2 - both my road in Eltham (home) and Southampton (uni)
Do remember the score is its likelihood to exceed its target. My road in Eltham is very quite but I live on one of the busiest roads in Southampton yet score 2 for both.
2 Higher than average for Horsham, but each postcode I have relatives at around Horsham are all 2's... I think they're including the surrounding country areas
ITN was 3/6 so just as well I've retired!
A 1 also for me..
Not really surprising, as the nearest very minor road is 75 yards away.
We've only got a footpath approach to our cottages.
But then we've all got woodstoves and smoking chimneys in winter.
Do remember the score is its likelihood to exceed its target. My road in Eltham is very quite but I live on one of the busiest roads in Southampton yet score 2 for both.
Another government scam to make us all think the government aren't turning all of out lungs into soot cylinders.
Anyone who lives within motorways in this part of the country would be a 4 at best!!
Surprised as we back onto a busy A Road, though it is still quite out of town.