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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • edited September 2018
    The UK gets it's knickers in a twist as it dawns on them that the EU is being the EU.
  • Here's another link for Chippy et al to ignore...

    On the day that May is trying to convince the EU that we can be trusted to maintain the integrity of food standards and safety within the SM it comes out that one of her ministers is meeting privately with the US and making plans to use his executive powers to open up the UK market to the sort of low grade crappy, unsafe products that are currently banned.

  • Here's another link for Chippy et al to ignore...

    On the day that May is trying to convince the EU that we can be trusted to maintain the integrity of food standards and safety within the SM it comes out that one of her ministers is meeting privately with the US and making plans to use his executive powers to open up the UK market to the sort of low grade crappy, unsafe products that are currently banned.

    We've been eating McDonald's for donkeys years
  • Chlorinated McDonalds?
  • I've got an idea that is well out there IF it does happen. No idea where it came from, just popped into my head out of no-where. Sit down and brace yourself...

    Maybe...……...You just don't eat it?

    If it's too risky, because no doubt we'll have no idea if the chicken is chlorinated then best go here...

  • cafcpolo said:

    I've got an idea that is well out there IF it does happen. No idea where it came from, just popped into my head out of no-where. Sit down and brace yourself...

    Maybe...……...You just don't eat it?

    If it's too risky, because no doubt we'll have no idea if the chicken is chlorinated then best go here...

    I don't know why anyone would want to eat vegans instead of chicken...

    A bit too stringy for my taste.
  • cafcpolo said:

    I've got an idea that is well out there IF it does happen. No idea where it came from, just popped into my head out of no-where. Sit down and brace yourself...

    Maybe...……...You just don't eat it?

    If it's too risky, because no doubt we'll have no idea if the chicken is chlorinated then best go here...

    I don't know why anyone would want to eat vegans instead of chicken...

    A bit too stringy for my taste.
    Proper made me LOL that. They'd be bloody nutritious though!
  • cafcpolo said:

    cafcpolo said:

    I've got an idea that is well out there IF it does happen. No idea where it came from, just popped into my head out of no-where. Sit down and brace yourself...

    Maybe...……...You just don't eat it?

    If it's too risky, because no doubt we'll have no idea if the chicken is chlorinated then best go here...

    I don't know why anyone would want to eat vegans instead of chicken...

    A bit too stringy for my taste.
    Proper made me LOL that. They'd be bloody nutritious though!
    Grass fed
  • edited September 2018
    cafcpolo said:

    I've got an idea that is well out there IF it does happen. No idea where it came from, just popped into my head out of no-where. Sit down and brace yourself...

    Maybe...……...You just don't eat it?

    If it's too risky, because no doubt we'll have no idea if the chicken is chlorinated then best go here...

    I'm not sure you see my point.

    Post Brexit, whether we are happy to eat products made with GM crops, chlorinated chicken, banned additives or whatever, the EU does not give a monkeys. We can do what we like with the health of our own population. It does care if those products are imported across a (fictional) "frictionless" border. So either we accept border controls and inspections on our exports into the EU or we tell the US where to poke their parmesan in a can. You cannot have both and this is what May is still trying and failing to sell to the EU27. Because they are not idiots and know how the Single Market works.

    As I'm in the mood for a spot of Googling here's an article showing some of the differences between EU and US food standards...


  • clb74 said:

    Here's another link for Chippy et al to ignore...

    On the day that May is trying to convince the EU that we can be trusted to maintain the integrity of food standards and safety within the SM it comes out that one of her ministers is meeting privately with the US and making plans to use his executive powers to open up the UK market to the sort of low grade crappy, unsafe products that are currently banned.

    We've been eating McDonald's for donkeys years
    Indeed and all their other crap but hey ho,,,selective memories,,,at least it didn't talk about job losses they have lost that argument here now.
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  • seth plum said:

    The UK gets it's knickers in a twist as it dawns on them that the EU is being the EU.

