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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • Michel Barnier said the EU is prepared to offer Britain a unique Brexit deal.

    The EU's chief Brexit negotiator said the EU is prepared to offer a deal but would not permit anything that weakened the single market.

    Mr Barnier said in a press conference this afternoon: "We are prepared to offer Britain a partnership such as there never has been with any other third country,

    "We respect Britain's red lines scrupulously. In return, they must respect what we are," he said. "Single market means single market ... There is no single market a la carte."

    The announcement sparked a jump in the value of the pound.

    It leapt almost 1% versus the dollar and euro to touch 1.300, a three-week high, and 1.111 respectively.

    Just a co-incidence, currency has always fluctuated - ask any quitter... :wink:
    A pretty pathetic leap. Not exactly going to have regular euro purchasers dancing in the streets!

    Mind you I haven't got anyone on the inside on these matters, like some on here :wink:
  • I have no idea what this deal is, but I’m pretty certain we should take it.
  • Attention, @i_b_b_o_r_g (and indeed Sir Nigel Lawson, although i expect he's got a big private plan with a helicopter evauation, etc):

  • Attention, @i_b_b_o_r_g (and indeed Sir Nigel Lawson, although i expect he's got a big private plan with a helicopter evauation, etc):

    This is assuming a no deal Brexit - in which case French citizens in the UK will suffer the same fate.
  • bobmunro said:

    Attention, @i_b_b_o_r_g (and indeed Sir Nigel Lawson, although i expect he's got a big private plan with a helicopter evauation, etc):

    This is assuming a no deal Brexit - in which case French citizens in the UK will suffer the same fate.
    Not if they are hard working immigrants paying their NI. The NHS is residence-based, not citizenship based. I am of course sure that @i_b_b_o_r_g too is a hard working immigrant, just want him to be sure he's got his affairs in order.
  • The Connexion? = read by middle class expats who form bowls clubs in the Dordogne and moan about the shit exchange rate they get when they transfer their fat pensions over.
  • bobmunro said:

    Attention, @i_b_b_o_r_g (and indeed Sir Nigel Lawson, although i expect he's got a big private plan with a helicopter evauation, etc):

    This is assuming a no deal Brexit - in which case French citizens in the UK will suffer the same fate.
    Not if they are hard working immigrants paying their NI. The NHS is residence-based, not citizenship based. I am of course sure that @i_b_b_o_r_g too is a hard working immigrant, just want him to be sure he's got his affairs in order.
    I should have said French pensioners so as to compare apples with apples.

    It's all up for grabs if we crash out with no deal. Pretty irrelevant anyway as the NHS will grind to a halt without EU workers.
  • @Grapevine49

    I do hope that it was not my post which triggered your response (possibly the reference to Lawson), because I am 100% on your side. My comment was (many times) sparked by those Brits who have taken advantage of EU membership to build their lives in another EU country (I am one of course) but who then rabidly support Brexit, thus denying that possibility to future generations of Brits. Lawson of course won't care about the scenario you describe. But I always live in hope, and my hope now is that as "ordinary" Brits living in the EU come face to face with what it actually means, some of those may realise the towering absurdity (hypocrisy, there, I said it) of their position, reverse it, and shre their change of position with their families and friends, including their CL friends.
  • There are none so blind as those that will not see.

    There are tens of thousands of British Pensioners in France on far from fat pensions. Such labelling is deeply offensive.

    Many moved to France to avoid the exorbitant house prices of the UK and have built lives in France. They spent their working lives paying into the National Health Service which is recognised by the current Carte Vitale service managed through the UK Social Security Department in Newcastle.

    Without health care many will simply not be able to stay in France. Where do you suggest they go? They will not be able to afford to return to the UK. They will have no immediate access to even the most rudimentary health care.

    The idea that they will be able to afford private cover will not apply because no insurance company will cover many of their existing ailments. Whatever cover will be available for people in their 60's & 70s will be exorbitantly expensive.

    This is what happens when you ignore the details.

    The headlines themselves will cause significant stress and concern for many who are already receiving regular often life preserving treatment for their ailments today.

    My wife received 3yrs treatment for kidney cancer before passing in 2015. I cannot imagine what my reaction would have been had she still be receiving treatment.

