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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • edited September 2018

    Think I heard there were 134 motions on Brexit that might be composited. Many will be so similar that compositing will be straightforward. There will however undoubtedly be some that just won’t fit into the process. Will they get conference time ? My guess is that anything that would be too prescriptive for the leadership will be sidelined. I’ve sat on a dozen or more compositing boards at many TU conferences. I’m willing to bet there will be an awful lot of very unhappy constituency movers. I’m really looking forward to what is televised of the LPC.

    The point is that Starmer was in the room and he is the shadow Brexit Secretary. Here's a tweet with the full text of a single composite motion (cannot confirm that it's correct/complete)

    So "No" to a " No deal", "No" to deregulation, "No" to a Tory Brexit against the rights and wages of workers... and "Yes" to the single market... "Yes" to the GFA and reaffirmed support for peace as well as "No" to "magical thinking" on the Irish border.

    And the priority is to push for an election should (when!) May fails to deliver. And if an election cannot be secured then support options including a people's vote.

    We can leave Labour, the media and posters on here to spin in whichever way they see fit. The Express already screaming "betrayal by middle class metropolitan elite". And that was before the composite was released!
    There's an awful lot of those who have been beguiled by their own interpretations of what a Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party wanted regarding Brexit who will be feeling at least a little put out. I have a feeling that the high water mark for him among pro-EU voters has passed.

    P.S. That final paragraph is just fundamentally bollocks (it reminds me of those happy days in the early 1980s, watching the Labour Conference on BBC 2, because it was so much more appealing than Latin homework (I have come to regret some of the more shite decisions that I have made in my life, and those that led me to being crap at Latin are right up there - I think there will be a lot of festival goers, etc. feeling much the same soon).
  • Think I heard there were 134 motions on Brexit that might be composited. Many will be so similar that compositing will be straightforward. There will however undoubtedly be some that just won’t fit into the process. Will they get conference time ? My guess is that anything that would be too prescriptive for the leadership will be sidelined. I’ve sat on a dozen or more compositing boards at many TU conferences. I’m willing to bet there will be an awful lot of very unhappy constituency movers. I’m really looking forward to what is televised of the LPC.

    The point is that Starmer was in the room and he is the shadow Brexit Secretary. Here's a tweet with the full text of a single composite motion (cannot confirm that it's correct/complete)

    So "No" to a " No deal", "No" to deregulation, "No" to a Tory Brexit against the rights and wages of workers... and "Yes" to the single market... "Yes" to the GFA and reaffirmed support for peace as well as "No" to "magical thinking" on the Irish border.

    And the priority is to push for an election should (when!) May fails to deliver. And if an election cannot be secured then support options including a people's vote.

    We can leave Labour, the media and posters on here to spin in whichever way they see fit. The Express already screaming "betrayal by middle class metropolitan elite". And that was before the composite was released!
    Reads like a total betrayal of the wishes of the Labour Party members. Given what McLusky said earlier in the day it was imperative that they committed to having the option of remaining in the EU on the Referendum ballet paper. The hypocrisy of the Labour Party leadership is astounding. As if they give a fuck about the members and Party democracy. I despise them as much as I despise the Tory Party.
    Totally agree.

    Sod all this stuff about how the Labour Party works. There's only one thing that matters to me. Has the Labour Party shifted its position on Brexit such that I am now ready to vote for it? Clearly? In words that can be distilled on tomthe side of a bus?

    No. So they can sod off.

  • Think I heard there were 134 motions on Brexit that might be composited. Many will be so similar that compositing will be straightforward. There will however undoubtedly be some that just won’t fit into the process. Will they get conference time ? My guess is that anything that would be too prescriptive for the leadership will be sidelined. I’ve sat on a dozen or more compositing boards at many TU conferences. I’m willing to bet there will be an awful lot of very unhappy constituency movers. I’m really looking forward to what is televised of the LPC.

    The point is that Starmer was in the room and he is the shadow Brexit Secretary. Here's a tweet with the full text of a single composite motion (cannot confirm that it's correct/complete)

    So "No" to a " No deal", "No" to deregulation, "No" to a Tory Brexit against the rights and wages of workers... and "Yes" to the single market... "Yes" to the GFA and reaffirmed support for peace as well as "No" to "magical thinking" on the Irish border.

