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The Playing Golf Thread



  • MrOneLung said:

    My drive once hit the flag pole on the 18th at Lullingstone and dropped stone dead about 2 inches from the hole.

    Unfortunately it was my tee shot on the 1st hole that did it.

    lol! That is one hell of a shot!
  • MrOneLung said:

    My drive once hit the flag pole on the 18th at Lullingstone and dropped stone dead about 2 inches from the hole.

    Unfortunately it was my tee shot on the 1st hole that did it.

    Must of had a hell of a left hand curve on it !

    Managed to stub one just up by the Ladies Tee there once, with a crowd of about 30 odd people watching behind me. Most either laughed or just grumbled a long afternoon endured!
  • Had a very mixed two rounds at Donnington Valley last weekend. First round, 10th hole, creamed my hybrid iron 270yds onto the green, pin high, knocked in for my first ever eagle, scored 5 points, finished the round on a respectable 32.

    Next day, on the long par 5, which is a massive hill down, then up and back down again. Second shot is completely blind if you don’t play safe. Went for it with the hybrid iron, caught it a bit thin, the ball is flying towards my mate who was keeping look out, he moved one way to avoid, the ball clipped the ground and took an almighty detour hitting him square in the bollocks. We had to let two groups through while he recovered.

    Two holes later, slight dog leg right 17th. Hit my drive, faded a bit too much. Went down, found my ball on the path, took relief, smashed a 5 iron, beautiful shot straight in the hole. Another eagle, I was like a pig in shit.

    18th went to shit, topped my drive, shanked my next into 9th hole water hazard. Blobbed the hole, didn’t care, had another eagle.

    Last of our groups came in, turned out the ball on the path wasn’t mine despite being same make and number as they’d seen it go in the water, I could have cried.
  • Despite having been a single figure handicapper for over 40 years I had never had a hole in one until a couple of years ago when I had my first and only, whereas most of my hacker mates have had several. It’s a funny old game.
  • Best I've had was 42 points at Frigate hill and still came 4th

    Played Koksjide in Belgium last week great up and coming inland links well worth a visit
  • magic1999 said:

    Best I've had was 42 points at Frigate hill and still came 4th

    Played Koksjide in Belgium last week great up and coming inland links well worth a visit

    42 and you came 4th!?! I’d be absolutely fuming. Bandits.
  • cafcpolo said:

    magic1999 said:

    Best I've had was 42 points at Frigate hill and still came 4th

    Played Koksjide in Belgium last week great up and coming inland links well worth a visit

    42 and you came 4th!?! I’d be absolutely fuming. Bandits.
    That always does my nut in. Society days when someone says that they dont have a handicap & play off 26 only to find that they have been playing for years and just dont have an "official" handicap.

  • Judt remembered an incident.

    I was playing Tilgate Forest (in Crawley). Par 5. Decent tee shot found me in the middle of the fairway.......wide open fairway but with trees either side. Semi blind 2nd shot & nothing in front of me for 300 yards apart from a marker pole showing me the way. Sweetly struck 3 wood arrowed towards the green only to hit the 6 inch diameter marker pole & shoot off at high speed into the trees.

    If it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.
  • My mum is 70. We play golf together when I’m home and she fecking destroys me. It’s like I’m 4 years old again and she’s pulling my pants down to wipe my arse! Golf is a bastard game... fuck golf!
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  • lolwray said:

    My first round of golf was at beckenham place park aged 14 in 1971 142 there was 78 2 years later ..the place holds such memories though ...I would walk ,carrying a half set,from hither green, sometimes starting off in the dark to bpp play 2 rounds and walk back again sometimes with a break on the way home to play 5 a side football in forsters park...

    Now I wouldn't consider playing 18 holes without a trolley let alone anything else

    I also done my golfing “apprenticeship” at beckenham.
    Being a natural fader of the ball I always seemed to play the 8th well.
    The 7th i think is one of the hardest holes I’ve played.
    Not being able to draw the ball also made the 11th hard and another short right to left par 4 on the back nine 14th?

    Oh, and at lullingstone I always peppered people queuing to play the nine hole course when teeing off on the 1st of the 18 course.
  • edited September 2018

    cafcpolo said:

    magic1999 said:

    Best I've had was 42 points at Frigate hill and still came 4th

    Played Koksjide in Belgium last week great up and coming inland links well worth a visit

    42 and you came 4th!?! I’d be absolutely fuming. Bandits.
    That always does my nut in. Society days when someone says that they dont have a handicap & play off 26 only to find that they have been playing for years and just dont have an "official" handicap.

