There weren't really any red flags in Roland's first interview either, or certainly not that were particularly evident without the benefit of hindsight.
Didn’t Roland say that he was an unusual kind of owner because he didn’t care about winning?
for a chairman who wants to connect with the fans I find it surprising that he has not yet connected with CAST.
Agreed, I hope he pops down to Kent tomorrow to visit the CAST. There really is no pressing need for any transfer negotiations and other such unimportant stuff.
I would really hope that the Chairman is not involved in minute by minute player negotiations, he has Gallen and Bowyer for that, all he has to do is set the budget and be available if a clearance is needed. As he talked so much about connecting the fans I standby my remark that he should have connected with CAST if he is really genuine in his statements.
I know a bloke who used to be Chairman or Director of Gravesend and Northfleet FC and he's always said that he couldn't understand why Charlton was never bought out by foriegn investors (this would've been before the Roland days), purely because of the fact it's in London and has a great catchment area to tap into. Noticed that MS alluded to that when asked why it was Charlton they chose
This is the bit, about Charlton being attractive, I don't get. More people probably live within 10 miles of Charlton than live in with in 50 of Newcastle, Sunderland, Rangers or Celtic. And have done for a long time.
If you can't convert them to bums on seats how do you convert them to revenue? If you can't get an affordable ticket for the Valley, and you live in say Kidbrooke, why would you support Charlton?
The location doesn't really matter if you only watch them on sky does it?
Commercially it's far more attractive though, it really should be far easier to make money from boxes, lounges, sponsorship etc than if we were based in Middlesbrough or Blackburn
But your not making that money from Abbey Wood, Eltham or Kidbrooke. That money come from "London" so isn't relevant to the local population?
My point being that an extra 300k people living within walking distance of the valley doesn't have any effect on the bottom line, unless I am missing something?
I liked that. It's bloody difficult doing a video interview if you are not experienced with it. I thought he came across as very genuine, and definitely a proper football guy. As people have said, he has done his homework on our history and that's good too, because he clearly decided it was important to do that. Duchatelet never did that, and I don't think Jiminez or Slater did that either, and those two were footie guys too.
I think that he regarded that interview as important. Sure it was "friendly" (and you can see an edit/retake or two) but the fact he wanted it to be a success with us, is a step change from what has gone on for the last 10 years.
That's my take on the comms side of it, the Bow contract is perhaps the only discordant note, but I agree with others, it looks like it might be Bow's approach. He has turned out to be one canny customer, has our Lee.
Just one final thought. I wonder where Mr Heller fits in all this. What exactly does he bring to the show? That's not a hostile question at all, I'm just curious.
Well, he is CEO of an organisation controlling billions in a diverse portfolio of businesses. Southall is not a businessman, HE is a figure head with the money (access to the money), so I reckon Heller's experience may come in useful for the commercial and strategic stuff. Just maybe!
I think it’s also very important that Tahnoon Nimer shows up and is made to feel very welcome. The closer that he becomes to the club, fans and team the more likely he is to get involved. I hope he doesn’t just turn up and sit anonymously in the directors box. Think he should do the full scarfy bit on the pitch.
Having followed him on Instagram when the takeover news broke, I fully expect him to be on the pitch with the scarf and a few waves and so on.
Im going to continue protesting by not buying a season ticket until they reduce the senior season ticket to 60 years!
I reckon that will definitely happen tho I couldn't really give a shit I had a 60 senior b4 the Belgians changed it then boycotted since Burnley but have now passed 65 so I'm alright Jack
Well Matt Southall sounds like he comes from Lancs and not too far from Manchester. A Good first interview, and he comes across as a football man and talks in the vernacular. Matt seems more like a senior player than a Chairman and said all the right things about the unity of all the staff, players and supporters. A down to earth guy who will be easy to warm too.
Taylor the taboo word in that interview but was probably for the best as another impasse has been reached.
Wasn't he born in London but then raised in Blackburn?
