Brazil ! But I'm a late injury replacement and we go out in the quarters which leads to mass protests at home over my late inclusion in the squad as I'm thoroughly scapegoated for the team's failure.
Portugal (I dislike them ) Goalkeeper (I said to someone the other day that I like all of the three keepers England take to this World Cup ) Out in the groups (what?! )
i am a no.10 that hates tracking back
i am ijured before the tournament starts.
I am a late injury replacement
And I get injured before the tournament starts.
I am a #10 that hates tracking back
Go out in the last 16
Goalkeeper (I said to someone the other day that I like all of the three keepers England take to this World Cup
Out in the groups (what?!
Backup Full back
Sent home for fighting my team mate!
Lose every game
Out in the Groups
Centre Half
Sent home for fighting a team mate
Quite feasable, huh?