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  • Had it done nearly 50 years ago, (one of the first 500 in this country). No keyhole surgery then. Uncomfortable for few days, but I have never regretted it.
  • had mine done back last October, doctor didn't put enough anesthetic in and I hit the ceiling when he made the first 'nick' down there.....after another injection all was good, totally painless with no swelling or after effects, (done on a Friday, back to work on the Monday - although didn't play football that Sunday)...

    wait 4 months and then off up to St Thomas's Hospital to provide the from Doctors 2 weeks later 'think you'd better come back and see us sir' tubes have knitted back together, doctor tells me he's been doing this for 20+ years and done over 6,000 and I'm the first one to fail (generally 1/2,000 don't work) - cheers mate, that's no consolation to me at this point!.

    Back in 3 weeks ago for another go, proper goes to town - cauterizes the f*ck out of them - 'just making sure this time mate' - didn't hurt at all having it done (the burning smell isn't too pleasant!), but for the next week I'm walking like someone have fly kicked me in the nuts, swollen and bruised to f*ck (total opposite of the first one).........pray that it's worked this time!

    back in August for the follow up.......3 weeks on and all is back to normal!.

    for reference, I'm 43 with 4 kids 11 and under and I was 100% ready to have it done!

    Totally relate to this. Had it done twice about two years apart having previously been given the all clear.

    You can guess how we found out it had not worked!!
  • Had mine done years ago , worst bit was having my nuts shaved by a male doctor.
  • I'm thinking about this, but even a thread full of comments saying that it was fine is making me feel queasy.
  • Had it done in 1993 in Singapore when I was an expat after having 4 kids. No issues or pain afterwards.

    However, 7 years later when I was in my second (current) marriage I had a reversal. The day after my balls swelled to the size of a couple of big oranges, and it felt like someone was stabbing me down there. Rang the doctor who basically said just take a few aspirin. Remember it's the first time in my life I resorted to drinking a few large malt whiskies before noon, which were surprisingly successful. Coincidentally prevented me attending a midweek Charlton game - both the pain and the medicine!

    P.S. The reversal didn't work, I think the general rule is for every year that goes by from the original vasectomy there is a 10% less chance of a reversal being successful in terms of fertility but of course lots of factors involved.

    P.P.S. Have had no health issues (I remember asking about increased chances of testicular cancer, which I was advised was minimal).
  • edited April 2018
    Had mine done 12 years ago. Agree about the amount of fluid (tmi) but happy (or maybe not as I'm single) that testosterone levels are still the same. Had it done on a Saturday morning during the summer & at the time the kids were all under 5 & so was told that I had to be careful lifting them up & avoid them climbing on me. The (now ex) wife took then to her parents for the weekend & so I managed to spend 2 days watching the cricket uninterrupted. result.

    PS. still can't get the smell of burning flesh out of my mind..........
  • Having a bloke make small talk to you whilst he does it is very weird and the smell of burning flesh in the room is nice, they said it was chemicals but I pointed as a fire-fighter I was aware of the smell, which got stronger as the performed the procedure on me.
  • I had mine done twice & despite feeling sorry for myself for a couple of days that was the only side effect.
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  • Pretty non-descript experience really, if you take away the fact that a complete stranger is holding your nuts in his hands...

    The most off putting bit was the smell of your own nads burning when they cauterise the wound!

    Sounds like a good Friday night out, I never looked at like that :wink:
  • Pretty non-descript experience really, if you take away the fact that a complete stranger is holding your nuts in his hands...

    The most off putting bit was the smell of your own nads burning when they cauterise the wound!

    If you find the smell of your own nads burning pretty non-descript you're a stronger man than me.
  • That must have been a big bowl of salty water.
    He meant to say teacup but couldn't admit to it.
  • As long as you don't pick up an infection in the cuts to the scrotum you should not after any immediate aftereffects. The cancer thing is, last I heard about fifteen years ago, probably no more than coincidental but more research may have been done since then.

    As far as I'm aware, there's no link between testosterone and homosexuality, but you may not be able to beat Caster Semenya over 800m.
  • He meant to say teacup but couldn't admit to it.
    And i meant it must have been big if he could do aqua aerobics in it.
  • Surgeon stopped half way through mine due to me grimacing and making little noises. He asked if he was hurting me and I had to admit not ... but then confess to a terrific imagination.

    I also suffered further indignity when taking a sample along to the old Greenwich hospital as they requested. The matron asked why on earth I'd bought in another sample, before leaving to check on some records. She came back huffing and puffing and announced to me - and the waiting room in general - that, 'As far as we are concerned Mr Raith YOU ARE STERILE'. As I turned to make good my escape I couldn't help but notice fellow patients suddenly examining the floor tiles.

    That was 33 years ago btw and I'm still here.

    And there was me thinking your poltergeist was writing this for you.
  • You need some balls to get this done!

  • The biggest watchout, however, is the basis on which you have it done. I was promised a load more action - alsas this has not come to pass.

    You haven't been wearing the t-shirt have you? You have to wear the t-shirt.
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  • We have some very brave men supporting our club. I’d rather wrestle a bear.
  • Cheers for the insight all. Some classic stories too!
  • edited April 2018
    Had mine done 4 years ago. No scalpel vasectomy (keyhole surgery). Completely painless. Was told to take it easy for a day or so, after the procedure (not lifting anything heavy).
    Someone on YouTube used the same guy ('Dr Snip') and interviewed him, during the procedure.
    No scalpel vasectomy is available in the UK too. Several of my mates had it done too, but the traditional way (with a scalpel). And their feedback was that it was painful afterwards.

    In regards to the performance, it's still rock and roll, 4 years later (no difference).
  • Think of the most excruciating pain known to humanity and times it by ten. That's it in a nutshell. Fact.
  • Think of the most excruciating pain known to humanity and times it by ten. That's it in a nutshell. Fact.

    What did you have cut off to cause this much pain? :smiley:
  • edited April 2018

    As far as I'm aware, there's no link between testosterone and homosexuality, but you may not be able to beat Caster Semenya over 800m.

    Yeah, but she's had a vasectomy as well.
  • As an amendment to my earlier post. I was advised to have a good wank (to clear the pipes) after and it was very satisfying as well. Suffice to say the then wife was not up to helping out, although she did volunteer to sit in the room while I had the procedure...funny that.

    Do they do it for you if you go private?
  • Do they do it for you if you go private?
    Now there's a business plan!
  • Think of the most excruciating pain known to humanity and times it by ten. That's it in a nutshell. Fact.

    Nonsense, that is not fact at all. You must have the pain threshold of a 5 year old. I drove myself home and was back at work in the morning and I felt nothing during the procedure.
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