    I had one of these on Tuesday, golf day with work. I was the supposed bandit, although i am not sure if someone was just winding me up or bitter as i was playing ok/ scoring well.

    Asked what handicap i am? I replied i dont know i dont play what ever the max is, i also said last 2 rounds 130/125, last couple of weeks, so they said ok you can play as your cousin (who admittedly only played 1 18 before, i have played a few here and there but mainly 9 hole) so i got 36 (ladies handicap?) played of the yellows still and felt like i played a good round for me, more consistent. I scored 25 points, but some of the holes/ shots i played i kept getting called a bandit, i shot 122 , which again in future i will play 28 which is the proper max but as i dont know i just responded i am just here for social/ play golf i couldnt care less if i won. Came 4th / 14, winning score 32, one of my other cousins who played of 28 but as doesnt play doesnt have a handicap and scored 100.

    On the hole in one front not yet for me, however my mates only hole in one he brought along his GF at the time , first time she ever came 9 hole poult wood and when it went in anyone would have thought it was me who got it! lol proper cheering for him like it was my own :) actually loved it

    The other week i did chip in for birdie, done that a few times. Need to play more as i have the shots just cant string them together hole after hole.

    PS- Beckenham golf course my cousin (none of the above, i have big families) used to live next door to it, think i might of gone round a few times when younger, was probably better then
  • Beautiful up at The London Club today.

    The golf was less beautiful... hacked it round the whole way, as did @BR3red !
  • After a good competition win (playing off 11) the club computer cut me to 9 then cut me a further 2 as an exceptional reduction. Net result is that, after playing most of the year off 12, I'm now suddenly at 7. Good for me but I find it slightly unnerving.

    Any of you lower handicaps got any tips for me in terms of mental approach playing off the lower number. Played my first round with it yesterday and didn't fare too well, got disheartened at one point bogies and let the round slip. It felt very different than playing off 12 and I'm pretty sure I have mental adjustments to make. Scoring in the 70s came much easier off 12 than feeling like I 'have' to score in the 70s.
  • After a good competition win (playing off 11) the club computer cut me to 9 then cut me a further 2 as an exceptional reduction. Net result is that, after playing most of the year off 12, I'm now suddenly at 7. Good for me but I find it slightly unnerving.

    Any of you lower handicaps got any tips for me in terms of mental approach playing off the lower number. Played my first round with it yesterday and didn't fare too well, got disheartened at one point bogies and let the round slip. It felt very different than playing off 12 and I'm pretty sure I have mental adjustments to make. Scoring in the 70s came much easier off 12 than feeling like I 'have' to score in the 70s.

    The tip I would give you Mate is simply not to expect that you will play to your new handicap every game and therefore beat yourself up when you don’t. Most people who reach a reasonable level (and who are still trying to play to the lowest handicap they can rather than be a pot hunting bandit!) have to play well to score par or stay in the buffer zone. You will probably have two or three really good scores in a year and your handicap will therefore fluctuate but not by that much. Just accept that you will have some bad holes in every round (even the pros do that) and enjoy being out there. Well done on reaching 7 btw.
  • After a good competition win (playing off 11) the club computer cut me to 9 then cut me a further 2 as an exceptional reduction. Net result is that, after playing most of the year off 12, I'm now suddenly at 7. Good for me but I find it slightly unnerving.

    Any of you lower handicaps got any tips for me in terms of mental approach playing off the lower number. Played my first round with it yesterday and didn't fare too well, got disheartened at one point bogies and let the round slip. It felt very different than playing off 12 and I'm pretty sure I have mental adjustments to make. Scoring in the 70s came much easier off 12 than feeling like I 'have' to score in the 70s.

    Why dont you just not think about the handicap and what you need to play, just play your normal game and enjoy. Putting pressure on yourself to score in 70s is going to be a recipe of disaster whatever your handicap. Just try not to think about it, i say this not from experience but it sounds like its all in the head.
  • Beautiful up at The London Club today.

    The golf was less beautiful... hacked it round the whole way, as did @BR3red !

    Not like !
  • Beautiful day at Redlibbits today and my golf weren’t too shabby (82 41pts)
    Must have picked up some pointers watching the RC this morning
  • Had 4 days at the PGA Catalunya and got back late yesterday. 3 rounds of golf, 2 on the stadium, 1 on the tour course. Beautiful place
  • edited November 2018

    After a good competition win (playing off 11) the club computer cut me to 9 then cut me a further 2 as an exceptional reduction. Net result is that, after playing most of the year off 12, I'm now suddenly at 7. Good for me but I find it slightly unnerving.