    And the priority is to push for an election should (when!) May fails to deliver. And if an election cannot be secured then support options including a people's vote.

    We can leave Labour, the media and posters on here to spin in whichever way they see fit. The Express already screaming "betrayal by middle class metropolitan elite". And that was before the composite was released!
    Reads like a total betrayal of the wishes of the Labour Party members. Given what McLusky said earlier in the day it was imperative that they committed to having the option of remaining in the EU on the Referendum ballet paper. The hypocrisy of the Labour Party leadership is astounding. As if they give a fuck about the members and Party democracy. I despise them as much as I despise the Tory Party.
    Totally agree.

    Sod all this stuff about how the Labour Party works. There's only one thing that matters to me. Has the Labour Party shifted its position on Brexit such that I am now ready to vote for it? Clearly? In words that can be distilled on tomthe side of a bus?

    No. So they can sod off.

    Not yet
  • Think I heard there were 134 motions on Brexit that might be composited. Many will be so similar that compositing will be straightforward. There will however undoubtedly be some that just won’t fit into the process. Will they get conference time ? My guess is that anything that would be too prescriptive for the leadership will be sidelined. I’ve sat on a dozen or more compositing boards at many TU conferences. I’m willing to bet there will be an awful lot of very unhappy constituency movers. I’m really looking forward to what is televised of the LPC.

    The point is that Starmer was in the room and he is the shadow Brexit Secretary. Here's a tweet with the full text of a single composite motion (cannot confirm that it's correct/complete)

    So "No" to a " No deal", "No" to deregulation, "No" to a Tory Brexit against the rights and wages of workers... and "Yes" to the single market... "Yes" to the GFA and reaffirmed support for peace as well as "No" to "magical thinking" on the Irish border.

    And the priority is to push for an election should (when!) May fails to deliver. And if an election cannot be secured then support options including a people's vote.

    We can leave Labour, the media and posters on here to spin in whichever way they see fit. The Express already screaming "betrayal by middle class metropolitan elite". And that was before the composite was released!
    Reads like a total betrayal of the wishes of the Labour Party members. Given what McLusky said earlier in the day it was imperative that they committed to having the option of remaining in the EU on the Referendum ballet paper. The hypocrisy of the Labour Party leadership is astounding. As if they give a fuck about the members and Party democracy. I despise them as much as I despise the Tory Party.
    Yet certain cult members will still persuade themselves Corbyn is a remainer.
  • Seems sensible to me - I suppose it would :) Set out the conditions for backing any deal May gets so they are clear. I think Labour has never taken an any Brexit approach so makes sense whether you agree with them or not surely.
  • The cut of the jib of your local MP/candidate is all we have to fall back on because the Labour position on Brexit stinks to high heaven.
    There is a way of tackling this nonsense that can be squared with the referendum result and allow the UK to remain.
    Something along the lines of brexit means blue passports, there you go folks, bosh, delivered. Or don't just kick the can down the road, but further than Andy's penalty.
    The best (of a lot of bad choices) is for this so called sovereign and precious UK Parliament to grow some and put a stop to this nightmare.
  • Just watched about 10 mins of the Labour conference. The incompetence, how dated it all seems and the general amateurish nature of the way it is being run is astounding! Presumably the people responsible for organising this conference have organised a conference before? And they expect voters to believe they could organise and run a government.
  • I’m not hugely clear on what the Canada-type deal would mean for us, can anyone with a decent understanding break it down in layman’s terms?
  • se9addick said:

    I’m not hugely clear on what the Canada-type deal would mean for us, can anyone with a decent understanding break it down in layman’s terms?

    Free maple syrup for everyone.
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  • se9addick said:

    I’m not hugely clear on what the Canada-type deal would mean for us, can anyone with a decent understanding break it down in layman’s terms?

    Free maple syrup for everyone.
    Where do I sign!
  • seth plum said:

    The cut of the jib of your local MP/candidate is all we have to fall back on because the Labour position on Brexit stinks to high heaven.
    There is a way of tackling this nonsense that can be squared with the referendum result and allow the UK to remain.
    Something along the lines of brexit means blue passports, there you go folks, bosh, delivered. Or don't just kick the can down the road, but further than Andy's penalty.
    The best (of a lot of bad choices) is for this so called sovereign and precious UK Parliament to grow some and put a stop to this nightmare.

