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    edited June 2007
    Paul Bacon? I remember stending on the terraces at Selhurst Park and trying to come up with a team of Charlton players you could eat: Paul Bacon, Mike Salmon, Scott Minto, Colin Patés (can't claim the credit for that one myself, unfortunately) and of course since then you could have added Mark Fish and Martin Pringle.
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    [cite]Posted By: HugoZHackenbush[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Exactly, Hugo.

    btw, you're not Danish, are you?
    Er du Danske? ;-)

    I'm not Danish, I have 2 passports: 1 official UK, 1 unofficial Yorkshire.

    I grew up in Denmark and could probably pass myself off of for being Danish but I'm not.

    I also don't live in Denmark, I live in Stockholm and could have wandered a mile down the road to watch Sweden vs Iceland in the flesh, or watche it live on tv, but one of the channels in my tv package was showing Latvia vs Denmark so I watched that instead. I find the approach of Morten Olsen so refreshing when contrasted with that of McLaren, Eriksson, Venables or any other England coach in living history. Or Curbs, come to that.

    Silly question possibly but why Charlton?
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    Are you sure it says boing boing not Going Going ?
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    edited June 2007
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    edited June 2007
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    Silly question possibly but why Charlton?

    A very common reason actually Len: Local team. Living in Petts Wood who else would a person of good taste choose? I watched the League Cup replay against QPR in 1975 and that was that.
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