In light of my recent post "Am I being unreasonable?"
It's intersesting to see opinion divided and why I posted.
I clearly felt I was being reasonable but and I'm not using this as an exscuse, my mind isn't always a good barometer of my thinking.
I think when one is personally involved perhaps the point of the issue often gets lost and as some suggested, it becomes a matter of principle,and then who is the most stubborn?
I guess backing down can seem like a defeat, but often to ensure a stress free life better to concede and move on, maybe?
I've always thought of myself as a reasonable / considerate person but obviously not in some people's eyes and it's good to have the other point of view but that doesn't necessarily mean that the other is right either.
I think I'm a law abiding citizen? But do I break laws that I think are outdated or irrational? I can't particularly think of anything but I'm sure I do consciously or unconsciously.
I suppose a good example, of others doing it their way, are cyclists who move through red lights. I'm not wishing to make that the point of this post. In fact as I type, two cyclists have gone by, cycling on a, "No Cycling" footpath, clearly signposted.
Or do you ever drop litter, stub your cigarette out on the pavement (isn't that now against the law?)
So to be someone of principle or high morals but bend the rules when it concerns ourselves, is surely hypocritical?
How reasonable / considerate do you consider yourself and why do you perhaps ignore rules / convention?
To add, do you break the rules to suit yourself but expect others not too and be honest?
People just stopping when they're walking in front of you
People not moving down the train or train platform so there are bottlenecks
People spending an eternity just pondering at a supermarket aisle
I just use these to highlight some examples of consideration
I picked up on this when I started doing mindfulness. Are people actually aware of what the fuck is going on around them.
It's a real skill just to be aware to listen. Same could be said of here. Are people aware and mindful of what they actually write as they type it. Not got anyone in mind personally, and I include myself. Sometimes we get so carried away in wanting to make our points, but it could be interpreted very differently.
I'm not saying we procrastinate and never write anything, I'm just highlighting it's a difficult skill to manage. To be aware, to be considerate
Sometimes I'm aware, other times I'm not.
Since then, I have realised I am, in fact, a complete bastard.
i.e. If I've held the door open for someone five minutes ago, if I dont get a thank you or response then I'm unlikely to bother for the next person
In majority of cases I do try and be considerate with others have a laid back attitude to an observer I can look a bit of a push over (I rarely like confrontation) yet thats because I'm not actually bothered about doing something and will happily go along with something - If on the other hand I dont want to do something I'll really dig my heels in
I have my own moral code, which I think is reasonable, and a lot of rules are made, quite justifiably, to keep people whose own moral code is deficient behaving in a civilised way. But I don't think I need to be told what to do because I'm not a c**t by nature. Though I do possibly swear a bit too much.
Road signs often appear to be a case in point? Often I don't get why a road is no entry, no right or left turn but then I'm not a planner and not behind the thinking of it.
I do sometimes park illegally, when I can't find a parking space and only nipping into the shops but then moan like fuck when I find a ticket on my return but no ones fault but mine, even if my parking seems not to be obstructing anything.
Is it just a case of, if we can get away with it we will but moan when others do it?
Internet brings out some of the worst of me.
However, even though I am a stickler for the rules I have been known to watch the odd football match on a channel that I don't subscribe to, personally. So I am a hypocrite as well as a coward - what a great combination eh?
One thing I would add is people who think it's fine to push in at the escalators on tubes in order to beat the queue of people. I would happily punch someone in the face who does that, also people who try and get on the tube before people get off. Again, there is a special layer in hell for them. Basically anyone that thinks that the rules apply to anyone but them make me lose it.
A lot of people in our society have never been corrected, and they need correcting.
As for bending rules for myself, apart from as rabbies above mentioned, speeding, never. Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
Other than that I would do anything to avoid a confrontation.
A lot of people in our society have never been corrected, and they need correcting.
This wasn't you?