In these troubled times, I would like to share a beautiful moment I had last night. My wife through a friend organised a visit to a special glass fronted hut where you could observe badgers. We got there at about 8 o'clock and it was quite noisy with the bird song. We say a very young fox walk by and a few rabbits. Then as it got darker the birds got quieter then silent, and the badgers came out. Food is left infront of the hut and of course the animals know this. To see a wild beautiful animal like a badger - not in a zoo but in it's natural habitat was a thing of beauty. They could not see us but we could see them up close. It was so relaxing - with life bustling around them, to be part of this oasis of nature.
Then we saw a beautiful fox. What a majestic wonderful creature. We are so fortunate to have these beautiful creatures in this country. I reccomend the experience.
Didn't know they could dance !
#badgersrights #shitwheretheywant #didn'tpayapenny #fuckinsquaters #goodjobImallowedtoshootthebuggershere
It's like living in a zoo!! But I'm not complaining.
I know going to uni takes a lot of bashing but the best thing I ever did was going to uni as a mature student, getting my qualifications and now working professionally surveying nature.
Foxes are common but i've only ever seen 2 badgers in the wild and this week alone I've seen 3 or 4 dead in the road (around Snodland, Wrotham Hill and Brands Hatch)
Yes they do grow quite large - I wouldn't want to corner a full grown male that's for sure.
But the answer to your question is no! I don't mind sharing with them and think they are really cute. My local farmer on the other hand doesn't share the same view!