Apologies if we’ve done this subject in the not too distant past, but typed it into the search function and nothing immediate cropped up. Just wondering how much football you all consume these days. Must admit, I tend to get my fix purely through going to Charlton now. I’m guessing it’s a combination of age and the commitments you might pick up as you get older (family maybe), but I cannot think of the last time I watched all of a live game on TV, and probably haven’t watched MOTD yet this season.
I think with European games now only on BT, that has limited my midweek intake, and I’ll be honest, some of the Prem games are hard going, particularly coupled with the hype of skysports. I only asked because I was out tonight and missed a cracker in the Liverpool v Arsenal game, I guess if I were at home I may have dabbled, but just wondered what everyone else’s intake is.
When I was a teenager I would hoover up pretty much all of what I could get my hands on. Now, going away or to the valley, and then Quest if we win or draw on a Sunday morning (still can’t bring myself to watch the highlights when we lose), is the pretty much my lot.
If there are 2 live games, I have 1 on TV & 1 on laptop.
Then again I'm not married or coupled up.
Champions League I’ll wait till the games have a meaning
Premiership will watch the odd biggie match but will often have it on in the background
was lucky to be watching most of liv v arse match last night, due to the kids wanting to stay up longer but usually wouldn’t watch it
I’ll watch the scum on telly , with pure hatred running through me , that Brighton cup game was a thing of beauty
the pure saturation of the game on telly means I prolly watch less than ever, since it started being thrown at us relentlessly by Sky and co.
Going back 5-10 years I used to watch so much more
But watch alot of the build up and review shows for the prem and the highlight shows for championship.
So quite a lot.
Have not watched MOTD for about 25 years due to no interest in the 'money league'/out on the drink.
I'll flick through recorded Quest every now and then.
Watching more live football than ever, thanks to 2 football crazy sons. Going to a ground and watching a game is far more enjoyable and sociable than watching on TV in my opinion. Bit like how boozing is best done when you're out and about, rather than indoors.
What block are you in?
New Wall Quadrant. Got it. Welcome to the group.
Always sky+ the quest programme and MOTD (most of the time I just delete MOTD without watching it), will watch it live if I'm up and nothing else on
Otherwise I barely watch any these days.
If I have seen our highlights on CL i don't even bother with Quest.
Only ever watch other Championship or Premier League games live on SKY rather than seeing any foreign leagues but dont watch all of them, instead will pick and choose the games that I watch... Even then I'll rarely give the game my full attention
Always watch Quest Highlights... Never watch Match of the Day these days, YouTube have 3min highlights of matches not long after the Premier League games finish so watch them so I dont have to put up with the bullshit punditry
Always watch the midweek fixtures, be it champs league/carabao/championship = 2 games.
I always watch the 12:30 fixtures on Saturday on BT, and if we're at home I'll be watching that too. If Charlton are not on, I'll usually watch the late 5:30 PL game. = 2 games.
Sunday, most of the time it clashes with F1 which takes my preference on a Sunday. Usually just the one game on super sunday, rarely do I watch the full double header. = 1 game.
Combine that with MOTD, and EFL on Quest (which I only watch the first hour [championship])....
I'm all in for around 10hours a week of football lol.
If I was to give up my s/t then I at least had to have Sky.
I will watch any football, so as I’m here in Ireland I dip in and out of their league. It can be pretty awful but I still prefer it to Scottish football which I really can’t stand but I keep trying.
I am loving being able to watch Charlton on the red button but it does remind me of how much I miss it.
- Match of the Day
- EFL on Quest
- Bundesliga roundup (BT Sport)
- Ligue 1 round up (BT Sport)
- La Liga roundup (Premier Sports)
And if I can fit it in I’ll do the same for Eredivisie and Serie A (both Premier Sports).
The international leagues I enjoy because it’s my chance to learn about different clubs that I’m not completely familiar with.
Cant stand the English football shows which are 50% made up of waffle from pundits talking through clips that we’ve already seen about 5 minutes earlier.
Can't watch much midweek action because of working hours. Watch the odd EFL early/late kickoff on Fridays/Saturday earlies/Sundays when possible or available via a stream too.
But this then competes with cricket, NFL, F1, and a whole host of other things too. So it does vary.