He was born in Greenwich, moved to Manchester as a toddler, sign for Blackburn as a school boy.
I know a bloke who used to be Chairman or Director of Gravesend and Northfleet FC and he's always said that he couldn't understand why Charlton was never bought out by foriegn investors (this would've been before the Roland days), purely because of the fact it's in London and has a great catchment area to tap into. Noticed that MS alluded to that when asked why it was Charlton they chose
This is the bit, about Charlton being attractive, I don't get. More people probably live within 10 miles of Charlton than live in with in 50 of Newcastle, Sunderland, Rangers or Celtic. And have done for a long time.
If you can't convert them to bums on seats how do you convert them to revenue? If you can't get an affordable ticket for the Valley, and you live in say Kidbrooke, why would you support Charlton?
The location doesn't really matter if you only watch them on sky does it?
Commercially it's far more attractive though, it really should be far easier to make money from boxes, lounges, sponsorship etc than if we were based in Middlesbrough or Blackburn
But your not making that money from Abbey Wood, Eltham or Kidbrooke. That money come from "London" so isn't relevant to the local population?
My point being that an extra 300k people living within walking distance of the valley doesn't have any effect on the bottom line, unless I am missing something?
Re' the point of my mate - I think the relevence of it being a London club is that it would attract the foreign investment in the first place. The increased support, once the investment had been made and was having an impact on the team's success, would then come from the "catchment area", being from the Thames, down to the Kent Coast all the way over to Surrey and maybe East and West Sussex and beyond.
1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time.
He is a football fan, former player and agent. He knows what fans want and want to hear.
He is an excellent sales man. Probably an excellent man manager as well.
He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday.
Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here.
"We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money.
Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad.
No idea what you watched.
The same interview as most people I would imagine unless they beamed a "unique" one to my TV.
What of those 7 points do you think weren't evidenced in that?
Points 1,4,5,6 & 7 weren't evidenced in that.
1) 1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time. That is my opinion, I honestly don't think they will mix well. I have said that from the start. I hope I am wrong.
4) He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday. That was ment as a positive from what he said, he even mention ex players by first name only.
5) Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here. He will "explain" it though.
6) "We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money. Did he not say that, or did I make it up?
7) Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad. Name one club, bar Leeds, that has been in the championship for a longish time and doesn't loose money left right and center. Birmingham, Sheffield Wednesday and Derby are prime examples.
Pointless discussion but these are your opinions they were not evidenced in that interview.
1) Zero evidence. 4) I understand the gist, but factually it is not true and not evidenced. 5) Pure guesswork by you. 6) His investment is his 25% shareholding, plus no doubt remuneration package. 7) I presume you assume their long term objective is to stay in The Championship (I heard no clarity re long term stated).
Like I said, random thoughts and MY OPINION, or do I not qualify for an opinion?
1) I said MY OPINION
4) FFS I say something that anyone with a notion of what makes a good leader would see as a positive but you see fit to dig me out for it?
5) Come back to me on the 1st of feb and I will gladly eat humble pie. Its my OPINION.
6) Oh his "salary" I should start including that as investment in my employer.
7) the strategy was stated as being an "established" championship side. If he didn't say that I am sorry.
You can have any opinion you want. You said your opinions were evidenced in the interview and I proved they were not.
for a chairman who wants to connect with the fans I find it surprising that he has not yet connected with CAST.
Agreed, I hope he pops down to Kent tomorrow to visit the CAST. There really is no pressing need for any transfer negotiations and other such unimportant stuff.
I would really hope that the Chairman is not involved in minute by minute player negotiations, he has Gallen and Bowyer for that, all he has to do is set the budget and be available if a clearance is needed. As he talked so much about connecting the fans I standby my remark that he should have connected with CAST if he is really genuine in his statements.
PS I think you mean CACT not CAST.
no I don't Charlton Athletic Supporters Trust
Ok, but I doubt Richard Wiseman was expecting to be contacted in the first 3 working days.
1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time.
