It's back! Without question. Feel like death. Head feels like it's been hit with 10 sledgehammers and throat feels like someone has just poured a pint of immac down it. I stood in the shower with it turned on to nigh on maximum and had to get out coz I was shivering my nuts off.
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not enough to stop you from going to work.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Normally a day or so out of action.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks.
Come home from work on a Tuesday lunchtime, went to bed for an intended nap and other than go to the loo never got out of bed till the Friday to go doctors. And wife had to help me with that. Best example I can give is you say to yourself I’m going to roll over in a minute but your body is so spent that 3hours later you are still in the same position and haven’t moved an inch. Fluctuating fever as well was ridiculous
Took me another week and a half to get back to even 75%. Still three weeks on don’t feel 100%. Will definitely be having the jab next winter.
@PragueAddick I have medics in my family and the difference between the common cold of which I am told there are over 100 virus strains and influenza is that:
1) If you are lying in bed and spot a £50 note by your bedroom door and you have a cold you can summon up the energy to go and pick it up.
2) If on the other hand you have the flu your reaction will be 'Stuff it, I'm washed out, let it stay there'.
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not enough to stop you from going to work.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Normally a day or so out of action.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks.
I think there are three grades;
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not as bad as the others, but nothing that anyone wants to catch from you. Stop pretending that you are indispensable and keep away from all public areas for a few days. The sum total of human happiness will be much higher if you have the respect and self-discipline to undertake a voluntary banishment.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Keep well out of the way until you are over it.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks. The only good thing about this is that even the most wearisome of stoical-work-martyrs can't get themselves out of the house with this.
By all accounts flu is much much worse than a heavy cold so I can say I’m pretty sure I’ve never had it. i had my first flu jab just over 2 weeks ago and have had heavy cold symptoms since. not sure what to make of the claims that anything you get after the jab is just coincidence.
By all accounts flu is much much worse than a heavy cold so I can say I’m pretty sure I’ve never had it. i had my first flu jab just over 2 weeks ago and have had heavy cold symptoms since. not sure what to make of the claims that anything you get after the jab is just coincidence.
It's not a coincidence. Your body is fighting the flu virus and as a result other illnesses can get in.
Come home from work on a Tuesday lunchtime, went to bed for an intended nap and other than go to the loo never got out of bed till the Friday to go doctors. And wife had to help me with that. Best example I can give is you say to yourself I’m going to roll over in a minute but your body is so spent that 3hours later you are still in the same position and haven’t moved an inch. Fluctuating fever as well was ridiculous
Took me another week and a half to get back to even 75%. Still three weeks on don’t feel 100%. Will definitely be having the jab next winter.
Mate. My missus is suffering just the same. She had jab, I didn't.
If you'd seen us both Friday night sprawled out on the sofa! We looked like those dodgy yank parents you see smacked out on crystal meth whilst their kids play around them. Shocking!
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not enough to stop you from going to work.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Normally a day or so out of action.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks.
I think there are three grades;
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not as bad as the others, but nothing that anyone wants to catch from you. Stop pretending that you are indispensable and keep away from all public areas for a few days. The sum total of human happiness will be much higher if you have the respect and self-discipline to undertake a voluntary banishment.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Keep well out of the way until you are over it.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks. The only good thing about this is that even the most wearisome of stoical-work-martyrs can't get themselves out of the house with this.
On preventative measures I would add;
1) If you feel a sneeze coming on, adopt the Dracula pose, bring your arm up and across your face, as if holding a cloak and sneeze into your arm
2) Avoid handshakes with anyone who has cold/flu like symptoms and if unavoidable try wash your hands thoroughly asasp.
3) Escalator, tube and bus hand rails as above i.e. wash your hands thoroughly asasp.
4) Confined spaces such as buses, tubes and trains are a perfect breading ground for viruses, so wear a scarf around your face.
5) Do not go into work and be a martyr, stay at home in the warm, plenty of hot drinks and paracetamol and if symptoms get really bad go to the Doctors as antibiotics may be necessary.
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not enough to stop you from going to work.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Normally a day or so out of action.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks.
I think there are three grades;
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not as bad as the others, but nothing that anyone wants to catch from you. Stop pretending that you are indispensable and keep away from all public areas for a few days. The sum total of human happiness will be much higher if you have the respect and self-discipline to undertake a voluntary banishment.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Keep well out of the way until you are over it.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks. The only good thing about this is that even the most wearisome of stoical-work-martyrs can't get themselves out of the house with this.
