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Players Marks: Swansea v Charlton (closes Saturday lunchtime)



  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7.5 
    Lockyer: 6.5
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 7.5 
    Pratley:: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 5
    Gallagher: 8
    Taylor: 6
    Davison: 8 
    Doughty: 7.5
    Referee: 5

  • Options
    Phillips: 7 Kept us in it and was great at set pieces
    Matthews: 7 
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 7
    Purrington: 7
    Pratley:: 7
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 6
    Davison: 6
    Doughty: 7
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 6.5
    Lockyer: 5
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 6
    Pratley:: 7.5 MOM
    Morgan: 5
    Dempsey: 5
    Gallagher: 6.5
    Taylor: 5.5
    Davison: 4.5
    Doughty: 5.5
    Referee: 8
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 8
    Lockyer: 6.5
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 7.5 
    Pratley: 6
    Morgan: 5.5
    Dempsey: 5
    Gallagher: 8
    Taylor: 5
    Davison: 6 Good effort on goal at the end
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 4 Looking directly at the shirt pull on Sarr and did nothing. That CB got away with so many fouls
  • Options

    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7
    Lockyer: 6
    Pearce: 5
    Purrington: 6.5
    Pratley:: 6.5
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 5 
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 5
    Davison: 6
    Doughty: 7.5
    Referee: 6
  • Options

    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 6
    Pratley: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 6.5
    Taylor: 5
    Davison: 7.5
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 6
  • Options

    Phillips: 7.5 - didn’t have much to do, good save first half and good punching second half, might have saved the goal had it not deflected off Pearce
    Matthews: 8 - great performance in attack and defence
    Lockyer: 7.5 - good strong performance today
    Pearce: 6.5 - tried hard but not really the quality we need at this level, unable to pass the ball forwards
    Purrington: 9 - MOM immense today shame he was taken off
    Pratley:: 8 - solid today, seems to be made of steel
    Morgan: 7.5 - good performance second half, surprised he went off as can score and play a killer pass
    Dempsey: 6.5 out of his depth
    Gallagher: 7.5 - quietish game, expected to see more of him, but what he did do, he did well 
    Taylor: 6.5 - tough conditions and clearly not fully fit, a frustrating evening for him 
    Davison: 7.5 - did well but doesn’t seem to have much power behind his shooting and heading, worked hard though
    Doughty: 8 - worked hard, fast and tricky, unlucky with his shot across goal
    Referee: 8 did well

    Vennings: 7.5 did well when he came on
    Sarr: 8 bossed it as target man, caused total panic in the Swansea defence.
  • Options

    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6.5
    Purrington: 7
    Pratley: 7
    Morgan: 6.5
    Dempsey: 6.5
    Gallagher: 7.5
    Taylor: 6.5
    Davison: 7
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 5

    Very pleased with the effort by all players, especially in the second half
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 7
    Purrington: 6.5
    Pratley:: 6.5
    Morgan: 5.5
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 6.5
    Taylor: 5.5
    Davison: 7.5
    Doughty: 6.5
    Referee: 8
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 8
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6.5
    Purrington: 7.5
    Pratley: 6.5
    Morgan: 6.5
    Dempsey: 5.5 
    Gallagher: 6.5
    Taylor: 6 
    Davison: 6
    Doughty: 7.5
  • Sponsored links:

  • Options
    at the Liberty Stadium, on Sky or a live stream, your marks please:

    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7.5
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 7.5
    Pratley: 7
    Morgan: 5.5
    Dempsey: 5.5
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 6
    Davison: 7
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 6.5