    It is the second blow for such a group of people following the possibility of losing access to pension annuity payments due the UK leaving the EU regulatory deposit governance.

    The UK has had 2 yrs to sort this out. These are simple basic principles of human life which could have been guaranteed in a heartbeat. Now 6 months before the due date they are threatened with complete turmoil.

    Don't worry it won't happen there will be a deal no longer stands scrutiny.

    Quite literally lives could depend on it. It only needs one CPAM region to block access to health cover and chaos will ensue. People will simply not go to the doctor or hospitals for fear of incurring huge bills that will potentially bankrupt them.

    Anybody familiar with the bureaucracy in France will know it takes 6 months to get anything done.

    Those in France and across Europe have received nothing but platitudes from the UK Authorities regarding their ability to stay living their lives as they were once apparently free to do.

    I realise there are very many that have long suffered Brexit overload and now really do not give a shit. Some probably did not give a shit in the first place but ridiculous categorisations of those affected serve no one.

    Ladies and gentlemen for some the rubber just hit the road.

    I'm sure their bowls clubs will look after them.
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  • @Grapevine49

    I do hope that it was not my post which triggered your response (possibly the reference to Lawson), because I am 100% on your side. My comment was (many times) sparked by those Brits who have taken advantage of EU membership to build their lives in another EU country (I am one of course) but who then rabidly support Brexit, thus denying that possibility to future generations of Brits. Lawson of course won't care about the scenario you describe. But I always live in hope, and my hope now is that as "ordinary" Brits living in the EU come face to face with what it actually means, some of those may realise the towering absurdity (hypocrisy, there, I said it) of their position, reverse it, and shre their change of position with their families and friends, including their CL friends.

    Why did you tag me in this thread ffs.

    Please don't do it again

    Based on previous remarks you have made on Charlton Life, of course.

    Funny question...
  • Coz as soon as the UK leaves the EU, British people will be completely prohibited from moving to France, or any EU country, and that was the main catalyst for a large proportion of the Leave voters, voting the way they did. Their votes were purely based on hatred and making other's lives as hard as possible

  • @Grapevine49

    I do hope that it was not my post which triggered your response (possibly the reference to Lawson), because I am 100% on your side. My comment was (many times) sparked by those Brits who have taken advantage of EU membership to build their lives in another EU country (I am one of course) but who then rabidly support Brexit, thus denying that possibility to future generations of Brits. Lawson of course won't care about the scenario you describe. But I always live in hope, and my hope now is that as "ordinary" Brits living in the EU come face to face with what it actually means, some of those may realise the towering absurdity (hypocrisy, there, I said it) of their position, reverse it, and shre their change of position with their families and friends, including their CL friends.

    Why did you tag me in this thread ffs.

    Please don't do it again

    Based on previous remarks you have made on Charlton Life, of course.

    Funny question...
    I've not been on this thread for months
  • Michel Barnier said the EU is prepared to offer Britain a unique Brexit deal.

    The EU's chief Brexit negotiator said the EU is prepared to offer a deal but would not permit anything that weakened the single market.

    Mr Barnier said in a press conference this afternoon: "We are prepared to offer Britain a partnership such as there never has been with any other third country,

    "We respect Britain's red lines scrupulously. In return, they must respect what we are," he said. "Single market means single market ... There is no single market a la carte."

    The announcement sparked a jump in the value of the pound.

    It leapt almost 1% versus the dollar and euro to touch 1.300, a three-week high, and 1.111 respectively.

    Just a co-incidence, currency has always fluctuated - ask any PATRIOT... :wink:
  • London’s new Crossrail underground line is to open in autumn 2019 - nine months after its scheduled launch.

    Transport for London (TfL) said more time is needed.

    Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said millions "believe that in future, summer time should be year-round, and that's what will happen".

    That's it then no Crossrail ever under the EU, just leave now, get out, run away, fuck off.

  • London’s new Crossrail underground line is to open in autumn 2019 - nine months after its scheduled launch.

    Transport for London (TfL) said more time is needed.

    Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said millions "believe that in future, summer time should be year-round, and that's what will happen".

    That's it then no Crossrail ever under the EU, just leave now, get out, run away, fuck off.

