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Lyle Taylor - signed for Cambridge (p268)



  • 2121 said:
    tony1234 said:
    I’ve herd bows and taylor had a big argument at half time at Swansea 
    100% didn't happen. 

    Also, if it did whats the problem?
    everyones allowed to argue its healthy. 
    Im sure arguments happen all the time in pro football changing rooms
    I feel like you've completely missed the point here bud. 
  • If someone offered to pay me £1.5m rather than £500k and then £5k extra a week and my job was going to end in 2-4 years I’d be taking the money no matter how much I liked my current boss. 
    And still people argue posts like this!
  • I don’t think he’s playing games. He’s been given a contract offer and refused it. The club say it is still on the table, or words to that effect, and in the meantime he is our player. 
    From the other aspect of loyalty you could argue that Lyle is simply wanting loyalty from the club for being an integral part of our promotion

    He joined us when another club offered a better wage structure and signed with us on whatever promises / assurances Bowyer offered when they initially sat down together

    He'll may think he deserves something more for believing in the club when no other players did

    Just doesnt help that Brentford came in with a very tempting offer which has made everything a lot less simple than it should have been
    Change tempting for life changing.
  • If someone offered to pay me £1.5m rather than £500k and then £5k extra a week and my job was going to end in 2-4 years I’d be taking the money no matter how much I liked my current boss. 
    And still people argue posts like this!
    But where's the 'loyalty' mate. 
  • Nothing to be with being a traitor. Stay or go.  I wish him well either way, but this bollocks is just a distraction.
    Distraction for who though? The player knows that if he doesn’t get a move / contract he wants them he will be free to go in the summer. Bowyer knows this too. Bowyer also happens to be in the same boat (although that will hopefully be sorted this weekend). 
    The only problem is fans getting their knickers in a twist. 
    Boxers or Y-Fronts only for me Dicky.
  • Nothing to be with being a traitor. Stay or go.  I wish him well either way, but this bollocks is just a distraction.
    Distraction for who though? The player knows that if he doesn’t get a move / contract he wants them he will be free to go in the summer. Bowyer knows this too. Bowyer also happens to be in the same boat (although that will hopefully be sorted this weekend). 
    The only problem is fans getting their knickers in a twist. 
    Solied Y-Fronts only for me Dicky.

  • If someone offered to pay me £1.5m rather than £500k and then £5k extra a week and my job was going to end in 2-4 years I’d be taking the money no matter how much I liked my current boss. 
    And still people argue posts like this!
    But where's the 'loyalty' mate. 
    Player does not look to leave but the club gets an offer they accept, then the clubs can get rid of a player........normally.

    Loyalty is history, has been for years.  It's a business.
  • If someone offered to pay me £1.5m rather than £500k and then £5k extra a week and my job was going to end in 2-4 years I’d be taking the money no matter how much I liked my current boss. 
    And still people argue posts like this!
    But where's the 'loyalty' mate. 
    Player does not look to leave but the club gets an offer they accept, then the clubs can get rid of a player........normally.

    Loyalty is history, has been for years.  It's a business.
    Exactly. Yet because footballers get paid lots of money to play a sport we all choose to follow and spend money on, the moment they choose to be selfish for their own needs, a section of fans jump straight on their backs. 
  • If someone offered to pay me £1.5m rather than £500k and then £5k extra a week and my job was going to end in 2-4 years I’d be taking the money no matter how much I liked my current boss. 
    Absolutely.  What I wouldn't do is dick around trying to negotiate a few extra quid causing problems all round.  I'd thank the boss for the support and go or stay and do my job.
    Who said he’s trying to negotiate? He has rejected the offer. What if he wants to go but we want to keep him until the summer? 

    What would you do if you wanted to leave your job but your boss told you that you had to stay for a few months? 
    I'd stay and do my job until my contract finished, exactly like Lyle will, he'll put in a lot more effort than I would too!
    Not that easy, not everyone has contracts that expire. That was my point to the OP, Lyle can’t get up and leave like most employees.
    That’s right, he signed a contract for two years with no outs. That was his choice. Nobody made him do it. It was the best deal for him at the time. If he thought a big offer was coming along, he just needed to negotiate a release clause. 

