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Incident in Greenwich



  • @colthe3rd that’s 3 times you have personally sworn and abused me but admin do nothing, pick your dummy back up you salad. 
  • @colthe3rd that’s 3 times you have personally sworn and abused me but admin do nothing, pick your dummy back up you salad. 
    Aww admin do nothing, wanna pick that dummy back up? Also what sort of insult is salad? I wouldn't have to abuse you if you refrained from the thinly veiled racism you love typing out on here. If anyone wants to moan about admins it should be the majority of us who don't agree with your disgusting views and how you constantly are able to post such nonsense. 
  • colthe3rd said:
    @colthe3rd that’s 3 times you have personally sworn and abused me but admin do nothing, pick your dummy back up you salad. 
    Aww admin do nothing, wanna pick that dummy back up? Also what sort of insult is salad? I wouldn't have to abuse you if you refrained from the thinly veiled racism you love typing out on here. If anyone wants to moan about admins it should be the majority of us who don't agree with your disgusting views and how you constantly are able to post such nonsense. 

    Because it makes some people really uncomfortable, and you can't do that.

    As someone alluded to earlier in the thread, it's these sort of people that enabled the molestation of over a thousand young girls.

    It's very unfortunate.

  • Thinly veiled racism --------- zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Having read Palarsehater’s post, I can only see facts in the main, concluding with a question about London life. 

  • colthe3rd said:
    @colthe3rd that’s 3 times you have personally sworn and abused me but admin do nothing, pick your dummy back up you salad. 
    Aww admin do nothing, wanna pick that dummy back up? Also what sort of insult is salad? I wouldn't have to abuse you if you refrained from the thinly veiled racism you love typing out on here. If anyone wants to moan about admins it should be the majority of us who don't agree with your disgusting views and how you constantly are able to post such nonsense. 
    you have lost it here i think, you don't have to abuse anyone. 

    fair cop if admin want to ban me go for it, do not really see what i've said that is disgusting or nonsense? 

    also 9.3k comments on this forum if you can give me 10 ( that would be 0.1% of my constant nonsense)  that are "thinly veiled racism" then i'm all ears until then wind your neck in and stop being such a SALAD. 

  • Meanwhile some poor kid has had their life ended or changed forever,parents and loved ones in massive grief but the concern AGAIN is upsetting someone's "always offended button"----- FFS.

    Totally agree. 
    Rather than face facts and face up to what is happening some people will just find something to be offended by. 
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  • colthe3rd said:
    @colthe3rd that’s 3 times you have personally sworn and abused me but admin do nothing, pick your dummy back up you salad. 
    Aww admin do nothing, wanna pick that dummy back up? Also what sort of insult is salad? I wouldn't have to abuse you if you refrained from the thinly veiled racism you love typing out on here. If anyone wants to moan about admins it should be the majority of us who don't agree with your disgusting views and how you constantly are able to post such nonsense. 
    you have lost it here i think, you don't have to abuse anyone. 

    fair cop if admin want to ban me go for it, do not really see what i've said that is disgusting or nonsense? 

    also 9.3k comments on this forum if you can give me 10 ( that would be 0.1% of my constant nonsense)  that are "thinly veiled racism" then i'm all ears until then wind your neck in and stop being such a SALAD. 

    Tell us what you really think the reasons are for the rise in knife crime. You have alluded to it not being caused by "lack of jobs, closure of youth clubs and single parents" so tell us what you really think rather than hinting. 
  • The majority of stabbings in London are carried out by black youths, usually gang members, usually concerning drugs. That’s not racist, it’s the truth. 
    That isn't the part I'm referring to Al. 
  • colthe3rd said:
    I was out and walked past the police aftermath about 3am. All from out of town and obviously spoiling for a fight. So needless, life is so cheap to these people. 
    have seen the video of this incident, the fact a fella is literally walking around laughing saying " man is not messing about with this shank" makes me incredibly angry and sad, the man with the huge knife then procedes to kill a man whilst his buddies are stamping on him and tried stabbing another, what sort of pathetic cowardly cnut do you have to be to take a knife that size out with you as the size of it you are killing someone. 