    I'm assuming you're linking this to today's news that the EU are going to have a vote on a proposal put forward from Finland that BST should last all year round & scrap the Spring / Autumn 1 hour changes.

    One of the proposals is that individual member states can keep the GMT/BST changes but the EU would ideally want all 28 (although will be 27 as the vote is likely to be post March next year) to adopt the policy so there is "harmonisation".

    I can understand some countries wanting to scrap GMT & others not wanting too - and this is the problem with "Europe" trying to be as one. Finland is in a completely different metrological position to say Portugal or some Eastern European countries. There is no "one size fits all" and is the main reason why I voted to Leave.

  • No mate just cut and pasted two bits of text together but thanks for taking the time to think about it. Personally I was just really impressed when my phone changed time itself from UK to France on the ferry the other day.
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  • edited August 2018

    London’s new Crossrail underground line is to open in autumn 2019 - nine months after its scheduled launch.

    Transport for London (TfL) said more time is needed.

    Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said millions "believe that in future, summer time should be year-round, and that's what will happen".

    That's it then no Crossrail ever under the EU, just leave now, get out, run away, fuck off.

    I'm assuming you're linking this to today's news that the EU are going to have a vote on a proposal put forward from Finland that BST should last all year round & scrap the Spring / Autumn 1 hour changes.

    One of the proposals is that individual member states can keep the GMT/BST changes but the EU would ideally want all 28 (although will be 27 as the vote is likely to be post March next year) to adopt the policy so there is "harmonisation".

    I can understand some countries wanting to scrap GMT & others not wanting too - and this is the problem with "Europe" trying to be as one. Finland is in a completely different metrological position to say Portugal or some Eastern European countries. There is no "one size fits all" and is the main reason why I voted to Leave.

    What? I don’t think the EU is suggesting that we scrap different time zones - Finland and Portugal will continue to be a couple of hours apart. They are suggesting that daylight savings are abolished because the envisaged benefits (savings in energy consumption and fewer traffic accidents) have not been realised and there is now medical evidence that it is detrimental to health.
  • London’s new Crossrail underground line is to open in autumn 2019 - nine months after its scheduled launch.

    Transport for London (TfL) said more time is needed.

    Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said millions "believe that in future, summer time should be year-round, and that's what will happen".

    That's it then no Crossrail ever under the EU, just leave now, get out, run away, fuck off.

    I'm assuming you're linking this to today's news that the EU are going to have a vote on a proposal put forward from Finland that BST should last all year round & scrap the Spring / Autumn 1 hour changes.

    One of the proposals is that individual member states can keep the GMT/BST changes but the EU would ideally want all 28 (although will be 27 as the vote is likely to be post March next year) to adopt the policy so there is "harmonisation".

    I can understand some countries wanting to scrap GMT & others not wanting too - and this is the problem with "Europe" trying to be as one. Finland is in a completely different metrological position to say Portugal or some Eastern European countries. There is no "one size fits all" and is the main reason why I voted to Leave.

    Hi @golfaddick welcome back.

    As you think we should "simply" leave the EU, what's your solution to the Irish border? "Simply" leaving the EU, without a deal, would mean we are (pretty much) the only country in the world without a trade deal with anyone. And if we were to patch up that hole by means of reliance on WTO as a trading bloc, we would need to demonstrate that our customs border (ie, the border between Northern Ireland (the UK) and the EU) is controlled. It's not now and it's impossible to set up control within the seven months remaining.

    So, what's your solution to the Irish border, in the event that we did as you suggest and "simply leave"?
  • Antisemitism? No, Frank Field jumped before he was pushed

    Don't usually agree with anything Owen Jones writes but he nails it here. Scummy Labour Brexit politician cynically using the the myth of Labour anti-Semitism to justify his actions when he knows his Brexit views and vote to keep the Tories in power disgusts the vast majority of Labour supporters.
  • edited August 2018

    Hi @golfaddick welcome back.

    As you think we should "simply" leave the EU, what's your solution to the Irish border? "Simply" leaving the EU, without a deal, would mean we are (pretty much) the only country in the world without a trade deal with anyone. And if we were to patch up that hole by means of reliance on WTO as a trading bloc, we would need to demonstrate that our customs border (ie, the border between Northern Ireland (the UK) and the EU) is controlled. It's not now and it's impossible to set up control within the seven months remaining.