He is a football fan, former player and agent. He knows what fans want and want to hear.
He is an excellent sales man. Probably an excellent man manager as well.
He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday.
Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here.
"We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money.
Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad.
No idea what you watched.
The same interview as most people I would imagine unless they beamed a "unique" one to my TV.
What of those 7 points do you think weren't evidenced in that?
Points 1,4,5,6 & 7 weren't evidenced in that.
1) 1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time. That is my opinion, I honestly don't think they will mix well. I have said that from the start. I hope I am wrong.
4) He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday. That was ment as a positive from what he said, he even mention ex players by first name only.
5) Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here. He will "explain" it though.
6) "We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money. Did he not say that, or did I make it up?
7) Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad. Name one club, bar Leeds, that has been in the championship for a longish time and doesn't loose money left right and center. Birmingham, Sheffield Wednesday and Derby are prime examples.
Pointless discussion but these are your opinions they were not evidenced in that interview.
1) Zero evidence. 4) I understand the gist, but factually it is not true and not evidenced. 5) Pure guesswork by you. 6) His investment is his 25% shareholding, plus no doubt remuneration package. 7) I presume you assume their long term objective is to stay in The Championship (I heard no clarity re long term stated).
Like I said, random thoughts and MY OPINION, or do I not qualify for an opinion?
1) I said MY OPINION
4) FFS I say something that anyone with a notion of what makes a good leader would see as a positive but you see fit to dig me out for it?
5) Come back to me on the 1st of feb and I will gladly eat humble pie. Its my OPINION.
6) Oh his "salary" I should start including that as investment in my employer.
7) the strategy was stated as being an "established" championship side. If he didn't say that I am sorry.
You can have any opinion you want. You said your opinions were evidenced in the interview and I proved they were not.
You "proved" sod all mate, I said my opinion was evidenced. I didn't say you had to draw the same conclusion.
Your opinion is different to mine, but pray tell me, where did Mr Southall get, in the region of £10+ million, to invest?
Which you are suggesting he has done. Or is that a misunderstanding?
I know a bloke who used to be Chairman or Director of Gravesend and Northfleet FC and he's always said that he couldn't understand why Charlton was never bought out by foriegn investors (this would've been before the Roland days), purely because of the fact it's in London and has a great catchment area to tap into. Noticed that MS alluded to that when asked why it was Charlton they chose
Maybe also to do with Charlton being the only London club for sale at the time (as far as I know)
Came across exceptionally to me, if a little nervy hence the "you know" being used a bit, but more continuity whilst pausing to think rather than a "huh" that closes a sentence. Firstly, he was happy to be interviewed alone and not have a hero with whom fans identify as a backstop, SCP and JJ obvious examples with the previous crowd. There was no talk of a vision, more starting with a clean slate. Whilst he may have been fed lines about Henry, it seemed quite apparent he was aware how on the commercial side, as well we know, how long term partners, sponsors etc. voted with their feet as things reached the nadir under the unforgivables (think 4 years ago this week). Naturally lots can be taken as soundbites but there appears to be logic around getting the window and the club purchase sorted as a priority, he seems realistic enough to recognise we are not going to charge up the League this season but is prepared to back LB to ensure the initial goal of survival then build. Spoke about SG quite a bit too which is encouraging, although if HE does make it to a game before the end of January he isn't exactly spoilt for choice. The situation with SL, according to reasonable sources, may involve the rugby club but with differing freehold agreements and the piecemeal way we developed it over a period of time would suggest it's not just one individual piece of land so there is a sense of logic, but would rather have seen the word undertaking as opposed to commitment. Yes, he definitely appears to be a front man but comes across far more enthusiastically, engaged and focused than say nominee directors/owners we have had in the past and has stated he will be overseeing the day to day operation, although I can see a parallel with previous incumbents of the CEO role and Deputy with MS and JH. Appears realistic enough to realise that Rome wasn't built in a day, but seemingly wants to take us away from a position where Nero could be fiddling. Time will tell, but overall an impressive showing IMHO.
