The old scrote is converting Blavier Farm into a 25 room hotel. 17th century ruin (the farm, not Roland apparently!!), only two walls had remained intact. Will open next May (before the training ground then) for companies organising "multi-day meetings" or for large weddings...
All sorted then. Daisy can be front of house, greeting the customers and Keyhole can get back to flipping burgers in the kitchen!
Now he can spend his days employing incompetent hospitality staff to provide bad service to customers he doesn't care about!
Out of interest, has anybody come across examples of Duchatelet putting his wealth to philanthropic or charitable use? He only ever seems to be interested in screwing more money out of people.
I wonder what Pussy Galore knows about farming.......about as much as she does about running a football cloob at a guess. Well that won’t matter will it.......give the girl a chance I say.
You see the great thing about having a farm is you can have a right good hoe down and dance all night round the barn, and yes, everyone will know you are a complete WANKER, but no one will MIND because they’re at it too. ( apologies to those among us who may enjoy the noble art of doezy dohing, if that is indeed how you spell it. It may be an art form, and if it is, then yes, I’m a philistine )
somewhere we can stay when on our next Belgium protest
More than that. Somewhere that would make an excellent focal point for a future protest. Except that at the rate he completes building works, we'll all be dead before that day.
The old scrote is converting Blavier Farm into a 25 room hotel. 17th century ruin (the farm, not Roland apparently!!), only two walls had remained intact. Will open next May (before the training ground then) for companies organising "multi-day meetings" or for large weddings...
All sorted then. Daisy can be front of house, greeting the customers and Keyhole can get back to flipping burgers in the kitchen!
If RD is not gone by then he may need to check his bookings very carefully!
“Ademola potatoes” anyone?
All sorted then. Daisy can be front of house, greeting the customers and Keyhole can get back to flipping burgers in the kitchen!
The recycled network has a new chapter
Out of interest, has anybody come across examples of Duchatelet putting his wealth to philanthropic or charitable use? He only ever seems to be interested in screwing more money out of people.
Well that won’t matter will it.......give the girl a chance I say.
( apologies to those among us who may enjoy the noble art of doezy dohing, if that is indeed how you spell it. It may be an art form, and if it is, then yes, I’m a philistine
There's a method in his madness.