    Thats exactly why the good people of this country voted OUT.
  • On the minor matter of American foodstuffs.
    They describe sweets as 'candy'. Oh my brief visit there you couldn't get any decent sweets and certainly chocolate (and certainly certainly cheese!) for love nor money.
    Hershey bars?
    New York one of the great cities of the planet, avocado is brilliant and plentiful though, but if brexit means American 'candy' as opposed to Belgian chocolate then we're all f**ked.
  • seth plum said:

    On the minor matter of American foodstuffs.
    They describe sweets as 'candy'. Oh my brief visit there you couldn't get any decent sweets and certainly chocolate (and certainly certainly cheese!) for love nor money.
    Hershey bars?
    New York one of the great cities of the planet, avocado is brilliant and plentiful though, but if brexit means American 'candy' as opposed to Belgian chocolate then we're all f**ked.

    You know the company that owns Cadburys is American right?
  • One day a section of the Leave Elite will get this

  • cafcpolo said:

    seth plum said:

    On the minor matter of American foodstuffs.
    They describe sweets as 'candy'. Oh my brief visit there you couldn't get any decent sweets and certainly chocolate (and certainly certainly cheese!) for love nor money.
    Hershey bars?
    New York one of the great cities of the planet, avocado is brilliant and plentiful though, but if brexit means American 'candy' as opposed to Belgian chocolate then we're all f**ked.

    You know the company that owns Cadburys is American right?
    Traitors to their own people then. I couldn't find a fruit and nut in NYC!
  • seth plum said:

    cafcpolo said:

    seth plum said:

    On the minor matter of American foodstuffs.
    They describe sweets as 'candy'. Oh my brief visit there you couldn't get any decent sweets and certainly chocolate (and certainly certainly cheese!) for love nor money.
    Hershey bars?
    New York one of the great cities of the planet, avocado is brilliant and plentiful though, but if brexit means American 'candy' as opposed to Belgian chocolate then we're all f**ked.

    You know the company that owns Cadburys is American right?
    Traitors to their own people then. I couldn't find a fruit and nut in NYC!
    There is plenty here.
  • Fruit and Nuts I mean, just in case anyone thought I was calling you traitors.
  • cafcpolo said:

    I've got an idea that is well out there IF it does happen. No idea where it came from, just popped into my head out of no-where. Sit down and brace yourself...

    Maybe...……...You just don't eat it?

    If it's too risky, because no doubt we'll have no idea if the chicken is chlorinated then best go here...

    I'm not sure you see my point.

    Post Brexit, whether we are happy to eat products made with GM crops, chlorinated chicken, banned additives or whatever, the EU does not give a monkeys. We can do what we like with the health of our own population. It does care if those products are imported across a (fictional) "frictionless" border. So either we accept border controls and inspections on our exports into the EU or we tell the US where to poke their parmesan in a can. You cannot have both and this is what May is still trying and failing to sell to the EU27. Because they are not idiots and know how the Single Market works.

    As I'm in the mood for a spot of Googling here's an article showing some of the differences between EU and US food standards...


    Yep, apologies, missed your point!

    Must be an American site as that graph has to state the obvious! Check : Beef hormones - Example food? Beef!
  • Theresa May set to deliver a statement from Downing Street at 1.45.

    No Deal?
    Giving us lessons in dancing?

    Who knows.
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  • Huskaris said:

    Theresa May set to deliver a statement from Downing Street at 1.45.

    No Deal?
    Giving us lessons in dancing?

    Who knows.

    She’s going to reiterate and reinforce her commitment to Chequers and refuse to blink.

  • cafcpolo said:

    cafcpolo said:

    I've got an idea that is well out there IF it does happen. No idea where it came from, just popped into my head out of no-where. Sit down and brace yourself...

    Maybe...……...You just don't eat it?

    If it's too risky, because no doubt we'll have no idea if the chicken is chlorinated then best go here...