I know a bloke who used to be Chairman or Director of Gravesend and Northfleet FC and he's always said that he couldn't understand why Charlton was never bought out by foriegn investors (this would've been before the Roland days), purely because of the fact it's in London and has a great catchment area to tap into. Noticed that MS alluded to that when asked why it was Charlton they chose
Maybe also to do with Charlton being the only London club for sale at the time (as far as I know)
Well yeah, but then I spose he's saying that that's why they didn't look at a Northern team
1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time.
He is a football fan, former player and agent. He knows what fans want and want to hear.
He is an excellent sales man. Probably an excellent man manager as well.
He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday.
Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here.
"We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money.
Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad.
No idea what you watched.
The same interview as most people I would imagine unless they beamed a "unique" one to my TV.
What of those 7 points do you think weren't evidenced in that?
Points 1,4,5,6 & 7 weren't evidenced in that.
1) 1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time. That is my opinion, I honestly don't think they will mix well. I have said that from the start. I hope I am wrong.
4) He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday. That was ment as a positive from what he said, he even mention ex players by first name only.
5) Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here. He will "explain" it though.
6) "We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money. Did he not say that, or did I make it up?
7) Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad. Name one club, bar Leeds, that has been in the championship for a longish time and doesn't loose money left right and center. Birmingham, Sheffield Wednesday and Derby are prime examples.
Pointless discussion but these are your opinions they were not evidenced in that interview.
1) Zero evidence. 4) I understand the gist, but factually it is not true and not evidenced. 5) Pure guesswork by you. 6) His investment is his 25% shareholding, plus no doubt remuneration package. 7) I presume you assume their long term objective is to stay in The Championship (I heard no clarity re long term stated).
Like I said, random thoughts and MY OPINION, or do I not qualify for an opinion?
1) I said MY OPINION
4) FFS I say something that anyone with a notion of what makes a good leader would see as a positive but you see fit to dig me out for it?
5) Come back to me on the 1st of feb and I will gladly eat humble pie. Its my OPINION.
6) Oh his "salary" I should start including that as investment in my employer.
7) the strategy was stated as being an "established" championship side. If he didn't say that I am sorry.
You can have any opinion you want. You said your opinions were evidenced in the interview and I proved they were not.
You "proved" sod all mate, I said my opinion was evidenced. I didn't say you had to draw the same conclusion.
Your opinion is different to mine, but pray tell me, where did Mr Southall get, in the region of £10+ million, to invest?
Which you are suggesting he has done. Or is that a misunderstanding?
He didn't invest £10M. But he owns 25% of the shares, which would be viewed as part of his "remuneration package", so he has every incentive for us to be a success.
A breath of fresh air. Think for one minute about the shit stain Belgian and his mob. They Didn't get the fans or football from the moment they arrived to the moment they left.
We are a defensive lot at times and understandably so, but I think this group of people could genuinely bring some great times to this football club.
Let's get behind them a start pushing ourselves back.
Re' His nervousness - since taking over, he's been pushed into the spotlight and their plans have been much anticipated. I'm sure anyone would get the wobbles a little bit in their first interview, addressing us fickle lot
I think it’s also very important that Tahnoon Nimer shows up and is made to feel very welcome. The closer that he becomes to the club, fans and team the more likely he is to get involved. I hope he doesn’t just turn up and sit anonymously in the directors box. Think he should do the full scarfy bit on the pitch.
Having followed him on Instagram when the takeover news broke, I fully expect him to be on the pitch with the scarf and a few waves and so on.
Came across well, said all the right things, sustainable growth is fine by me but I reckon he may have been playing that down. All clubs are selling clubs if the price is right, seems though that no longer will good young players be leaving on the cheap and any profits will be reinvested. Good news re the Academy. Welcome Matt, May be it a long and fruitful association.
personally don’t think the Bowyer contract is an issue in signing players. Most players realise the manager may be on a three year contract but is still only a few bad results from the sack. Players are much more interested in what they will be paid.