On preventative measures I would add;
1) If you feel a sneeze coming on, adopt the Dracula pose, bring your arm up and across your face, as if holding a cloak and sneeze into your arm
2) Avoid handshakes with anyone who has cold/flu like symptoms and if unavoidable try wash your hands thoroughly asasp.
3) Escalator, tube and bus hand rails as above i.e. wash your hands thoroughly asasp.
4) Confined spaces such as buses, tubes and trains are a perfect breading ground for viruses, so wear a scarf around your face.
5) Do not go into work and be a martyr, stay at home in the warm, plenty of hot drinks and paracetamol and if symptoms get really bad go to the Doctors as antibiotics may be necessary.
Surely antibiotics only help if you have an infection? People getting them for colds/flu is one reason that they are increasingly ineffective against infections. They can't fight viruses.
On my 3rd week now of a cold. Been to work but for a couple of days early on. Estimate I have a week to go based on what others have told me. Sympathy welcome.
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not enough to stop you from going to work.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Normally a day or so out of action.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks.
I think there are three grades;
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not as bad as the others, but nothing that anyone wants to catch from you. Stop pretending that you are indispensable and keep away from all public areas for a few days. The sum total of human happiness will be much higher if you have the respect and self-discipline to undertake a voluntary banishment.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Keep well out of the way until you are over it.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks. The only good thing about this is that even the most wearisome of stoical-work-martyrs can't get themselves out of the house with this.
On preventative measures I would add;
1) If you feel a sneeze coming on, adopt the Dracula pose, bring your arm up and across your face, as if holding a cloak and sneeze into your arm
2) Avoid handshakes with anyone who has cold/flu like symptoms and if unavoidable try wash your hands thoroughly asasp.
3) Escalator, tube and bus hand rails as above i.e. wash your hands thoroughly asasp.
4) Confined spaces such as buses, tubes and trains are a perfect breading ground for viruses, so wear a scarf around your face.
5) Do not go into work and be a martyr, stay at home in the warm, plenty of hot drinks and paracetamol and if symptoms get really bad go to the Doctors as antibiotics may be necessary.
Surely antibiotics only help if you have an infection? People getting them for colds/flu is one reason that they are increasingly ineffective against infections. They can't fight viruses.
Yes you are right to an extent but if there are other complications antibiotics might be appropriate that's why I implied if symptoms persist get yourself to the doctor.
Any doctor prescribing antibiotics for a cold needs striking off. AB’s are only effective against bacterial infections and not viruses. Some coughs are bacterial in origin but are not related to a cough that develops as a result of a cold. The only medications that are proven to have any beneficial effect for symptoms of a cold are either paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce pain and feverish symptoms. I personally find a nip of whisky works as well. Unless your condition is very very bad you should absolutely avoid visiting the doctor. Coughing, fever, runny nose and aches and pains are not reason enough.
It's back! Without question. Feel like death. Head feels like it's been hit with 10 sledgehammers and throat feels like someone has just poured a pint of immac down it. I stood in the shower with it turned on to nigh on maximum and had to get out coz I was shivering my nuts off.
Pray for me!
If you could be bothered to type this, then it's possibly not flu.
My wife reckoned she had the flu last week. $%&$ off did she. Anyone that goes out to the garage to get a bottle of wine and then drink half of it does not have flu !
The ‘common cold’ term covers a bunch of viruses. I think the reason people say they have the flu is because ‘a cold’ doesn’t quite cover how badly they’re feeling.
And ‘man-flu’ irritates the fuck out of me. We all get viruses and sometimes they’re debilitating, sometimes it’s just a sniffle.
I had the flu once about 10 years ago now. Believe me you know it's the flu when you're struggling to get out of bed and you're only in your mid 20's. Of course with my luck I happened to get the flu on a Saturday morning and didn't go back to work until the following Wednesday.
Funnily enough i'm just getting over a virus or something I've had for nearly 3 weeks, all the cold symptoms but in particular a bad throat. There's been a lot of cold / virus stuff going round for a while. It wasn't even long since my last cold either at the end of 2018. I'm convinced it's the poor A/C at work to blame.
Have had it twice as an adult. The first time I was at University and was in the middle of exam season. At one point I slept without break for 16 hours and then went to an exam. Don’t properly remember how I managed it.
The second time was about 8 years ago and had to take a week off work. One of those situations where literally just moving from bed to the bathroom feels like the most exhausting activity imaginable.
I had the flu once about 10 years ago now. Believe me you know it's the flu when you're struggling to get out of bed and you're only in your mid 20's. Of course with my luck I happened to get the flu on a Saturday morning and didn't go back to work until the following Wednesday.
