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Murder in Greenwich.



  • I think we should excavate a massive pit and drop all these bastards in it.
  • WSS said:

    Stig said:

    Really tragic and senseless.

    There seems to be no deterrent to stop this happening, or do the perpetrators think they can get away with it?

    Perpetrators always think they can get away with it; if they thought they were going to get caught, they wouldn't do it.

    That's why (sadly) harsh sentences don't act as much of a deterrent.
    The casual attitude towards using violence is truly shocking - as a society we seem too accepting of it.

    you only have to watch kids computer games to see where it comes from.
    Rubbish. I've played various violent computer games over the years and it hasn't made me think "oh it would be cool to whack a prostitute with baseball bat in real life and steal her money."
    I think his point is that we are desensitised to violence through a lot of the things we see in games or on television. Could have a point.
  • edited July 2017
    WSS said:

    Stig said:

    Really tragic and senseless.

    There seems to be no deterrent to stop this happening, or do the perpetrators think they can get away with it?

    Perpetrators always think they can get away with it; if they thought they were going to get caught, they wouldn't do it.

    That's why (sadly) harsh sentences don't act as much of a deterrent.
    The casual attitude towards using violence is truly shocking - as a society we seem too accepting of it.

    you only have to watch kids computer games to see where it comes from.
    Rubbish. I've played various violent computer games over the years and it hasn't made me think "oh it would be cool to whack a prostitute with baseball bat in real life and steal her money."

    So we have Guns. Knives. Psychopaths. People who will not take responsibility for their own actions. Video Games.
    And people want to blame and take away the video games.
    Therein lies the problem.
  • Greenie said:

    WSS said:

    Stig said:

    Really tragic and senseless.

    There seems to be no deterrent to stop this happening, or do the perpetrators think they can get away with it?

    Perpetrators always think they can get away with it; if they thought they were going to get caught, they wouldn't do it.

    That's why (sadly) harsh sentences don't act as much of a deterrent.
    The casual attitude towards using violence is truly shocking - as a society we seem too accepting of it.

    you only have to watch kids computer games to see where it comes from.
    Rubbish. I've played various violent computer games over the years and it hasn't made me think "oh it would be cool to whack a prostitute with baseball bat in real life and steal her money."

    So we have Guns. Knives. Psychopaths. People who will not take responsibility for their own actions. Video Games.
    And people want to blame and take away the video games.
    Therein lies the problem.
    Agree but far too many people on the roads learned to drive on PlayStation.

  • Bring back the birch.

    Will make a few of them think again.
  • I thought rap music was to blame
  • WSS said:

    Stig said:

    Really tragic and senseless.

    There seems to be no deterrent to stop this happening, or do the perpetrators think they can get away with it?

    Perpetrators always think they can get away with it; if they thought they were going to get caught, they wouldn't do it.

    That's why (sadly) harsh sentences don't act as much of a deterrent.
    The casual attitude towards using violence is truly shocking - as a society we seem too accepting of it.

    you only have to watch kids computer games to see where it comes from.
    Rubbish. I've played various violent computer games over the years and it hasn't made me think "oh it would be cool to whack a prostitute with baseball bat in real life and steal her money."
    I think his point is that we are desensitised to violence through a lot of the things we see in games or on television. Could have a point.
    Thankyou, yes we (and especially youngsters) have become desensitised to violent and sexual imagery on screen. While we won't go out and carry out the things on screen SOME will.
    I listen to my boy when he's online with his mates and some of the things they shout make cringe. I'll save the more spicy but apparently all girls take it up the arse and Stab his fucking eye' is part of a game.

    I'm on my phone @ work but will return.
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  • I was at a security equipment exhibition about 5 or 6 years ago and saw green and crimson coloured body armour. Manufactured by a US firm, this was designed for paramedics and firefighters. I commented at the time that i was glad our guys didn't need to wear it. What a terrible thing it is now that it seems this isn't protection enough in this country, shocking.

    How emergency responders can be targeted like this is well beyond my ability to comprehend.
  • I thought rap music was to blame

    that's for bad dress sense.
  • I think we should excavate a massive pit and drop all these bastards in it.

    Yeah that's how the valley was formed. Years of suffering for all of us. If only the gunners hadn't moved.
  • Won't be too long till they do it to the wrong person and that person goes on a falling down rampage.
  • The US locks loads of people up and has crime disappeared - NO! Getting rid of crime is a bit more difficult than that.

    Regarding violent computer games I'm at a loss why anyone would want to play them.
  • I find the video game argument ridiculous! I was massive fan of California Games back in the 90s, but at no point in my life did I think "I need to go get a hacky sack".
    Blame the parents, blame society, blame the once popular TV programme the Bill, but don't ever blame California Games.
  • PopIcon said:

    I find the video game argument ridiculous! I was massive fan of California Games back in the 90s, but at no point in my life did I think "I need to go get a hacky sack".
    Blame the parents, blame society, blame the once popular TV programme the Bill, but don't ever blame California Games.