    So, what's your solution to the Irish border, in the event that we did as you suggest and "simply leave"?

    Well partition has been shite so the only way is reunification with dominion status under the control of a Governor General. Rees Mogg will do.
  • se9addick said:

    London’s new Crossrail underground line is to open in autumn 2019 - nine months after its scheduled launch.

    Transport for London (TfL) said more time is needed.

    Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said millions "believe that in future, summer time should be year-round, and that's what will happen".

    That's it then no Crossrail ever under the EU, just leave now, get out, run away, fuck off.

    I'm assuming you're linking this to today's news that the EU are going to have a vote on a proposal put forward from Finland that BST should last all year round & scrap the Spring / Autumn 1 hour changes.

    One of the proposals is that individual member states can keep the GMT/BST changes but the EU would ideally want all 28 (although will be 27 as the vote is likely to be post March next year) to adopt the policy so there is "harmonisation".

    I can understand some countries wanting to scrap GMT & others not wanting too - and this is the problem with "Europe" trying to be as one. Finland is in a completely different metrological position to say Portugal or some Eastern European countries. There is no "one size fits all" and is the main reason why I voted to Leave.

    What? I don’t think the EU is suggesting that we scrap different time zones - Finland and Portugal will continue to be a couple of hours apart. They are suggesting that daylight savings are abolished because the envisaged benefits (savings in energy consumption and fewer traffic accidents) have not been realised and there is now medical evidence that it is detrimental to health.
    What? Really? The clocks changing by an hour twice a year is bad for our health? How?
  • Chizz said:

    London’s new Crossrail underground line is to open in autumn 2019 - nine months after its scheduled launch.

    Transport for London (TfL) said more time is needed.

    Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said millions "believe that in future, summer time should be year-round, and that's what will happen".

    That's it then no Crossrail ever under the EU, just leave now, get out, run away, fuck off.

    I'm assuming you're linking this to today's news that the EU are going to have a vote on a proposal put forward from Finland that BST should last all year round & scrap the Spring / Autumn 1 hour changes.

    One of the proposals is that individual member states can keep the GMT/BST changes but the EU would ideally want all 28 (although will be 27 as the vote is likely to be post March next year) to adopt the policy so there is "harmonisation".

    I can understand some countries wanting to scrap GMT & others not wanting too - and this is the problem with "Europe" trying to be as one. Finland is in a completely different metrological position to say Portugal or some Eastern European countries. There is no "one size fits all" and is the main reason why I voted to Leave.

    Hi @golfaddick welcome back.

    As you think we should "simply" leave the EU, what's your solution to the Irish border? "Simply" leaving the EU, without a deal, would mean we are (pretty much) the only country in the world without a trade deal with anyone. And if we were to patch up that hole by means of reliance on WTO as a trading bloc, we would need to demonstrate that our customs border (ie, the border between Northern Ireland (the UK) and the EU) is controlled. It's not now and it's impossible to set up control within the seven months remaining.

    So, what's your solution to the Irish border, in the event that we did as you suggest and "simply leave"?
    No idea. not my problem. The Government "simply" asked me whether I wanted to stay in the EU or not. I said I'd rather we were outside of the EU. Up to politicians on all sides to work out how its done. I had assumed that before they asked the question that they had the answer on how it would be done. Silly me.

    I am now of the persuasion that it would be easier to stay in. Not that I want to mind, just that it would be easier than leaving. Not better in my mind, just easier. Then the Government can get on with governing the country & not arguing with everyone about an issue that HAS no answer.

    However, I wont EVER believe in anything a politician ever says again. Wont vote for anyone - will just spoil my ballot paper.
  • Chizz said:

    London’s new Crossrail underground line is to open in autumn 2019 - nine months after its scheduled launch.

    Transport for London (TfL) said more time is needed.

    Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said millions "believe that in future, summer time should be year-round, and that's what will happen".

    That's it then no Crossrail ever under the EU, just leave now, get out, run away, fuck off.