    these chaps would not be so "badman" faced with a group of pissed up football lads, or in fact anyone that would fight back with them. 

    it was after a music night by one of them drill/rap generally shit music that goes on and on about violence and being gangsters 

    the notting hill carnival the weekend just the 37 police officers assaulted and 353 arrests 

    the double slashing in greenwich yesterday.

    can we still blame all this on the lack of jobs, closure of youth clubs and single parents?

    it isn't even news anymore its just a fact of living in and around london
    You really are a fucking moron. 
    Why is he a “fucking moron”? He’s quoted some facts as well as opinion. If anyone’s a moron......
    let's go through it shall we?

    these chaps would not be so "badman" faced with a group of pissed up football lads, or in fact anyone that would fight back with them. Opinion 

    it was after a music night by one of them drill/rap generally shit music that goes on and on about violence and being gangsters opinion mixed with some fact

    the notting hill carnival the weekend just the 37 police officers assaulted and 353 arrests fact but not sure why it's being used about stabbings in Maidstone 

    the double slashing in greenwich yesterday. fact but again why is it being used for this article

    can we still blame all this on the lack of jobs, closure of youth clubs and single parents? Opinion

    it isn't even news anymore its just a fact of living in and around london 

    Somostly opinion and where fact is used it's a way of twisting a story to suit his own agenda which appears to be something against young black people from London. 
  • I think that what we're not really aligning on here are the root causes of black-on-black violence. It could be very therapeutic and liberating if we were all to suggest what we believe them to be. It could make for an excellent thread 
  • edited August 2019
    colthe3rd said:
    colthe3rd said:
    I was out and walked past the police aftermath about 3am. All from out of town and obviously spoiling for a fight. So needless, life is so cheap to these people. 
    have seen the video of this incident, the fact a fella is literally walking around laughing saying " man is not messing about with this shank" makes me incredibly angry and sad, the man with the huge knife then procedes to kill a man whilst his buddies are stamping on him and tried stabbing another, what sort of pathetic cowardly cnut do you have to be to take a knife that size out with you as the size of it you are killing someone. 

    these chaps would not be so "badman" faced with a group of pissed up football lads, or in fact anyone that would fight back with them. 

    it was after a music night by one of them drill/rap generally shit music that goes on and on about violence and being gangsters 

    the notting hill carnival the weekend just the 37 police officers assaulted and 353 arrests 

    the double slashing in greenwich yesterday.

    can we still blame all this on the lack of jobs, closure of youth clubs and single parents?

    it isn't even news anymore its just a fact of living in and around london
    You really are a fucking moron. 
    Why is he a “fucking moron”? He’s quoted some facts as well as opinion. If anyone’s a moron......
    let's go through it shall we?

    these chaps would not be so "badman" faced with a group of pissed up football lads, or in fact anyone that would fight back with them. Opinion 

    it was after a music night by one of them drill/rap generally shit music that goes on and on about violence and being gangsters opinion mixed with some fact

    the notting hill carnival the weekend just the 37 police officers assaulted and 353 arrests fact but not sure why it's being used about stabbings in Maidstone 

    the double slashing in greenwich yesterday. fact but again why is it being used for this article

    can we still blame all this on the lack of jobs, closure of youth clubs and single parents? Opinion

    it isn't even news anymore its just a fact of living in and around london 

    Somostly opinion and where fact is used it's a way of twisting a story to suit his own agenda which appears to be something against young black people from London. 
    Conveniently missed out his first paragraph though.

    So you didn't "go through it".

    And the stabbings weren't anything to do with elderly Jewish women in Maidstone, so how else would you describe the perpetrators of this incident?
  • edited August 2019
    The rise in knife crime is caused by the increase in gang culture. It's sickening that people want to turn it into another race argument. 

    It's culture not race that is the problem.

    Until people fear the consequences of gang culture as much as or more than the gang culture itself, stabbings will continue and will progress onto shootings. 