1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time.
He is a football fan, former player and agent. He knows what fans want and want to hear.
He is an excellent sales man. Probably an excellent man manager as well.
He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday.
Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here.
"We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money.
Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad.
No idea what you watched.
The same interview as most people I would imagine unless they beamed a "unique" one to my TV.
What of those 7 points do you think weren't evidenced in that?
Points 1,4,5,6 & 7 weren't evidenced in that.
1) 1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time. That is my opinion, I honestly don't think they will mix well. I have said that from the start. I hope I am wrong.
4) He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday. That was ment as a positive from what he said, he even mention ex players by first name only.
5) Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here. He will "explain" it though.
6) "We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money. Did he not say that, or did I make it up?
7) Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad. Name one club, bar Leeds, that has been in the championship for a longish time and doesn't loose money left right and center. Birmingham, Sheffield Wednesday and Derby are prime examples.
Pointless discussion but these are your opinions they were not evidenced in that interview.
1) Zero evidence. 4) I understand the gist, but factually it is not true and not evidenced. 5) Pure guesswork by you. 6) His investment is his 25% shareholding, plus no doubt remuneration package. 7) I presume you assume their long term objective is to stay in The Championship (I heard no clarity re long term stated).
Like I said, random thoughts and MY OPINION, or do I not qualify for an opinion?
1) I said MY OPINION
4) FFS I say something that anyone with a notion of what makes a good leader would see as a positive but you see fit to dig me out for it?
5) Come back to me on the 1st of feb and I will gladly eat humble pie. Its my OPINION.
6) Oh his "salary" I should start including that as investment in my employer.
7) the strategy was stated as being an "established" championship side. If he didn't say that I am sorry.
You can have any opinion you want. You said your opinions were evidenced in the interview and I proved they were not.
You "proved" sod all mate, I said my opinion was evidenced. I didn't say you had to draw the same conclusion.
Your opinion is different to mine, but pray tell me, where did Mr Southall get, in the region of £10+ million, to invest?
Which you are suggesting he has done. Or is that a misunderstanding?
He didn't invest £10M. But he owns 25% of the shares, which would be viewed as part of his "remuneration package", so he has every incentive for us to be a success.
So he isn't an "invester" is he? He won't be investing in the squad, academy, training ground. He is a salesman that has sold an opportunity to HE. So to suggest "we as investors" isn't totally honest is it? He is playing with someone else's money.
As Mike Tyson used to say "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".
I think it’s also very important that Tahnoon Nimer shows up and is made to feel very welcome. The closer that he becomes to the club, fans and team the more likely he is to get involved. I hope he doesn’t just turn up and sit anonymously in the directors box. Think he should do the full scarfy bit on the pitch.
Given the comments about him getting carried away on instagram and having seen his instagram I suspect getting his name changed would be something he would love.
1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time.
He is a football fan, former player and agent. He knows what fans want and want to hear.
He is an excellent sales man. Probably an excellent man manager as well.
He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday.
Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here.
"We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money.
Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad.
No idea what you watched.
The same interview as most people I would imagine unless they beamed a "unique" one to my TV.
What of those 7 points do you think weren't evidenced in that?
Points 1,4,5,6 & 7 weren't evidenced in that.
1) 1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time. That is my opinion, I honestly don't think they will mix well. I have said that from the start. I hope I am wrong.
4) He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday. That was ment as a positive from what he said, he even mention ex players by first name only.
5) Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here. He will "explain" it though.
6) "We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money. Did he not say that, or did I make it up?
7) Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad. Name one club, bar Leeds, that has been in the championship for a longish time and doesn't loose money left right and center. Birmingham, Sheffield Wednesday and Derby are prime examples.
Pointless discussion but these are your opinions they were not evidenced in that interview.
1) Zero evidence. 4) I understand the gist, but factually it is not true and not evidenced. 5) Pure guesswork by you. 6) His investment is his 25% shareholding, plus no doubt remuneration package. 7) I presume you assume their long term objective is to stay in The Championship (I heard no clarity re long term stated).
