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Matt Southall’s first interview



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    I liked that. It's bloody difficult doing a video interview if you are not experienced with it. I thought he came across as very genuine, and definitely a proper football guy. As people have said, he has done his homework on our history and that's good too, because he clearly decided it was important to do that. Duchatelet never did that, and I don't think Jiminez or Slater did that either, and those two were footie guys too.

    I think that he regarded that interview as important. Sure it was "friendly" (and you can see an edit/retake or two) but the fact he wanted it to be a success with us, is a step change from what has gone on for the last 10 years. 

    That's my take on the comms side of it, the Bow contract is perhaps the only discordant note, but I agree with others, it looks like it might be Bow's approach. He has turned out to be one canny customer, has our Lee.

    Just one final thought. I wonder where Mr Heller fits in all this. What exactly does he bring to the show? That's not a hostile question at all, I'm just curious.
    Regarding Heller I think he's in as a mentoring role for Southall and somebody who HE has worked with for longer than he has with MS, i can't imagine HE would leave MS to run the club without a more senior figure keeping a closer eye than HE is able too
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    Im going to continue protesting by not buying a season ticket until they reduce the senior season ticket to 60 years! 
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    The point about not allowing (especially young) stars to leave on the cheap has a counterpoint - that they will not be allowed to run down their contract so that, as Aribo and Dijksteel did for example, they leave for peanuts or on a free. Which is fair enough. Might be an important factor in what happens with Lyle over the next month.
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    I was impressed liked the way he spoke and for me the academy future was important. Another thing that was good to hear was when he mentioned ffp and when other clubs hear who’s behind the club now the prices go up gave me the impression that there is serious money available but they are going to be sensible and do things the right way

    Not too concerned about Bowyer and staff contracts may even be that it suits Bows to wait and see if they give him the support he needs in the transfer window before he ties himself down, his stock must be incredibly high in the football world at the moment so would not be short of offers if he chose to leave but I am certain his preference is to stay and lead us onwards and upwards 

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    edited January 2020
    Although it may be a small aside that he mentioned Bowyer’s agent it may be an important piece of info. Maybe both parties are sizing each other up. Bowyer doesn’t want to commit to a long term deal if January doesn’t go as he wants signing wise. We know he has had offers from elsewhere and its perfectly reasonable  for him to keep his options open. May be the sensible approach for all concerned.
    When he said "I'm comfortable with that" afterwards it made it sound to me like the idea of waiting until after January came from Bowyer and his agent. Obviously could be wrong but it's quite possible. 
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    The first key decision which will piss people off is withdrawing LTs contract offer. Maybe for the simple reasons others have already decrease the chance of bad feelings in the squad if he is on a significantly higher wage? 

    Count to 10 and think it through logically people. 
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    Enjoyed that. He seems like a nice lad.

    Sounds like we have a fair bit of money behind us and especially appreciated him stressing that we will not let academy products go for nothing anymore.
    Murray said that when the Douchebag bought us  :-(
    Difference though was Murray had no power to back up his words.

    Southall is going to be the main decision maker so can back up his words.

    Said on another thread one thing I want from the new owners is for this club to no longer be a soft touch in the transfer market with easy pickings to be had. I'm confident Southall can and will back his words up.
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    Very interesting interview.

    I thought given who the owners are that it might be a prestige thing, get us to the Premier League for the legitimacy etc. 

    That interview came across very differently, very much a business approach and we're an investment that they feel they can make money on. 

    Not at all a bad thing if they want to push the club on, run it well, and make that money by getting us up and selling us as a London PL club.

    The only concern is what happens if they approach isn't working.

    Promising though for me, think we'll become a more "normal" club and more like the old Charlton in the next couple of seasons. 
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Random thoughts after watching that. 

    1 or possibly both of Bowyer and Southall won't be here in 18 months time.   

    He is a football fan, former player and agent.  He knows what fans want and want to hear. 

    He is an excellent sales man.  Probably an excellent man manager as well.  

    He will personally know every employee's birthday, partners name, children's names name and favourite animal by Friday. 

