Hi all you lifers! I'm seeking some advice from you wonderful minds. As of this afternoon, I have been offered a high profile internship with Cedar Point amusement park for the summer (voted 2nd best amusement park in the world). I have been working hard for months to try and land this position but over the last couple of weeks, ive started to have some doubts. The hours would be long and I'd only have one day off per week. I fear I may miss home and will not have free time to enjoy any of my summer as I would be able to if I got an internship in Wisconsin. I'm hoping to make a decision by Friday.
Anyone had similar fears or reservations about accepting a job? How'd you get through it?
Any and all advice appreciated!
Plus you’ll meet loads of new people, get to live away from home and I assume get to enjoy the facilities for free.
Where do I sign up mate?
Do it, I’m sure you will love it.
Think back to similar events like going to Uni? Do you get "cold feet" then too?
If it helps make two lists.
One with all the positives and alongside that the negatives.
Then read them through.
And imagine someone you know, in their twenties asks you for advice. Maybe you know them very well, because you're related to them. Or because they work for you. Or maybe you have only just met them. They ask you what you did when you were in your twenties.
Won't it be great to tell them of all the great things you learned, great people you met and the great stuff you started to do, all because of one summer you spent grafting, learning and doing your best in something that you'd had genuine nerves about? And imagine how difficult the conversation might be if you had to say you didn't go ahead with your first, great opportunity.
The first one in the middle of nowhere in Texas, I had 24 hours off a week, which was from 10am one morning to 10am the next so not actually one full day if you get what I mean. At the end of 6 weeks I think they paid me something like £200! Tbf they also paid my travel each way and full board whilst working. I loved it though. Met some great people and had a completely different experience.
Plus it set me up the next yr with experience to go somewhere where I worked between 3-5 days a week in Malibu for 6 weeks for more like £1K plus travel/board etc.
Go for it.
If you've been working hard for months to try and land this position, there's something inside you that really wants it. Give yourself the chance to be truly you.
Just do it and see where it leads you.
"I'd have to do the fake British accent mate (which I'm quite good at)
Ahhhh ok, still look good on your CV
It sounds fantastic - jump straight in. In two weeks you'll wonder why you ever had doubts. Good luck!
You say internship. Are you being paid?
You know the answers, you know why you wanted this opportunity. Grasp it with both hands and make every second an opportunity to learn and develop as a person - part of that development is learning to stand alone without the familiarity of home, family and friends. New friendships are waiting to be formed.
If you do it, in 20 years time it is highly unlikely you will regret it. If you don't do it then in 20 years time I guarantee you will regret it.
Also how do I get a friends and family discount? :-)
And the key lesson I've learned - it doesn't work