    I'm assuming you're linking this to today's news that the EU are going to have a vote on a proposal put forward from Finland that BST should last all year round & scrap the Spring / Autumn 1 hour changes.

    One of the proposals is that individual member states can keep the GMT/BST changes but the EU would ideally want all 28 (although will be 27 as the vote is likely to be post March next year) to adopt the policy so there is "harmonisation".

    I can understand some countries wanting to scrap GMT & others not wanting too - and this is the problem with "Europe" trying to be as one. Finland is in a completely different metrological position to say Portugal or some Eastern European countries. There is no "one size fits all" and is the main reason why I voted to Leave.

    Hi @golfaddick welcome back.

    As you think we should "simply" leave the EU, what's your solution to the Irish border? "Simply" leaving the EU, without a deal, would mean we are (pretty much) the only country in the world without a trade deal with anyone. And if we were to patch up that hole by means of reliance on WTO as a trading bloc, we would need to demonstrate that our customs border (ie, the border between Northern Ireland (the UK) and the EU) is controlled. It's not now and it's impossible to set up control within the seven months remaining.

    So, what's your solution to the Irish border, in the event that we did as you suggest and "simply leave"?
    No idea. not my problem. The Government "simply" asked me whether I wanted to stay in the EU or not. I said I'd rather we were outside of the EU. Up to politicians on all sides to work out how its done. I had assumed that before they asked the question that they had the answer on how it would be done. Silly me.

    I am now of the persuasion that it would be easier to stay in. Not that I want to mind, just that it would be easier than leaving. Not better in my mind, just easier. Then the Government can get on with governing the country & not arguing with everyone about an issue that HAS no answer.

    However, I wont EVER believe in anything a politician ever says again. Wont vote for anyone - will just spoil my ballot paper.
    No idea?
    Are you saying you didn't know what you were voting for?
    Or did you know some bits, but not all bits?
    Or did you think the bits you had no idea about, somebody else would have an idea about them?
    Possibly you are saying that you had no idea about bits of what has to be done, so that is why you have no idea about solving them, because you didn't know they existed.

  • Hi @golfaddick welcome back.

    As you think we should "simply" leave the EU, what's your solution to the Irish border? "Simply" leaving the EU, without a deal, would mean we are (pretty much) the only country in the world without a trade deal with anyone. And if we were to patch up that hole by means of reliance on WTO as a trading bloc, we would need to demonstrate that our customs border (ie, the border between Northern Ireland (the UK) and the EU) is controlled. It's not now and it's impossible to set up control within the seven months remaining.

    So, what's your solution to the Irish border, in the event that we did as you suggest and "simply leave"?

    Well partition has been shite so the only way is reunification with dominion status under the control of a Governor General. Rees Mogg will do.
    I assume you are taking the absolute piss here right?

  • cafcpolo said:

    se9addick said:

    London’s new Crossrail underground line is to open in autumn 2019 - nine months after its scheduled launch.

    Transport for London (TfL) said more time is needed.

    Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said millions "believe that in future, summer time should be year-round, and that's what will happen".

    That's it then no Crossrail ever under the EU, just leave now, get out, run away, fuck off.

    I'm assuming you're linking this to today's news that the EU are going to have a vote on a proposal put forward from Finland that BST should last all year round & scrap the Spring / Autumn 1 hour changes.

    One of the proposals is that individual member states can keep the GMT/BST changes but the EU would ideally want all 28 (although will be 27 as the vote is likely to be post March next year) to adopt the policy so there is "harmonisation".

    I can understand some countries wanting to scrap GMT & others not wanting too - and this is the problem with "Europe" trying to be as one. Finland is in a completely different metrological position to say Portugal or some Eastern European countries. There is no "one size fits all" and is the main reason why I voted to Leave.

    What? I don’t think the EU is suggesting that we scrap different time zones - Finland and Portugal will continue to be a couple of hours apart. They are suggesting that daylight savings are abolished because the envisaged benefits (savings in energy consumption and fewer traffic accidents) have not been realised and there is now medical evidence that it is detrimental to health.
    What? Really? The clocks changing by an hour twice a year is bad for our health? How?
    I have no idea - I’m not suggesting that it is (“they are suggesting...”).
This discussion has been closed.

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