Funnily enough i'm just getting over a virus or something I've had for nearly 3 weeks, all the cold symptoms but in particular a bad throat. There's been a lot of cold / virus stuff going round for a while. It wasn't even long since my last cold either at the end of 2018. I'm convinced it's the poor A/C at work to blame.
There are upwards of 200 different strains of common cold virus. Getting one soon after recovering from another is not uncommon. Your bodies immune system will be slightly more active in getting to grips with the second bout but not necessarily. A/C is a very good source of spread and is particularly so on aircraft where exactly the same air is circulated in a relatively confined space. The common cold is a very successful virus which spreads easily through physical contact and is passed on by inadequate hygiene. Touching your nose when full of a cold which is hard not to and then touching a door handle, telephone or any surface without washing your hands will pass the virus on. As the tv adds suggested. Catching a sneeze in a tissue followed by binning the tissue and washing your hands is best but in all honesty we must accept that over a lifetime we’re each going to get through on average two or three colds every year.
I’ve had colds, man flu, and complained about them to anyone who’ll listen, but I’ve had proper flu twice. And both times I didn’t even have the energy to complain. Proper flu completely knocks you out. It’s horrible. Had the jab last year, and felt a bit rough for a day or two after ( here I go again, lads, moan bloody moan ) but had no colds last year. Not had jab this year. Hope that works out for me
Have had it twice as an adult. The first time I was at University and was in the middle of exam season. At one point I slept without break for 16 hours and then went to an exam. Don’t properly remember how I managed it.
The second time was about 8 years ago and had to take a week off work. One of those situations where literally just moving from bed to the bathroom feels like the most exhausting activity imaginable.
I have had two doses of flu in the last forty years and both times in high summer. The first time, I started to feel ill whilst attending a work seminar in London. I left early and barely made it home before collapsing fully clothed on the bed. I had no idea what was wrong with me and we called the doctor out next day. She told me it was flu. When I said how could it be as it was the middle of July, she replied that it wasn’t that rare and that people often caught it on planes.
The second time time was the Swine flu epidemic in 2009. We had just got back from a summer holiday in the Med. My daughter came down to dinner wrapped in a blanket complaining of feeling cold despite it being a warm summers day. I told her off and to stop being silly. Two hours later I was also shivering uncontrollably and barely able to climb the stars to bed. She still reminds me of my unreasonableness to this day.
On both occasions I had two weeks off work and needed it. People who say they work through despite having the flu, didn’t have the flu.
As some of you know I've been working in China recently, in fact I've just got back. I had the flu jab before I left, I have to have it because of my recent Heart problem. Whilst in Hangzhou I became unwell, very unwell, I caught Asian Flu. I've never felt so poorly and never want to again!! On the flight back I worsened and when I landed at Dubai, 'Emirates' airlines sent two Doctors to see me at the airport to see if I could continue back to UK. Fortunately they said yes after conducting some tests. I'm still recovering now and not been out of bed since last Friday evening. I'm hoping to get back to work next Monday, I now know what the difference is between a 'cold' and the 'flu'. I wouldn't wish the latter on my worst enemy. Its the most debilitating virus I've ever had.
A long flight with that must be a special kind of hell. Get well soon, bud.
Thanks @PragueAddick , its been hell and now on top of that, I have severe Gout in both feet caused by the medication I'm on. So much pain and completely bedridden.
As some of you know I've been working in China recently, in fact I've just got back. I had the flu jab before I left, I have to have it because of my recent Heart problem. Whilst in Hangzhou I became unwell, very unwell, I caught Asian Flu. I've never felt so poorly and never want to again!! On the flight back I worsened and when I landed at Dubai, 'Emirates' airlines sent two Doctors to see me at the airport to see if I could continue back to UK. Fortunately they said yes after conducting some tests. I'm still recovering now and not been out of bed since last Friday evening. I'm hoping to get back to work next Monday, I now know what the difference is between a 'cold' and the 'flu'. I wouldn't wish the latter on my worst enemy. Its the most debilitating virus I've ever had.
A long flight with that must be a special kind of hell. Get well soon, bud.
Thanks @PragueAddick , its been hell and now on top of that, I have severe Gout in both feet caused by the medication I'm on. So much pain and completely bedridden.
I hope you are feeling better now.
When you get Gout on both sides at the same time it's a bugger. That's before you start thinking about the flu.
There is nasty cold virus going around at the moment. Both myself and the missis have it right now. One of the worst coughs I've had in adult life, the stuff that is coming out of me has more colours than Joseph's technicolour dreamcoat.
