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Grapevine49’s post



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    James we have to break the logjam somehow. It’s all very well Roland wanting £40-70m but he’s never going to get that - as I have said before I’d like £10m for my house but no one is going to pay me that- it’s about trying a different approach that satisfies his ego - maybe selling to a supporter led initiative would let him leave with some dignity for his “social experiment “
    Might also serve to flush out RD's desired asking price for the Valley and Sparrows Lane!! 
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    clb74 said:
    When we built the North Stand I put in £25k and got two 20 year season tickets - it wasn't the greatest financial pdeal for me but it helped the club at the time. It would only need 300 to do the same again to raise £7.5m and give them all the same deal again. Then we get a mortgage for the rest - simples  B) 
    I've just told the wife were selling the home and downsizing 
    How do you downsize from a studio?
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    Dave2l said:

    To me. All you are is a username. I do not know you.

    May I ask a question though.

    What is your profession? Just out of curiosity.

    I would like to think that it is something that pays very well.

    Life does not really serve an awful lot of justice though.

    I think Grapevine is a retired banker. 
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    I'm in but the land and property would have to be sold at an independent valuation not RDs - I'd also want to see someone with deep pockets, a commitment to the club and fan involvement to take over the running of the club - proper trusts so that no one can diverge from defined principles aimed at the long term protection of the club - we also need to look at foreign ownership models such as in Germany and Spain ( and possibly now Portsmouth and Lincoln) that draw a much wider circle into the ownership of OUR club rather than the English sugar daddy/spiv model which really has failed Charlton and don't fit with the type of club that we are.
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    Dave2l said:

    To me. All you are is a username. I do not know you.

    May I ask a question though.

    What is your profession? Just out of curiosity.

    I would like to think that it is something that pays very well.

    Life does not really serve an awful lot of justice though.

    I think Grapevine is a retired banker. 
    Not a novelist then...😉
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    I initially read that as you having been employed for 68 years @Grapevine49 !
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    I think somehow we need to combine SM suggestions with Grapevines and come up with a way forward. I’m not certain if the trust etc can or would even want  organise such a complex negotiation (I’m not a member therefore do not know there ability) but if a separate dedicated trust or team or similar was set up with the sole purpose of arranging this, then with the correct financial and legal people on board then I think a lot more people might come on board.

    Certainly if backbiting etc could be eliminated and way forward to make it all inclusive, by say a share option of say £250 or less a share and you are allowed multiple shares then to me this seems a way forward. The hard part in my mind is getting the right people in place with the correct knowledge, and the fact that everyone would have to acknowledge that some of the share monies could be spent on say legal / financial advice, which might mean that you lose that money as the advice could be you got no chance negotiating with that idiot. 
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    I have already said I would be in favour of an initiative such as this. Yes, there are undoubtedly obstacles to overcome but it feels like some form of positive action in addition to protests against RD's continued ownership are in order.

    The financial pressure on clubs outside of the Premier League is increasing with wealthy investors apparently increasingly hard to find. Some kind of supporter funded invested in the club assets in the form of a trust is an avenue worth exploring.

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