    I'm not sure you see my point.

    Post Brexit, whether we are happy to eat products made with GM crops, chlorinated chicken, banned additives or whatever, the EU does not give a monkeys. We can do what we like with the health of our own population. It does care if those products are imported across a (fictional) "frictionless" border. So either we accept border controls and inspections on our exports into the EU or we tell the US where to poke their parmesan in a can. You cannot have both and this is what May is still trying and failing to sell to the EU27. Because they are not idiots and know how the Single Market works.

    As I'm in the mood for a spot of Googling here's an article showing some of the differences between EU and US food standards...


    Yep, apologies, missed your point!

    Must be an American site as that graph has to state the obvious! Check : Beef hormones - Example food? Beef!
    Lol. True enough, not the greatest example to give.
  • Huskaris said:

    Theresa May set to deliver a statement from Downing Street at 1.45.

    No Deal?
    Giving us lessons in dancing?

    Who knows.

    Announcing how well everything is going and that RMS Chequers "Deal" sails serenely on, last night's head-on collison with the EU iceberg was merely a glancing blow (not even a flesh wound) and really of no importance, in fact, it's a positive, with chilled drinks all round.
  • Huskaris said:

    Theresa May set to deliver a statement from Downing Street at 1.45.

    No Deal?
    Giving us lessons in dancing?

    Who knows.

    She’s going to reiterate and reinforce her commitment to Chequers and refuse to blink.

    That's exactly what she will do.

    I then expect her to get a rough ride at the Tory conference which will result in a leadership challenge.

    Chequers is dead and buried but she can't see it.
  • edited September 2018
    clb74 said:

    Here's another link for Chippy et al to ignore...

    On the day that May is trying to convince the EU that we can be trusted to maintain the integrity of food standards and safety within the SM it comes out that one of her ministers is meeting privately with the US and making plans to use his executive powers to open up the UK market to the sort of low grade crappy, unsafe products that are currently banned.

    We've been eating McDonald's for donkeys years
    Let me fix that for you - We've been eating McDonald's Donkeys for years!!
  • Huskaris said:

    Theresa May set to deliver a statement from Downing Street at 1.45.

    No Deal?
    Giving us lessons in dancing?

    Who knows.

    Announcing how well everything is going and that RMS Chequers "Deal" sails serenely on, last night's head-on collison with the EU iceberg was merely a glancing blow (not even a flesh wound) and really of no importance, in fact, it's a positive, with chilled drinks all round.
    Exactly! She reminds me of Monty Python's Black Knight: " Alright, we'll call it a draw".
  • Getting ready to watch May on BBC news....this'll be interesting, as I guess she will say its all the EU's fault and they should move their stance and if not we will have No deal. She and the Tories quite clearly dont understand we have told them we are leaving....the EU are saying OK off you go, but what we are not going to do is give you a special deal....why should they? We are one, they are 27, they have more customers than us and more money. Its a case of wanting our cake and eating it...thinking the EU would roll over, now its seen they are not (rolling over) we are on our reap what you sow!!

    Did the people of the UK vote for a 'no deal'? I don't think so, as with all commentators we will be worse off, at least in the short to medium term.
  • On rolling news:

    Have the lights gone out on Theresa May's Chequers plan? Quite literally, perhaps. Sky News are reporting there is no power in the room where the prime minister is due to give her statement in the next few minutes
  • Stig said:

    'Euro Mobsters'. That's precisely the sort of unfounded shit that has been drip fed into people's brains for decades. No wonder people fell for it and voted for this fiasco.

    To be fair, it looked more like a meeting of Spectre
  • Southbank said:

    Stig said:

    'Euro Mobsters'. That's precisely the sort of unfounded shit that has been drip fed into people's brains for decades. No wonder people fell for it and voted for this fiasco.

    To be fair, it looked more like a meeting of Spectre Specsavers
    Fixed that for you...
This discussion has been closed.

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