It's back! Without question. Feel like death.
Head feels like it's been hit with 10 sledgehammers and throat feels like someone has just poured a pint of immac down it.
I stood in the shower with it turned on to nigh on maximum and had to get out coz I was shivering my nuts off.
Pray for me!
I think there are three grades;
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not enough to stop you from going to work.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Normally a day or so out of action.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks.
I had it last year, I was brave, stoic and didn't complain and I got through it.
Come home from work on a Tuesday lunchtime, went to bed for an intended nap and other than go to the loo never got out of bed till the Friday to go doctors. And wife had to help me with that. Best example I can give is you say to yourself I’m going to roll over in a minute but your body is so spent that 3hours later you are still in the same position and haven’t moved an inch. Fluctuating fever as well was ridiculous
Took me another week and a half to get back to even 75%. Still three weeks on don’t feel 100%. Will definitely be having the jab next winter.
1) If you are lying in bed and spot a £50 note by your bedroom door and you have a cold you can summon up the energy to go and pick it up.
2) If on the other hand you have the flu your reaction will be 'Stuff it, I'm washed out, let it stay there'.
Hope this helps
I think there are three grades;
A cold - runny nose, coughs, headache, sore throat that kind of thing, heavy chest. Not as bad as the others, but nothing that anyone wants to catch from you. Stop pretending that you are indispensable and keep away from all public areas for a few days. The sum total of human happiness will be much higher if you have the respect and self-discipline to undertake a voluntary banishment.
Man Flu - shivers, aches, a bit of sweating, loss of energy, best off in bed. Keep well out of the way until you are over it.
The Flu - all of the Man Flu things but times about 10 or more! Had this only once and was in bed for 3 weeks. To start with, I thought a good soaking wet sweat was the beginning of the end (as in Man Flu). But it wasn't and I probably had one of those every hour or so....for 3 weeks. The only good thing about this is that even the most wearisome of stoical-work-martyrs can't get themselves out of the house with this.
worse and don't moan about it.
i had my first flu jab just over 2 weeks ago and have had heavy cold symptoms since.
not sure what to make of the claims that anything you get after the jab is just coincidence.
She had jab, I didn't.
If you'd seen us both Friday night sprawled out on the sofa!
We looked like those dodgy yank parents you see smacked out on crystal meth whilst their kids play around them. Shocking!
1) If you feel a sneeze coming on, adopt the Dracula pose, bring your arm up and across your face, as if holding a cloak and sneeze into your arm
2) Avoid handshakes with anyone who has cold/flu like symptoms and if unavoidable try wash your hands thoroughly asasp.
3) Escalator, tube and bus hand rails as above i.e. wash your hands thoroughly asasp.
4) Confined spaces such as buses, tubes and trains are a perfect breading ground for viruses, so wear a scarf around your face.
5) Do not go into work and be a martyr, stay at home in the warm, plenty of hot drinks and paracetamol and if symptoms get really bad go to the Doctors as antibiotics may be necessary.
I personally find a nip of whisky works as well. Unless your condition is very very bad you should absolutely avoid visiting the doctor. Coughing, fever, runny nose and aches and pains are not reason enough.
$%&$ off did she.
Anyone that goes out to the garage to get a bottle of wine and then drink half of it does not have flu !
And ‘man-flu’ irritates the fuck out of me. We all get viruses and sometimes they’re debilitating, sometimes it’s just a sniffle.
Funnily enough i'm just getting over a virus or something I've had for nearly 3 weeks, all the cold symptoms but in particular a bad throat. There's been a lot of cold / virus stuff going round for a while. It wasn't even long since my last cold either at the end of 2018. I'm convinced it's the poor A/C at work to blame.
The second time was about 8 years ago and had to take a week off work. One of those situations where literally just moving from bed to the bathroom feels like the most exhausting activity imaginable.
Had the jab last year, and felt a bit rough for a day or two after ( here I go again, lads, moan bloody moan
AND we're not allowed to use the term bird flu when women have a cold and whinge about it.
The second time time was the Swine flu epidemic in 2009. We had just got back from a summer holiday in the Med. My daughter came down to dinner wrapped in a blanket complaining of feeling cold despite it being a warm summers day. I told her off and to stop being silly. Two hours later I was also shivering uncontrollably and barely able to climb the stars to bed. She still reminds me of my unreasonableness to this day.
On both occasions I had two weeks off work and needed it. People who say they work through despite having the flu, didn’t have the flu.
When you get Gout on both sides at the same time it's a bugger. That's before you start thinking about the flu.