    We're not going to solve it on here. Insulting one another is pointless and only makes this place of escape less tolerable.
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  • edited August 2019
    colthe3rd said:
    colthe3rd said:
    @colthe3rd that’s 3 times you have personally sworn and abused me but admin do nothing, pick your dummy back up you salad. 
    Aww admin do nothing, wanna pick that dummy back up? Also what sort of insult is salad? I wouldn't have to abuse you if you refrained from the thinly veiled racism you love typing out on here. If anyone wants to moan about admins it should be the majority of us who don't agree with your disgusting views and how you constantly are able to post such nonsense. 
    you have lost it here i think, you don't have to abuse anyone. 

    fair cop if admin want to ban me go for it, do not really see what i've said that is disgusting or nonsense? 

    also 9.3k comments on this forum if you can give me 10 ( that would be 0.1% of my constant nonsense)  that are "thinly veiled racism" then i'm all ears until then wind your neck in and stop being such a SALAD. 

    Tell us what you really think the reasons are for the rise in knife crime. You have alluded to it not being caused by "lack of jobs, closure of youth clubs and single parents" so tell us what you really think rather than hinting. 
    the ease of the drug money and the rise in gang culture a lot of this is due to instagram/snapchat etc, the denying of it and the ease of it by mainly people like yourself not calling it how it is, and blaming single parents and poverty, there are many poverty stricken kids in the uk the vast majority of these stabbing victims are not poverty stricken, a friend of friend was killed a quite a years back over a £200 drug debt. 

    the music i mentioned it isn't me being racist it literally is labelled as mobo. 

    also this thread is about a stabbing incident in greenwich and has since turned into a general dicussion on the appauling knife epidemic i now believe we are in. 

    a video of a fella laying dying after being stamped out and the guy that stabbed him running away with a huge knife then running back to stab someone else - something wrong with people there must that simply isnt normal. 
  • Would it be fair to suggest there's an element of cognitive dissonance in watching a video of someone being murdered and suggesting that social media is a cause in the rise of knife crime? 
  • edited August 2019
    colthe3rd said:
    colthe3rd said:
    @colthe3rd that’s 3 times you have personally sworn and abused me but admin do nothing, pick your dummy back up you salad. 
    Aww admin do nothing, wanna pick that dummy back up? Also what sort of insult is salad? I wouldn't have to abuse you if you refrained from the thinly veiled racism you love typing out on here. If anyone wants to moan about admins it should be the majority of us who don't agree with your disgusting views and how you constantly are able to post such nonsense. 
    you have lost it here i think, you don't have to abuse anyone. 

    fair cop if admin want to ban me go for it, do not really see what i've said that is disgusting or nonsense? 

    also 9.3k comments on this forum if you can give me 10 ( that would be 0.1% of my constant nonsense)  that are "thinly veiled racism" then i'm all ears until then wind your neck in and stop being such a SALAD. 

    Tell us what you really think the reasons are for the rise in knife crime. You have alluded to it not being caused by "lack of jobs, closure of youth clubs and single parents" so tell us what you really think rather than hinting. 
    the ease of the drug money and the rise in gang culture a lot of this is due to instagram/snapchat etc, the denying of it and the ease of it by mainly people like yourself not calling it how it is, and blaming single parents and poverty, there are many poverty stricken kids in the uk the vast majority of these stabbing victims are not poverty stricken, a friend of friend was killed a quite a years back over a £200 drug debt. 

    the music i mentioned it isn't me being racist it literally is labelled as mobo. 

    also this thread is about a stabbing incident in greenwich and has since turned into a general dicussion on the appauling knife epidemic i now believe we are in. 

    a video of a fella laying dying after being stamped out and the guy that stabbed him running away with a huge knife then running back to stab someone else - something wrong with people there must that simply isnt normal. 
    So what you're telling me that two of the main reasons for the rise in knife violence is because young people are on social media and listen to music?

    Edit - just to add I haven't once claimed I know the reasons for it, so maybe don't accuse me of something I haven't done. "Calling it how it is", a fantastic way of putting down someone who doesn't agree with your rhetoric.
  • Chizz said:
    Would it be fair to suggest there's an element of cognitive dissonance in watching a video of someone being murdered and suggesting that social media is a cause in the rise of knife crime? 
    It certainly wouldn't be unfair to say it is somewhat hypocritical.

