting to be the bold one to face it, but sometimes you just need to take a deep breath, shoulders back and face the truth...
We need to say goodbye to the Takeover Thread.
It feels like one of the family, an almost perminent piece of furniture in our Charlton Life lives. We’ve shared laughs, tears, tingles and a lot of fish.
Monday at 10pm we will close the thread for the final time. Not temporary because of something libellous or two middle age wallies are threatening a pillow fight, but for good. Ah Revior, Auf Weidesen, Goodbye.
Lets make the last two days of the takeover thread a happy period of mirth and celebration. A nostalgic look back to the good times, the highlights, the fish puns.
If it carries on much longer HappyValley will have to start making up events!!! HAHAHA!!! Goodbye thread. You were mainly stupid and annoying, but I suppose I loved you.
A fantastic thread. The appearance of the Takeover-O-Meter was excellent, as were the splendid GIFs including the Roland/Sue Perks "It's Happening" ones; every pisstake out of Jim White; HappyValley (of course, though I'm sad he's not predicted the future); the moment where I looked like a complete twat after "analysing" the picture of Roland to verify he was at London Bridge when it was in fact an old photo from Belgium...
A seat for every post, we made enough posts to fill The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (62,303) but with us needing to reach page 2,500 to fill Old Trafford (74,994) we won't make that. Great effort though when the original intention was to see how much of The Valley would be filled.
Reckon AFKA has just found out we aren’t signing anyone and Nimer is just Roland in a fake sheik costume and make up. To prevent a full Charlton Life sever meltdown to rival Chernobyl, he’s preemptively closing this thread so the mods can focus all their efforts on cooling the reactor over on the “ESI: Thoughts So Far?” thread.
Harris Varney Red Henry's lot Muir on his own David Beckham Farwazi English consortium Kenyon Roland's son Americans Chinese
Have I missed anyone?
Forgot all about the Rio rumour. Those were the days. What a thread, i wonder how long it would take to read it all from the beginning. Will the Belgian graffitti artist ever be known?
Goodbye thread. You were mainly stupid and annoying, but I suppose I loved you.
All sorts. Cheers. It's been one hell of a ride.
Just biding their time.
It made me laugh with the puns.
Fare thee well old friend.
Then I saw this on Youtube and thought it would be more relevant.
Can i mention John Dory who was prepared to swim against the Current to express his views.
What a thread, i wonder how long it would take to read it all from the beginning.
Will the Belgian graffitti artist ever be known?