    Any of you lower handicaps got any tips for me in terms of mental approach playing off the lower number. Played my first round with it yesterday and didn't fare too well, got disheartened at one point bogies and let the round slip. It felt very different than playing off 12 and I'm pretty sure I have mental adjustments to make. Scoring in the 70s came much easier off 12 than feeling like I 'have' to score in the 70s.

    I thought this thread was about being not very good. If you are beating yourself up with that kind of score then I would be considering suicide and never ever playing a round of golf with my score of over 100!
    As the posters said, relax and enjoy the game and the walk. It’s not as though it’s your livelihood. And feel blessed that you can play a decent round of golf and not spending all you time looking for your golf ball after every hit. :smile:
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  • cafcpolo said:

    magic1999 said:

    Best I've had was 42 points at Frigate hill and still came 4th

    Played Koksjide in Belgium last week great up and coming inland links well worth a visit

    42 and you came 4th!?! I’d be absolutely fuming. Bandits.
    That always does my nut in. Society days when someone says that they dont have a handicap & play off 26 only to find that they have been playing for years and just dont have an "official" handicap.

    First time you play in our society you cannot win it, or claim any cash prizes, plus any score over 36 points is dedicated from the given handicap for the next time they play
  • shirty5 said:

    cafcpolo said:

    magic1999 said:

    Best I've had was 42 points at Frigate hill and still came 4th

    Played Koksjide in Belgium last week great up and coming inland links well worth a visit

    42 and you came 4th!?! I’d be absolutely fuming. Bandits.
    That always does my nut in. Society days when someone says that they dont have a handicap & play off 26 only to find that they have been playing for years and just dont have an "official" handicap.

    First time you play in our society you cannot win it, or claim any cash prizes, plus any score over 36 points is dedicated from the given handicap for the next time they play
    Anyone scoring over 39 points 2/3 times a year is a cheat
  • shirty5 said:

    cafcpolo said:

    magic1999 said:

    Best I've had was 42 points at Frigate hill and still came 4th

    Played Koksjide in Belgium last week great up and coming inland links well worth a visit

    42 and you came 4th!?! I’d be absolutely fuming. Bandits.
    That always does my nut in. Society days when someone says that they dont have a handicap & play off 26 only to find that they have been playing for years and just dont have an "official" handicap.

    First time you play in our society you cannot win it, or claim any cash prizes, plus any score over 36 points is dedicated from the given handicap for the next time they play
    Anyone scoring over 39 points 2/3 times a year is a cheat
    I agree, hence why they would cut everytime until it comes virtually impossible to do that.
  • Playing on a golf holiday in Spain a couple of years ago, worst hook i have ever done in my life on a 120 yard par 3. i was so annoyed that i didn't even take 3 off the tee and stormed up to the green. When i got there i saw my ball a yard from the hole. I was bemused and turned to see where it could've come from, the water that i thought the ball must've gone in was surrounded by rocks. I can only assume it bounced off these rocks and flew onto the green. Still managed to 2 putt for par from about a yard.....
  • The recent news about Glenn Hoddle reminded me about the number of times he played at my course at the Manor of Groves in Sawbridgeworth, Herts. Glenn's Dad, Derek and his Uncle Dave were both long-term members and Glenn played there often. When Glenn's Dad sadly died, the family decided to arrange a golf day in his memory and it continued for several years.
    One year I won the competition and Glenn presented me with a fantastic black marble trophy but my wife refuses to allow it to be displayed, as it is inscribed "In loving memory of Del Boy" and she won't let me put it on the fireplace. Not while I am still alive anyway!
  • Just back from the London Club Pro Am in Portugal.

    Had a good team, really looked forward to it, had high hopes....

    Crunching it at the range prior. Playing off 90% of my Handicap of 15. Felt good.....

    Pro shot 9 over both days.

    I got 23 points and then 25 points

    Team 7th (out of 8)


    (Ps. Beer was good)
  • As above, played awful.

    Back home, this is what EasyJet thought of my driving:
  • On an unusual note:

    The Pro that won shot 1 under for 2 rounds.

    Was in a medal, hit 7 off the tee on a par 5

    and birdied it ( found the 1st ball).

  • Anyone that wants a lesson in golf could do worse than watching Lee Westwood in the Nedbank challenge on currently Sky sports.

  • BR3red said:

    As above, played awful.

    Back home, this is what EasyJet thought of my driving:

    At least that’s happened on the way home. A couple of years ago the head of my driver rolled out across the floor of my hotel room as I unpacked
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