    100% agree and the only limitation is that there are just six months left in the EU. But instead of viewing that as a constraint, this is actually the catalyst motivating people to take action - to wake up.

    BINO or remain would be the preference for many on this message board as well as the majority in the country. Some who believe that the leadership of Labour can be trusted to deliver, probably thought Blair was wonderful or that Clegg and Cable would save us from the Tories - that happened!

    Some want slogans on a bus and that makes them happy. Great except that approach is what has landed us where we are today. If you want real change then you have to understand, to lobby and to participate. It's so, so easy to bitch on social media or storm off throwing toys out of the pram when confronted with the absurd. If people don't like the direction some take in Labour, and you are a staunch remainers then there are plenty who represent that view.

    Alternatively one can make a great leap of faith and believe that somebody somewhere has a cunning plan and we just cannot see nor understand it. As the existentialists of the last century observed this is philosophical suicide! Its just another abdication of responsibility.

    There is however a third option, aside from walking away or delegating. And that's to embrace the absurd, accept chaos and seek to make a difference. Contact David Lammy who has been very vocal this morning.

    What happened in a five hour composite session is that over 100 CLP activists forced a commitment to a second referendum into the motion and thus into the debate tomorrow. Given that 80% of Labour members support a vote and support Remain (or perhaps BINO) where do we think this is going?

    Do we fear McClusky and McDonnell for their narrow and outdated stance when they refuse to acknowledge Remain as an option? That was a valid position for 2017. But not so much in the latter half of 2018

    Today the priority is for a people's vote.

    And tomorrow it is clear that those who support either remain or BINO need to make their voices heard and make things happen.

    All McDonnell has done is make a powerful discussion even more emotionally charged as well as dilute some of the potential upswing in the polls due from tomorrow's vote. The real challenge is for Adonis, Starmer, Lammy and all those behind the 140 motions (a record) to be crystal clear within the debate tomorrow. From there the headlines will emerge.

    Labour has built up into a party with 540,000 members, record income and 15,000 at conference. If the leadership need to be pushed into the right position, so be it. Once again, if people believe that making a leap of faith and expecting political leaders to have perfect pitch is the way to go then go ahead, sit back and wait for the bus with the perfect slogan to roll down your street.
  • supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Canada seems to be the technical term, what a bellend.
  • Despite many people pointing out that 85% of the general electorate voted for Brexit if they voted Tory or Labour, we were told this was bollox by some of those who voted Labour.

    It seems that you really didn't know what you voted for. I'm not going to claim that you were lied to though. Everybody was told the Labour Party respected the referendum, apart from Lammy etc of course.

    Still not enough for me to vote Corbyn though, far from it.
  • @seriously_red

    Ok then. My sister is a classic, moderate, non uni , modest means, centrist floating voter, who voted Remain. Please summarise succinctly why, if she thinks Brexit is the big issue in the GE that Labour now crave, she should entrust them with her vote. Succinct may mean, if not short enough to get on a bus side, then max one compelling sentence, or three five word bullet points.

    If you cannot manage to do that after today's announcement from the comrades, that rather suggests the poll bounce isnt going to happen, no?
  • Despite many people pointing out that 85% of the general electorate voted for Brexit if they voted Tory or Labour, we were told this was bollox by some of those who voted Labour.

    It seems that you really didn't know what you voted for. I'm not going to claim that you were lied to though. Everybody was told the Labour Party respected the referendum, apart from Lammy etc of course.

    Still not enough for me to vote Corbyn though, far from it.

    Are you seriously suggesting that everyone who voted Labour at the last election were in favour of Brexit? I was told to check my tin foil helmet was secured properly last week. Perhaps you should check yours?
  • If you want succinct, here we go (don't get too excited).
    Labour is better than those vile Tories.
  • I think it is accepted that most Labour supporters voted remain. It is just there are firm remainers in the northern Labour heartlands that are hard to ignore.
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  • seth plum said:

    If you want succinct, here we go (don't get too excited).
    Labour is better than those vile Tories.

    Future #Labour Government.

    1. Corbyn as PM 😆😆😆
    2. Mcdonnell as Chancellor of the exchequer. 😆😆😆
    3. Abbott as Home Secretary. 😆😆😆
    4. Butler as Chief Whip. 😆😆😆
    5. Lammy as Education secretary. 😆😆😆

    Vote for that, I dare you.
  • I think it is accepted that most Labour supporters voted remain. It is just there are firm remainers in the northern Labour heartlands that are hard to ignore.