    Also, this is a two way street, he can’t just walk away, but how many clubs are stuck with crap players. If it was the real world they’d just be sacked for poor performance. 
  • Watching Brentford atm demolish qpr I can't see how he would get in their side. 
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  • If someone offered to pay me £1.5m rather than £500k and then £5k extra a week and my job was going to end in 2-4 years I’d be taking the money no matter how much I liked my current boss. 
    And still people argue posts like this!
    But where's the 'loyalty' mate. 
    Where's the loyalty when clubs cancel contracts or after a dip in form flog a player cheap?
  • He is top of my google search for Lyles now. He come up 1st suggested now after typing Lyle. Ahead of Lyle and Scott
  • He is top of my google search for Lyles now. He come up 1st suggested now after typing Lyle. Ahead of Lyle and Scott
    Where is Tate and Lyle?
  • Ross said:
    He is top of my google search for Lyles now. He come up 1st suggested now after typing Lyle. Ahead of Lyle and Scott
    Where is Tate and Lyle?
    Just over the river
  • Ross said:
    He is top of my google search for Lyles now. He come up 1st suggested now after typing Lyle. Ahead of Lyle and Scott
    Where is Tate and Lyle?
    Try yourself. Not in my top searches
  • I was going to post this the other day but had to wait for my account to be approved, I know this is getting a bit tedious but this guy is very reliable and rarely posts unless he's 100% sure (worth a follow for any transfer tips)
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  • Right I’m gonna be that annoying poster who doesn’t name his source etc but I had a catch with someone yesterday who has got a source of such pretty close to Lyle.  You can believe me if you want or have a pop whatever I’m not bothered, but anyway here it goes. 

    I was told yesterday he is not injured.  But what I was also told was that it could be rows over his contract not necessarily him wanting out.  Maybe the geeza I knows source is telling fibs etc but that’s what I’ve been told.  
    Lee said Yesterday in the press conference that Lyle would be back in a week or two , so that rumour doesn't ring true .
  • Right I’m gonna be that annoying poster who doesn’t name his source etc but I had a catch with someone yesterday who has got a source of such pretty close to Lyle.  You can believe me if you want or have a pop whatever I’m not bothered, but anyway here it goes. 

    I was told yesterday he is not injured.  But what I was also told was that it could be rows over his contract not necessarily him wanting out.  Maybe the geeza I knows source is telling fibs etc but that’s what I’ve been told.  
    Lee said Yesterday in the press conference that Lyle would be back in a week or two , so that rumour doesn't ring true .
    "Injured" until the end of the transfer window. Or back in a week or two for Rangers, Forest or Sheff Wed I suspect.

    FWIW, my two pennyworth on all this is Taylor probably only has one large contract left to earn. This is the one that is going to look after him for the rest of his life (provided he doesn't piss it away, or bet it away, or whatever else he could waste his money on).

    If someone offers him £20k a week for the next 2.5 years, that's £2.6 million before tax.  How many of us would really turn that down?

    Against that, I can only assume Charlton have made him a good offer that still won't leave him a poor man. In addition, fingers crossed, it looks like the next few years could be an exciting ride to be on.  Sure, he might earn a few more bob going to say Sheffield Wednesday but is that really worth it when there is a possibility he'll end up doing a "Dijksteel" ie far from home and friends, in a struggling team, with things not going particularly great.

    Grass isn't always greener elsewhere. And I wouldn't bet on Lyle not finding that out the hard way. 
  • Maybe I’m being naive but I just cannot see Taylor being the type of player that would refuse to play and also LB being the type of manager to completely drop the clubs best player when we’ve won one of the last 16 games. I think he is injured but we aren’t in a rush to get him back while his head may not be in the right place.
    That would seem far more likely. 
  • I hope you’re all right and what I was told is wrong.
  • I hope you’re all right and what I was told is wrong.
    Cheers for posting anyway. 

    I too have a source and Lyle has spent at least some time in the medical room this week so I do believe he is injured. It’s possibly being exaggerated so that he can sort his head out but I think an injury is genuine. 
  • He'll be gone before the end of January, it will drag on a bit but I'm fairly sure we won't see him in a Charlton shirt again 
  • Chunes said:
    Southall said even if he doesn't sign he'll be here til the end of the season. Unless someone offers millions. Can't see someone offering millions for a player out of contract in six months. 
    I’d be interested to know what amount they would sell for. If it was say £1.5 - £2m, it wouldn’t be worth our while - relegation would be more of a disaster than losing the player for nothing. 
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