    Something will happen before the 1st of Feb that will cause up roar on here. 

    "We as investors" hit me, I wouldn't mind being £10 behind him, but it's not his money.  

    Not so concerned about "exit strategy" but being a medium term "established championship club" is just a good way of throwing good money after bad. 

    No idea what you watched.
    The same interview as most people I would imagine unless they beamed a "unique" one to my TV. 

    What of those 7 points do you think weren't evidenced in that? 
    Points 1,4,5,6 & 7 weren't evidenced in that.
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    edited January 2020
    Can’t decide who rocks the ‘Turtleneck and Jacket’ look the best...

    Sorry LR......but they are not turtle necks.....they are polo necks also called roll necks.
    Turtle necks do not have the neck rolled over but just finish in what can best be termed as a raised neck line version of a crew neck.
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    Very happy with that.
    Words are cheap, but something tells me this lot are going to deliver!
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    Lies already.  2 weeks ago they said the first thing they would do after the Takeover was agreed would be to tie down LB & his staff onto longer term contracts & now its that LB's will be discussed in February. 

    I wonder if the slump in form has anything to do with it....??   Easy get out (with not much compo) if things haven't improved, rather than saddling themselves with a manager they no longer want.

    Just a thought.
    @golfaddick has a point tbf.
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    Initial thought he is a bit more raw than I was expecting, which I don’t necessarily see as a bad thing.

    Though not the funding, it’s clearly him that has driven this purchase by seeing an opportunity and then doing the rounds to find an investor. I expect him to work his backside off to attempt to make a success of it because ultimately that will deliver him reward as well I suspect. 

    There’s going to be lots of comings and goings over the next few months I suspect. Will try not to take too much of a view until the end of the August window unless anything dramatic unfolds. 

    I appreciate the last couple of years have been impacting for some fans, but I do feel that some people really do need to just start enjoying the football / being a football supporter again and not get so bogged down with the day to day Andy periphery stuff. 

    110% this. Completely agree mate 
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    I liked it when he said that Tahnoon “sometimes gets a bit carried away on Social Media” 
    No different to the previous owner then 😂
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    Lies already.  2 weeks ago they said the first thing they would do after the Takeover was agreed would be to tie down LB & his staff onto longer term contracts & now its that LB's will be discussed in February. 

    I wonder if the slump in form has anything to do with it....??   Easy get out (with not much compo) if things haven't improved, rather than saddling themselves with a manager they no longer want.

    Just a thought.
    @golfaddick has a point tbf.
    There's obviously been discussion about it. MS clearly stated Bows wanted to wait until February to discuss it to which MS agreed. What is Southall supposed to do? Hold a gun to his head until Bowyer signs the paper? 
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    for a chairman who wants to connect with the fans I find it surprising that he has not yet connected with CAST. 
    Agreed, I hope he pops down to Kent tomorrow to visit the CAST.
    There really is no pressing need for any transfer negotiations and other such unimportant stuff.
    I would really hope that the Chairman is not involved in minute by minute player negotiations, he has Gallen and Bowyer for that, all he has to do is set the budget and be available if a clearance is needed. As he talked so much about connecting the fans I standby my remark that he should have connected with CAST if he is really genuine in his statements.
    PS I think you mean CACT not CAST.
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    Lies already.  2 weeks ago they said the first thing they would do after the Takeover was agreed would be to tie down LB & his staff onto longer term contracts & now its that LB's will be discussed in February. 

    I wonder if the slump in form has anything to do with it....??   Easy get out (with not much compo) if things haven't improved, rather than saddling themselves with a manager they no longer want.

    Just a thought.
    @golfaddick has a point tbf.
    Except he doesnt as it was Bowyers idea to wait till Feb and Southall Agreed(sounded like he reluctantly agreed) not the other way around, so nothing to so with form and less compo
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    I didn't see a problem with the `might make decisions the fan's don't like' bit either, just saw it as saying we won't always agree but we will always explain. 
    Honesty and openness.
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