Like I said, random thoughts and MY OPINION, or do I not qualify for an opinion?
1) I said MY OPINION
4) FFS I say something that anyone with a notion of what makes a good leader would see as a positive but you see fit to dig me out for it?
5) Come back to me on the 1st of feb and I will gladly eat humble pie. Its my OPINION.
6) Oh his "salary" I should start including that as investment in my employer.
7) the strategy was stated as being an "established" championship side. If he didn't say that I am sorry.
You can have any opinion you want. You said your opinions were evidenced in the interview and I proved they were not.
You "proved" sod all mate, I said my opinion was evidenced. I didn't say you had to draw the same conclusion.
Your opinion is different to mine, but pray tell me, where did Mr Southall get, in the region of £10+ million, to invest?
Which you are suggesting he has done. Or is that a misunderstanding?
He didn't invest £10M. But he owns 25% of the shares, which would be viewed as part of his "remuneration package", so he has every incentive for us to be a success.
So he isn't an "invester" is he? He won't be investing in the squad, academy, training ground. He is a salesman that has sold an opportunity to HE. So to suggest "we as investors" isn't totally honest is it? He is playing with someone else's money.
As Mike Tyson used to say "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".
More an investment of time I would say in Mr Southall's case.
Great interview. He’s clearly a bit nervous but came across very well. Loved the cheeky ex-player name drops. Has clearly done his research. Was clearly wanting to get over with the fans without being a hype man, which is a tough balance to strike. All in all, can’t fault that for a first interview. for reference, compare and contrast with this absolute car crash from 6 years ago...
1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time.
He is a football fan, former player and agent. He knows what fans want and want to hear.
He is an excellent sales man. Probably an excellent man manager as well.
He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday.
Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here.
"We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money.
Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad.
No idea what you watched.
The same interview as most people I would imagine unless they beamed a "unique" one to my TV.
What of those 7 points do you think weren't evidenced in that?
Points 1,4,5,6 & 7 weren't evidenced in that.
1) 1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time. That is my opinion, I honestly don't think they will mix well. I have said that from the start. I hope I am wrong.
4) He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday. That was ment as a positive from what he said, he even mention ex players by first name only.
5) Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here. He will "explain" it though.
6) "We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money. Did he not say that, or did I make it up?
7) Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad. Name one club, bar Leeds, that has been in the championship for a longish time and doesn't loose money left right and center. Birmingham, Sheffield Wednesday and Derby are prime examples.
Pointless discussion but these are your opinions they were not evidenced in that interview.
1) Zero evidence. 4) I understand the gist, but factually it is not true and not evidenced. 5) Pure guesswork by you. 6) His investment is his 25% shareholding, plus no doubt remuneration package. 7) I presume you assume their long term objective is to stay in The Championship (I heard no clarity re long term stated).
Like I said, random thoughts and MY OPINION, or do I not qualify for an opinion?
1) I said MY OPINION
4) FFS I say something that anyone with a notion of what makes a good leader would see as a positive but you see fit to dig me out for it?
5) Come back to me on the 1st of feb and I will gladly eat humble pie. Its my OPINION.
6) Oh his "salary" I should start including that as investment in my employer.
7) the strategy was stated as being an "established" championship side. If he didn't say that I am sorry.
You can have any opinion you want. You said your opinions were evidenced in the interview and I proved they were not.
You "proved" sod all mate, I said my opinion was evidenced. I didn't say you had to draw the same conclusion.
Your opinion is different to mine, but pray tell me, where did Mr Southall get, in the region of £10+ million, to invest?
Which you are suggesting he has done. Or is that a misunderstanding?
He didn't invest £10M. But he owns 25% of the shares, which would be viewed as part of his "remuneration package", so he has every incentive for us to be a success.
As I said the other day mate, he could have indirect control as PSC so might not even own them but be associated to a party that does.
