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  • What papers?!?!
  • just noticed the Roland 'fluff' piece attached to this article
    Stinks of Rubashaw and waffle
    Click on the word 'OWNER' in the article
  • cafcwill said:

    just noticed the Roland 'fluff' piece attached to this article
    Stinks of Rubashaw and waffle
    Click on the word 'OWNER' in the article

  • I think I was just a bit sick in my mouth reading that fluff piece.
  • cafcwill said:

    just noticed the Roland 'fluff' piece attached to this article
    Stinks of Rubashaw and waffle
    Click on the word 'OWNER' in the article

    I always wondered if there was anyone who financially contributes to Wikipedia. Can’t say I ever thought Roland would do!
  • As per the end of the Statement why has LVT been saying that him and Roland have been waiting on the EFL then???
  • Funny he is so keen on banging on about basic income when he is happy not to pay bonuses to his staff.
  • Crock of shit, he wants 15 mill more than the Aussies or anyone else is willing to pay, but you know the EFL will lap it all up
  • Sponsored links:

  • How hard will the EFL push?

    Are they entitled to get answers about asking price and how much the offers are that have been made are?

    In essence, can they tell this doofus what to do?
  • How hard will the EFL push?

    Are they entitled to get answers about asking price and how much the offers are that have been made are?

    In essence, can they tell this doofus what to do?

    No, they will only worry about bad publicity for the EFL.

    But these statements from rrow-lun prove that the negative attention really gets under his skin.
  • edited September 2018
    is the the meeting the @castrust are having with the club and the EFL?

    or is that a separate meeting?

    also when is it?
  • So this is a statement confirming they put out a previous statement that was a bare-faced lie. What a bunch of shameless shit weasels we have running this club
  • edited September 2018

    How hard will the EFL push?

    Are they entitled to get answers about asking price and how much the offers are that have been made are?

    In essence, can they tell this doofus what to do?

    Well, they certainly can’t tell supporters what to do, which is what RD will want. It’s unlikely he will do himself any favours, because he’s so out of touch as he has repeatedly shown.
  • This contradicts the last statement
  • Just hope this sorry tale is over soon...
  • edited September 2018

    Just read the article and the 'owner' link.

    That is hilarious.

    Not one mention of his love for English football or south London. Shows not one iota of affection for the club he owns.
    Just a plethora of bullshit. And that pretty much sums his tenure up.

    Happy reading EFL.
  • This "owner" statement feels like someone trying to influence their cafc legacy before they leave. Thing is, RD, you cannot influence us vinegar pissers / customers / fans. You might have done good things before but you have been a bad owner in SE7. History will not be kind to you. Please close the door on your way out.
  • Sponsored links:

  • With any luck the door will smack him on the arse as it closes
  • Reads to me like ‘look EFL what a good owner I am. But for those pesky CARD and other groups I would have taken Charlton Patheletic to the Premier League.’

    Pretty transparent bollocks
  • The result will be a statement from the EFL informing the great unwashed that they can find no technical fault with his ownership. They will have fulfilled their role in meeting with Roland and can sleep soundly in their beds. Sorry but can't see the point of this meeting.
  • addick05 said:

    The result will be a statement from the EFL informing the great unwashed that they can find no technical fault with his ownership. They will have fulfilled their role in meeting with Roland and can sleep soundly in their beds. Sorry but can't see the point of this meeting.

    Never overestimate Roland.
  • It’s an unwanted meeting for both parties. The EFL are doing this because we’ve ramped up the protests and taken it to their doorstep and Roland will reluctantly see it as a chance to try and convince them we’re to blame and he wants out as soon as possible. He’s shot himself in the foot re; the comment about the Aussie papers being held up with the EFL and will have to answer to that, but I expect little to come of this

  • He’s not brought me much ‘domestic happiness’
  • Round and round and round in circles......that statement is so bland and devoid of encouraging content as to be virtually useless.
  • Anyone clicked on any of those basic income links, which claim to be recent events but the most recent is 2017?
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Roland Out Forever!