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WSS's interview for The Apprentice



    edited July 2007
    specific measurable acheivable realistic time

    they better not ask me crap like that, i should have covered most of that in my application. As AFKA says, this is going to be more whether i'm suited to the TV programme as well as the overall job.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valley_McMoist[/cite]Practice question:

    What is a SMART objective?

    i absolute hate bollox like that.

    Three things are needed when employing someone in 90% of jobs. Have they common sense, does it seem like they are prepared to work hard, and do they seem as if they can fit comfortably into a team environment.

    Barring technical specifics, the rest should all be secondary.
  • edited July 2007
    I guess that puts us lot in the other 10% then...
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Valley_McMoist[/cite]Practice question:

    What is a SMART objective?[/quote]

    Good question cos I've seen so many different definitions of SMART. And any way it's SMARTER now. Evaluate and Review ; - )
    edited July 2007
    Right so been there done that!

    It started off with a group of 6 people and they went round in a circle and you had to say why you had to be the next apprentice (3 people got chucked straight away)

    I was the last to speak and thought I’d be a bit cheeky so after everyone had given their reasons I said “well listening to the others here I think I’m better than them all”.

    I know it was a risk but it paid off and I got put through to another stage which was more in detail. Really hard questioning and forever questioning my own answers which I found difficult but coped pretty well I thought.

    They did say that I was too young (they TOLD me that) and I replied with my Irving inspired answer of that is my USP which they seemed to like.

    Difficult to assess how I did but they said they would let me know in a couple of weeks.
  • Well done mate. Good luck.
  • As your agent thats 10% of your first year's salary you owe me.

    Sounds like it went well. You lucked out going last in the group but well done for thinking on your feet and saying something memorable.

    Sounds like it was a good thing to do. Can't wait to hear how it has gone.
  • Good Luck WSS ........what is USP?
  • Unique Selling point, perhaps?
  • [cite]Posted By: Solidgone[/cite]Good Luck WSS ........what is USP?

    I was thinking the same thing ; )
  • Sponsored links:

  • go on WSS!
  • I'm Fired :-(

    Sorry to let you all down
  • hard lines mate, no dwelling on it.

    Yes, you're right, you have let us all down. But that can be remedied with a quick application for Shipwrecked...
  • Shame. I was looking forward to saying I knew someone on the show.

    Still you had a go and you can watch the next series feeling smug that you would have done better.
  • And it could have been a disaster. Remember that Charlton fan who went on Mastermind ;-)
  • Hard luck, WSS. How about Big Brother? (You're maybe not quite weird enough for that...)
  • Sorry to hear that WestSide. I shall resist the usual joke for once (pre...sss.....Add....your.....comments....don'
  • hard lines mate, no dwelling on it.

    Yes, you're right, you have let us all down. But that can be remedied with a quick application for Shipwrecked...

    Shipwrecked, I've never watched it but the cast were in work about 3 weeks ago. I was in the coffee bar and I must say I can't remember the last time I saw a fitter bunch of women. The girl I was having coffee with was similarly impressed with the men.
  • edited July 2007
    those birds were fit..
    espes the blondie
  • No image carling
  • Sponsored links:

  • yeah just realised!
  • Being the mug I am, i'm sent an application a couple of months ago and have been called back for the first stage interview in a couple of weeks.

    lets see if they like me more one year on...
  • If asked the question 'When do you feel you are in your element?'

    You must answer 'when running round tottenham with my willy hanging out'
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Being the mug I am, i'm sent an application a couple of months ago and have been called back for the first stage interview in a couple of weeks.

    lets see if they like me more one year on...

    Just tell him you're a yid mate... doesnt seem to matter what you do then, can even get away with lying on your CV!
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