    Social media allows people to share and celebrate terrible things. If you've sat and watched the footage, you've added to the view count and increased the trending of such footage. 

    Watching videos of murder and violence, that you know are real will numb you to that violence and if you're young, I'd imagine makes you more susceptible trying similar. 

    YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc need to take more responsibility for what they host. It's too easy to pass certain age checks etc
    As long as young men can see a way of making hundreds of pounds a day by dealing and running drugs with little or no effort involved. Until as the black communities address the prevalence of absent fathers. Until the word respect again comes to mean what it used to mean and not what comes with how tough you are and how many people you have stabbed. Until police numbers on the streets are increased. Until stop and search is seen as protecting the community not victimising it. Until “sink” estates are consigned to history. Until sentences for carrying and using knives get tougher. Until schools are funded enough to offer a good education to all pupils. Until money robbed from community projects is re established. And on and on

      Very difficult to change many of those things as quickly as needed. A sudden, swift response to end this behaviour is needed.

     If violent crime continues to worsen at the rate it has, I certainly fear the short to medium term future of the United Kingdom as these things are happening in small towns and even villages as well as the cities.
  • Dazzler21 said:
    Chizz said:
    Would it be fair to suggest there's an element of cognitive dissonance in watching a video of someone being murdered and suggesting that social media is a cause in the rise of knife crime? 
    It certainly wouldn't be unfair to say it is somewhat hypocritical.

    Social media allows people to share and celebrate terrible things. If you've sat and watched the footage, you've added to the view count and increased the trending of such footage. 

    Watching videos of murder and violence, that you know are real will numb you to that violence and if you're young, I'd imagine makes you more susceptible trying similar. 

    YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc need to take more responsibility for what they host. It's too easy to pass certain age checks etc
    As long as young men can see a way of making hundreds of pounds a day by dealing and running drugs with little or no effort involved. Until as the black communities address the prevalence of absent fathers. Until the word respect again comes to mean what it used to mean and not what comes with how tough you are and how many people you have stabbed. Until police numbers on the streets are increased. Until stop and search is seen as protecting the community not victimising it. Until “sink” estates are consigned to history. Until sentences for carrying and using knives get tougher. Until schools are funded enough to offer a good education to all pupils. Until money robbed from community projects is re established. And on and on

      Very difficult to change many of those things as quickly as needed. A sudden, swift response to end this behaviour is needed.

     If violent crime continues to worsen at the rate it has, I certainly fear the short to medium term future of the United Kingdom as these things are happening in small towns and even villages as well as the cities.

    Sudden and swift response? As a society we've tied ourselves up in so many knots that effective action just isn't possible. You know it, I know it and the stabby demographic certainly know it. The only hope for change is that enough middle class white kids get butchered as nothing else will force the powers that be to change course. 
  • colthe3rd said:
    colthe3rd said:
    @colthe3rd that’s 3 times you have personally sworn and abused me but admin do nothing, pick your dummy back up you salad. 
    Aww admin do nothing, wanna pick that dummy back up? Also what sort of insult is salad? I wouldn't have to abuse you if you refrained from the thinly veiled racism you love typing out on here. If anyone wants to moan about admins it should be the majority of us who don't agree with your disgusting views and how you constantly are able to post such nonsense. 
    you have lost it here i think, you don't have to abuse anyone. 

    fair cop if admin want to ban me go for it, do not really see what i've said that is disgusting or nonsense? 

    also 9.3k comments on this forum if you can give me 10 ( that would be 0.1% of my constant nonsense)  that are "thinly veiled racism" then i'm all ears until then wind your neck in and stop being such a SALAD. 

    Tell us what you really think the reasons are for the rise in knife crime. You have alluded to it not being caused by "lack of jobs, closure of youth clubs and single parents" so tell us what you really think rather than hinting. 
    If you attribute those 3 things to just the black community then perhaps it is you who is the racist.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!