    People are influenced by what they watch and what they read - it's fairly ludicrous to argue otherwise. It obviously affects some more than others.

    We live in an increasingly 'winner takes all' society where selfishness is encouraged and unsurprisingly we see a lot of the behaviour we see now. Britain is increasingly morally bankrupt so nobody really gives a toss about each other.

    Social media encourages narcissism and I do wonder how a lot of kids will develop.

  • PopIcon said:

    I find the video game argument ridiculous! I was massive fan of California Games back in the 90s, but at no point in my life did I think "I need to go get a hacky sack".
    Blame the parents, blame society, blame the once popular TV programme the Bill, but don't ever blame California Games.

    People are influenced by what they watch and what they read - it's fairly ludicrous to argue otherwise. It obviously affects some more than others.

    We live in an increasingly 'winner takes all' society where selfishness is encouraged and unsurprisingly we see a lot of the behaviour we see now. Britain is increasingly morally bankrupt so nobody really gives a toss about each other.

    Social media encourages narcissism and I do wonder how a lot of kids will develop.

    It all started with thatcher
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  • I'd agree that social media creates far more violent people than video games, that actually are proven to have calming effects:

    Just look at some vitriol on twitter, people retreat into echo chambers and think anyone who isn't like them or think like them are subhuman.

    Instagram and snapchat create narcissists (narcissists are more likely to be violent/develop mental illness) as well as reality tv shows.
  • It's the lack of parenting most either have parents that had kids far too young and are not still in a relationship, who care more about their i phone , facebook , snap chat than what their 6-15 yr old kid is up to

    Society is broken because too many parents wanted to be their kids mate and not their parent and resulted in then same kids having kids and no idea what to go with them

    Society is broken? Really? You sound like the Sun newspaper, sensational rubbish. Sadly humans have acted like arseholes since they learned to walk up right.
  • WSS said:

    Stig said:

    Really tragic and senseless.

    There seems to be no deterrent to stop this happening, or do the perpetrators think they can get away with it?

    Perpetrators always think they can get away with it; if they thought they were going to get caught, they wouldn't do it.

    That's why (sadly) harsh sentences don't act as much of a deterrent.
    The casual attitude towards using violence is truly shocking - as a society we seem too accepting of it.

    you only have to watch kids computer games to see where it comes from.
    Rubbish. I've played various violent computer games over the years and it hasn't made me think "oh it would be cool to whack a prostitute with baseball bat in real life and steal her money."
    ive never played violent computer games but i regularly think that, it helps me "get there"
  • Am I reading that the perpetrator let off a full clip and didn't hit him with one shot?

    R.I.P DP. Tragic that someone lost his life over such a materialistic thing
  • edited July 2017
    PopIcon said:

    I find the video game argument ridiculous! I was massive fan of California Games back in the 90s, but at no point in my life did I think "I need to go get a hacky sack".
    Blame the parents, blame society, blame the once popular TV programme the Bill, but don't ever blame California Games.

    What about the boogie ?

  • It is broken in the respect that a young man can have his neck cut in a relatively safe neighbourhood or that 6 young men can be killed in Enfield within a month to 6 weeks
    Or that 5 people can be sprayed with acid over a time period of 90 mins

    Things in London ain't exactly great right now

    Which is probably why London isnt full of 'Londoners' any more - most have sold up and gone to somewhere a bit safer.
  • It is broken in the respect that a young man can have his neck cut in a relatively safe neighbourhood or that 6 young men can be killed in Enfield within a month to 6 weeks
    Or that 5 people can be sprayed with acid over a time period of 90 mins

    Things in London ain't exactly great right now

    Which is probably why London isnt full of 'Londoners' any more - most have sold up and gone to somewhere a bit safer.
    Ironically london's probably safer than it's ever been. Although I think violent crime has gone back up to, wait for it because it's terrifying. 2010 levels. That's right, that terrifyingly violent year of 2010
  • It is broken in the respect that a young man can have his neck cut in a relatively safe neighbourhood or that 6 young men can be killed in Enfield within a month to 6 weeks
    Or that 5 people can be sprayed with acid over a time period of 90 mins

    Things in London ain't exactly great right now

    Which is probably why London isnt full of 'Londoners' any more - most have sold up and gone to somewhere a bit safer.
    I agree that London has become more aggressive and dangerous but 'Londoners' fleeing the city has far more to do with unaffordable house prices than fears about violence.
  • Sitting outside a pub in Greenwich having just walked past the growing shrine next to the doorstep where he died. Heartrending to read some of the tributes and looking at the photos. Several Chelsea scarves tied to the railings with tributes from his football mates. When I first heard about this I assumed it was some kind of incident between gangs. To realise it was an innocent bloke out with his mates on a Friday night in Greenwich walking the same streets and at the same time as myself and SHG have done many many times over the last 17 odd years is very disturbing.a
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