Liked what I heard. He talked about "we" like he has been a Charlton fan his whole life. He clearly gets the importance of the fans and the club's links to the community. Also showed that the history of the club matters, unlike the previous incumbents, when he threw in Jonjo and Paul Konchesky. Spoke sensibly about doing things slowly, as you don't want to advertise to the rest of the football World that you have millions burning a hole in your pocket, whether you do or do not.
1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time.
He is a football fan, former player and agent. He knows what fans want and want to hear.
He is an excellent sales man. Probably an excellent man manager as well.
He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday.
Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here.
"We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money.
Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad.
No idea what you watched.
The same interview as most people I would imagine unless they beamed a "unique" one to my TV.
What of those 7 points do you think weren't evidenced in that?
Points 1,4,5,6 & 7 weren't evidenced in that.
1) 1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time. That is my opinion, I honestly don't think they will mix well. I have said that from the start. I hope I am wrong.
4) He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday. That was ment as a positive from what he said, he even mention ex players by first name only.
5) Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here. He will "explain" it though.
6) "We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money. Did he not say that, or did I make it up?
7) Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad. Name one club, bar Leeds, that has been in the championship for a longish time and doesn't loose money left right and center. Birmingham, Sheffield Wednesday and Derby are prime examples.
Pointless discussion but these are your opinions they were not evidenced in that interview.
1) Zero evidence. 4) I understand the gist, but factually it is not true and not evidenced. 5) Pure guesswork by you. 6) His investment is his 25% shareholding, plus no doubt remuneration package. 7) I presume you assume their long term objective is to stay in The Championship (I heard no clarity re long term stated).
Like I said, random thoughts and MY OPINION, or do I not qualify for an opinion?
1) I said MY OPINION
4) FFS I say something that anyone with a notion of what makes a good leader would see as a positive but you see fit to dig me out for it?
5) Come back to me on the 1st of feb and I will gladly eat humble pie. Its my OPINION.
6) Oh his "salary" I should start including that as investment in my employer.
7) the strategy was stated as being an "established" championship side. If he didn't say that I am sorry.
You can have any opinion you want. You said your opinions were evidenced in the interview and I proved they were not.
You "proved" sod all mate, I said my opinion was evidenced. I didn't say you had to draw the same conclusion.
Your opinion is different to mine, but pray tell me, where did Mr Southall get, in the region of £10+ million, to invest?
Which you are suggesting he has done. Or is that a misunderstanding?
He didn't invest £10M. But he owns 25% of the shares, which would be viewed as part of his "remuneration package", so he has every incentive for us to be a success.
So he isn't an "invester" is he? He won't be investing in the squad, academy, training ground. He is a salesman that has sold an opportunity to HE. So to suggest "we as investors" isn't totally honest is it? He is playing with someone else's money.
As Mike Tyson used to say "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".
He has a 25% investment stake, it's immaterial whether you believe that makes him an investor. The bottom line is it was a very good interview.
1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time.
He is a football fan, former player and agent. He knows what fans want and want to hear.
He is an excellent sales man. Probably an excellent man manager as well.
He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday.
Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here.
"We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money.
Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad.
No idea what you watched.
The same interview as most people I would imagine unless they beamed a "unique" one to my TV.
What of those 7 points do you think weren't evidenced in that?
Points 1,4,5,6 & 7 weren't evidenced in that.
1) 1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time. That is my opinion, I honestly don't think they will mix well. I have said that from the start. I hope I am wrong.
4) He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday. That was ment as a positive from what he said, he even mention ex players by first name only.
5) Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here. He will "explain" it though.
6) "We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money. Did he not say that, or did I make it up?
7) Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad. Name one club, bar Leeds, that has been in the championship for a longish time and doesn't loose money left right and center. Birmingham, Sheffield Wednesday and Derby are prime examples.
Pointless discussion but these are your opinions they were not evidenced in that interview.