    Or possibly not....

    There hasn't been much more than a cigarette paper between the official Conservative and Labour positions on Brexit - both are determined to leave and both rely on magical thinking regarding the EU's approach to the Single Market. The Conference composite motion changes almost nothing.
    I agree with this. My belief is that the Labour Party have played a very smart game by saying as little as they can on Brexit.

    With regards to a deal on leaving, the EU have basically made it clear that there is no cherry picking and are completely intransigent (as is their right to be). Anyone claiming they can get a "good deal" is lying. Anyone that claims they can have access to the single market whilst leaving the EU is also lying. The only "good deal" with the EU is remaining in the EU, and with that all the institutions and jurisdictions etc.

    Labour are trying to hedge their bets by showing enough leg to those who want to believe they might be able to do something, whilst not looking like they will overturn the result, effectively winking to both groups of voters within clear sight of the other.

    Should give enough to the usual "Tories are mean and killing everyone for fun" morons though.
  • @blackpool72

    A rare chance for me to agree with you there. My sister ( see above) is one of that 20%. I think it is still true that the British dont like extremists of any hue. One of Blair's lesser acknowledged strengths was to make the Labour party look united. Corbyn ( and I think Abbott) were MPs then but had no profile in the party.
  • @blackpool72

    A rare chance for me to agree with you there. My sister ( see above) is one of that 20%. I think it is still true that the British dont like extremists of any hue. One of Blair's lesser acknowledged strengths was to make the Labour party look united. Corbyn ( and I think Abbott) were MPs then but had no profile in the party.

    Glad we can agree on something at last 🤗
  • Despite many people pointing out that 85% of the general electorate voted for Brexit if they voted Tory or Labour, we were told this was bollox by some of those who voted Labour.

    It seems that you really didn't know what you voted for. I'm not going to claim that you were lied to though. Everybody was told the Labour Party respected the referendum, apart from Lammy etc of course.

    Still not enough for me to vote Corbyn though, far from it.

    Are you seriously suggesting that everyone who voted Labour at the last election were in favour of Brexit? I was told to check my tin foil helmet was secured properly last week. Perhaps you should check yours?
    They voted for a party that supports Brexit, which was The point TT was trying to make.

    A fair few people have said over and over again that The labour leadership is pro-Brexit, some people have continued to deny that, after today, there can be no doubt, surely?
  • I think it is accepted that most Labour supporters voted remain. It is just there are firm remainers in the northern Labour heartlands that are hard to ignore.

    Or possibly not....

    There hasn't been much more than a cigarette paper between the official Conservative and Labour positions on Brexit - both are determined to leave and both rely on magical thinking regarding the EU's approach to the Single Market. The Conference composite motion changes almost nothing.
    Sorry I meant to write Brexiters
  • Despite many people pointing out that 85% of the general electorate voted for Brexit if they voted Tory or Labour, we were told this was bollox by some of those who voted Labour.

    It seems that you really didn't know what you voted for. I'm not going to claim that you were lied to though. Everybody was told the Labour Party respected the referendum, apart from Lammy etc of course.

    Still not enough for me to vote Corbyn though, far from it.

    Are you seriously suggesting that everyone who voted Labour at the last election were in favour of Brexit? I was told to check my tin foil helmet was secured properly last week. Perhaps you should check yours?
    They voted for a party that supports Brexit, which was The point TT was trying to make.

    A fair few people have said over and over again that The labour leadership is pro-Brexit, some people have continued to deny that, after today, there can be no doubt, surely?
    That was not the point he was making. It is a simple statement of fact that people who voted Labour at the last election voted for a party that supported Brexit. The completely false inference he was making, and many Brexit politicians have tried the same thing since the election, is that everyone who voted Labour at the last election were in favour of Brexit. I know many people who voted Labour at the last election who are more passionate Remainers than I am. There is no question that the vast majority of Labour voters support staying in the EU. To say that 85% of people at the last election voted for parties that support Brexit therefore 85% of voters are in favour of Brexit is simply nonsense.
    If you were a passionate remainer, and consider Brexit a big deal, why would you vote for a party that supports Brexit?
This discussion has been closed.

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