    Vennings: n/a
    Sarr: n/a

  • Options
    edited January 2020
    Phillips:    7 
    Matthews: 8
    Lockyer:   7
    Pearce:    6
    Pratley::   8
    Morgan: 7.5
    Dempsey: 6.5
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor:  7
    Davison:  6.5
    Doughty: 8
    Referee: 7
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7.5
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6.5
    Purrington: 7
    Pratley:: 6.5
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 7
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 6.5
    Davison: 6.5
    Doughty: 7
  • Options
    Phillips: 6 Not a massive amount to do...starting to come for things more but thought kicking was woeful at times. 
    Matthews: 6.5 Thought he started poorly but really grew into the game.
    Lockyer: 7 Solid.
    Pearce: 5 I like the never say die attitude but looks out of his depth.
    Purrington: 7 Best game he had for a while I thought.
    Pratley: 6.5 played well and love his attitude. The younger players have gotta look up to him.
    Morgan: 6 Thought his passing wasnt great but the effort was there.
    Dempsey: 7 Looked quite tidy. Out muscled from time to time but to be expected. 
    Gallagher: 8 MOM Everywhere. Best game hes had for a while.
    Taylor: 5 Seemed a bit aggy with lack of service in 1st half. Hope injury isnt to bad.
    Davison: 7.5 anything less than 7 would be criminal. Thought he looked good. Keen to work hard. Should have done better with his chances admittedly but learning curve.
    Doughty: 6.5 Scares teams with his pace. Real prospect.
    Referee: 6 Average 
  • Options
    Phillips: 7.5
    Matthews: 8
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 7
    Purrington: 8
    Pratley:: 6.5
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 6.5
    Taylor: 6.5
    Davison: 6
    Doughty: 6.5
  • Options
    edited January 2020
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 7.5
    Pratley:: 6
    Morgan: 5.5
    Dempsey: 5.5 
    Gallagher: 6
    Taylor: 6 
    Davison: 5.5
    Doughty: 6.5
    Ref: 3
    I try to avoid marking refs and overall last night's wasn't terrible for 95% of the game, but at the end of the game Sarr's shirt was being pulled in the area. Now I can accept that many refs will miss this but the replay showed the refs position and it is clear he saw it and didn't act. From his position he couldn't miss it! Disgraceful is the only word for it.
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 6
    Pratley: 7
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 6
    Davison: 6
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 7
  • Options
    edited January 2020
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7.5
    Lockyer: 6.5
    Pearce: 6.5
    Purrington: 7.5
    Pratley:: 6
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6.5
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 6
    Davison: 6
    Doughty: 7.5
    Referee: 6
  • Options
    Phillips: 7 - Some smart saves.
    Matthews: 7.5 - Not much end product but got us up the field with some strong running. Read the game well and made some great interceptions. Sign him up.
    Lockyer: 6 - Missed a very good headed chance. Defended ok. 
    Pearce: 6 - Defended ok but we could've done with Sarr on the ball. The Morgan mistake came after Pearce had received the ball 4 times and done nothing with it. 
    Purrington: 7.5 - Really sound and looked strong in most things he did. Got forward with a lot more purpose than of late.
    Pratley:: 6.5 - Tried very hard and at least kept us in it with good shape. 
    Morgan: 6 - Blew hot and cold. Caught out badly early on but also did some very good things on the ball. Has vision.
    Dempsey: 6 - Kept going well and competed.
    Gallagher: 7 - Kept going really well and finished the game looking quite threatening. 
    Taylor: 5 - Not really in it. 
    Davison: 6.5 - Got into the game once Taylor was off and we went more direct. Touch was good and he showed glimpses of pace. 
    Doughty: 6.5 - Was a threat with his pace but at the moment he's lacking a final ball. If he had that, he'd be playing at a higher level. 
    Referee: 8 - Kept it all flowing well and got the cards out when he needed to.

    Vennings: n/a - Good cameo. Buzzed around and kept it moving. 
    Sarr: n/a - Added decent nuisance value. 
  • Options

    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7 - needs to improve crossing 
    Lockyer: 6.5
    Pearce: 6 - stupid booking. 
    Purrington: 7.5 - that’s better!!!!!
    Pratley:: 6
    Morgan: 5.5
    Dempsey: 5
    Gallagher: 8
    Taylor: 5
    Davison: 8 
    Doughty: 7.5 needed to score that chance but a great kid. 
    Referee: 5
  • Sponsored links:

  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Lockyer: 6.5
    Pearce: 6.5
    Purrington: 6.5
    Pratley:: 6
    Morgan: 6.5
    Dempsey: 7
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 6.5
    Davison: 6
    Doughty: 7.5
    Referee: 6.5
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6.5
    Purrington: 8
    Pratley:: 6.5
    Morgan: 6.5
    Dempsey: 6.5
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 6.5
    Davison: 6.5
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 5.5
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7.5 
    Lockyer: 6.5
    Pearce: 5.5
    Purrington: 7.5 
    Pratley:: 6.5
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 5.5
    Davison: 5
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 7
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7
    Lockyer: 6.5
    Pearce: 5
    Purrington: 7
    Pratley: 7
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 6.5
    Taylor: 5
    Davison: 6.5
    Doughty: 6.5
    Referee: 5
  • Options

    Phillips: 8
    Matthews: 8
    Lockyer: 6.5
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 7,5
    Pratley: 7
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6
    Taylor: 5
    Davison: 6.5
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 5

  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 8.5
    Pratley: 7
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 6.5
    Taylor: 6
    Davison: 7
    Doughty: 7

    Referee: 5
  • Options
    Phillips: 8
    Matthews: 7.5
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6
    Purrington: 7.5
    Pratley: 7
    Morgan: 6.5
    Dempsey: 5
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 5
    Davison: 5.5 
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 6
  • Options
    Phillips: 7
    Lockyer: 5.5
    Pearce: 5
    Purrington: 7
    Pratley:: 6.5
    Morgan: 5
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 7
    Taylor: 5
    Doughty: 7
    Referee 3.5
  • Options
    Phillips: 8
    Matthews: 7 
    Lockyer: 4.5
    Pearce: 5
    Purrington: 7 
    Pratley:: 8
    Morgan: 5
    Dempsey: 6
    Gallagher: 8
    Taylor: 7
    Davison: 6 
    Doughty: 6
    Referee: 2

    Vennings: n/a
    Sarr: n/a 🤦‍♂️
  • Options
    At the game

    Phillips: 7
    Matthews: 7.5
    Lockyer: 7
    Pearce: 6.5
    Purrington: 7
    Pratley:: 7
    Morgan: 6
    Dempsey: 6.5
    Gallagher: 7.5
    Taylor: 6
    Davison: 7
    Doughty: 7
    Referee: 7
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