1) Zero evidence. 4) I understand the gist, but factually it is not true and not evidenced. 5) Pure guesswork by you. 6) His investment is his 25% shareholding, plus no doubt remuneration package. 7) I presume you assume their long term objective is to stay in The Championship (I heard no clarity re long term stated).
Like I said, random thoughts and MY OPINION, or do I not qualify for an opinion?
1) I said MY OPINION
4) FFS I say something that anyone with a notion of what makes a good leader would see as a positive but you see fit to dig me out for it?
5) Come back to me on the 1st of feb and I will gladly eat humble pie. Its my OPINION.
6) Oh his "salary" I should start including that as investment in my employer.
7) the strategy was stated as being an "established" championship side. If he didn't say that I am sorry.
You can have any opinion you want. You said your opinions were evidenced in the interview and I proved they were not.
You "proved" sod all mate, I said my opinion was evidenced. I didn't say you had to draw the same conclusion.
Your opinion is different to mine, but pray tell me, where did Mr Southall get, in the region of £10+ million, to invest?
Which you are suggesting he has done. Or is that a misunderstanding?
He didn't invest £10M. But he owns 25% of the shares, which would be viewed as part of his "remuneration package", so he has every incentive for us to be a success.
So he isn't an "invester" is he? He won't be investing in the squad, academy, training ground. He is a salesman that has sold an opportunity to HE. So to suggest "we as investors" isn't totally honest is it? He is playing with someone else's money.
As Mike Tyson used to say "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".
Clearly the 'we' in 'we as investors' in this context refers to ESI the group he is part of and fronts.
Even though he hasn't put up any cash (as far as we know) I'd say Matt is pretty invested in this being a success anyway.
Pretty pleased with that. Looks excellent in the long term. January may not be as plain sailing as we might like. Would be delighted if it wasn't for Bowyer's doubts. I think Bowyer is stalling because of the things he considers strange. Southall prepared us by saying that the supporters may not like all his decisions. Something not quite right there. Still I'm 75 per cent convinced where as I was 0 per cent when rd took over.
Charlton Athletic Supporters Trust
My point being that an extra 300k people living within walking distance of the valley doesn't have any effect on the bottom line, unless I am missing something?
You said your opinions were evidenced in the interview and I proved they were not.
Your opinion is different to mine, but pray tell me, where did Mr Southall get, in the region of £10+ million, to invest?
Which you are suggesting he has done. Or is that a misunderstanding?
Can someone start a new thread...
Yes, he definitely appears to be a front man but comes across far more enthusiastically, engaged and focused than say nominee directors/owners we have had in the past and has stated he will be overseeing the day to day operation, although I can see a parallel with previous incumbents of the CEO role and Deputy with MS and JH. Appears realistic enough to realise that Rome wasn't built in a day, but seemingly wants to take us away from a position where Nero could be fiddling. Time will tell, but overall an impressive showing IMHO.
But he owns 25% of the shares, which would be viewed as part of his "remuneration package", so he has every incentive for us to be a success.
personally don’t think the Bowyer contract is an issue in signing players. Most players realise the manager may be on a three year contract but is still only a few bad results from the sack. Players are much more interested in what they will be paid.
As Mike Tyson used to say "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".
He talked about "we" like he has been a Charlton fan his whole life.
He clearly gets the importance of the fans and the club's links to the community.
Also showed that the history of the club matters, unlike the previous incumbents, when he threw in Jonjo and Paul Konchesky.
Spoke sensibly about doing things slowly, as you don't want to advertise to the rest of the football World that you have millions burning a hole in your pocket, whether you do or do not.
The bottom line is it was a very good interview.
Even though he hasn't put up any cash (as far as we know) I'd say Matt is pretty invested in this being a success anyway.
January may not be as plain sailing as we might like.
Would be delighted if it wasn't for Bowyer's doubts. I think Bowyer is stalling because of the things he considers strange.
Southall prepared us by saying that the supporters may not like all his decisions. Something not quite right there.
Still I'm 75 per cent convinced where as I was 0 per cent when rd took over.