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Is the season going to finish? (ed. Pg.53 - 3 players not returned to training)



  • if we were in a different position pushing for promotion , the conversation would be a tad different 
    fuck knows what the correct solution is but we’re shit and probably will go down whatever .

    i think , even though there will be contractual problems this season should finish when it’s safe , so could be beginning of next year or whenever , then adjust from there the next season going forward . I’d love for abandonment,  for us to stay up and the mousers not to win the league 
  • se9addick said:
    To be honest, as long as Charlton actually exist at the start of next season, I’ll probably be able to handle relegation better that I would have expected a couple of months ago.
    Defeatist views like that should be avoided imo in case the EFL etc start to think it will be ok to relegate Charlton and there won’t be any comeback on them
  • Its been so long since the last games it wouldn’t be true to football to just pick up from where we stopped. We would need to have a minimum of 3 weeks preseason training and that would take us into the hottest time of the year to play out 9 games. 
    Football is not a summer sport for either players or spectators. Nothings better than an evening game in November or Saturday game in February. Obviously we tournaments in the summer and they are played over a month but only the last 4 play  8 games. Most of them are between teams that are going through the motions who won’t make it out of the group stages. Boring as #!#!.
    As for PPG calculations, why bother with playing games at all. We might as well just set PlayStations every weekend.
    Void the season and pick up again, where we started last August,  sometime when it’s safe to do so. Might be nice to keep an eye on  the statistics and tables that really matter, people, at the top of things to look after. 

  • How can you have points per game when some games haven't been played?

    Like I said before: Isaac Asimov states that although logical, robots do not make reasonable conclusions. This solution is that of a robot.

    Even if this were an idea to finish a boardgame because the bar is closing, it would cause disagreements.
  • Any potential ending that means we're relegated = bad 
    Any potential ending that means we survive = good 

    I think they'll do PPG. It's a better option than 22 teams in the Premier League or no promotion/relegation. 
    Obvious it's terrible for us, but I'm sure if there was a way to finish the games they'd have figured it out by now. 
    I’d be saying the same through gritted teeth if I was a Leeds/WBA fan. You can’t change fundamental rules halfway through a competition. It’s nonsense.

    Imagine if this broke out halfway through the fourth round of Wimbledon and they decided to award the trophy to the player who dropped the least number of sets pet game. That’s not what the players signed up for at the beginning and is obviously silly.
    Agreed, the cricket world cup may have been decided on a rule which just about nobody knew about (England winning on most boundaries) but that rule was there already, not one newly created!
  • I would feel for the likes of Leeds and West Brom were the season to be voided. I'd be in favor of promotion but no relegation. It's hard to argue those teams don't deserve to go up. And it's also hard to relegate a team and potentially change their fate for years to come (more so than will already happen post-COVID) based on only part of a season.

    Had the season continued, I fully expected we would have gone down. It was clear in January, not just from the additions, or lack thereof, but that players had forgotten how to win and Bowyer wasn't capable of changing that. Not just the results, but the type of football we played was awful. 

    That said, I'd be fucked off if we were relegated without having played the full season.

    What I suspect is going to happen is they're going to try to restart the season at Prem and maybe Championship level. Players will go back to partial training. Some will test posivite. Teams will be quarantined, they'll keep pushing the start date back, and then eventually they'll be left trying to figure out how to do this in July 15th, and it will all be slapdash.

    A much better use of their time will be figuring out how to keep clubs afloat when they have to go a year without supporters in stadiums. But given I haven't seen any mass planning for that, I suspect it's a case of ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away. 
  • Two players of Bundesliga 2 side Dynamo Dresden have tested positive for the virus and the squad will have to go into 14 day quarantine. Their match next weekend is postponed.

    DFL have apparently allocated extra matchdays in their plan so they can still finish their matches in line with the rest of the league.
  • Two players of Bundesliga 2 side Dynamo Dresden have tested positive for the virus and the squad will have to go into 14 day quarantine. Their match next weekend is postponed.

    DFL have apparently allocated extra matchdays in their plan so they can still finish their matches in line with the rest of the league.
    But they'll be hampered in terms of their match fitness and team bonding for weeks to come as a result, that's got to be a massive handicap
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  • Zer twatz!

    Just fucking end the season!
  • I cant believe what I have been reading tonight.

    People are actually saying that Dynamo Dresden have faked the results because they are bottom and want the season null and void.

    They cant seriously think that not only a professional football club would fake results but also get away with it
  • I cant believe what I have been reading tonight.

    People are actually saying that Dynamo Dresden have faked the results because they are bottom and want the season null and void.

    They cant seriously think that not only a professional football club would fake results but also get away with it
    Mate, people think the Coronavirus is being spread by 5G cell towers... I think you're overestimating peoples' intelligence
    Open your eyes Leroy. Amir Khan has said it's true, and there's no better authority in world science then that.
  • I cant believe what I have been reading tonight.

    People are actually saying that Dynamo Dresden have faked the results because they are bottom and want the season null and void.

    They cant seriously think that not only a professional football club would fake results but also get away with it
    Mate, people think the Coronavirus is being spread by 5G cell towers... I think you're overestimating peoples' intelligence
    Good point
  • SDAddick said:

    Had the season continued, I fully expected we would have gone down. It was clear in January, not just from the additions, or lack thereof, but that players had forgotten how to win and Bowyer wasn't capable of changing that. Not just the results, but the type of football we played was awful. 


    What wasn't clear in January - at least to us - was that the club was under a transfer embargo and so couldn't bring in any new players (other than cast offs). That being on top of us having the lowest playing budget in the league.

    I could give you a sows ear and say you "weren't capable" of turning it into a silk purse. Which is true. But can anyone?
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  • The Dresden situation just makes the German league return farcical, and this is in Germany where they've had the situation under relative control from an early stage. So now they can't play for at least the next 2 weeks, and can't train either, so they'll need extra time after that. 

    I'm not going to say it's impossible for football to return as Korea have proved this weekend that it is possible, but i definitely think Germany should've waited a bit longer.
  • Don’t know whether Dynamo Dresden are trying to pull a fast one but their sports managers name had me giggling.

    From the BBC
    "In the past few weeks, we have made enormous efforts in terms of personnel and logistics in order to strictly implement all the prescribed medical and hygienic measures, "said Dynamo sports manager Ralf Minge .
    So childish.......can you find anymore?
  • No matter how much football fans are trying to deny it, the vast majority of views will be at least partially affected by the club they supports situation.

    Take us - Null and Void is the most common preference. On a Leeds or Liverpool board it will be play to a finish.

    If the roles were reversed and we were two games from promotion back to the prem and a totally different future for the club......

    Do we honestly believe this forum would be screaming for null and void?

  • No matter how much football fans are trying to deny it, the vast majority of views will be at least partially affected by the club they supports situation.

    Take us - Null and Void is the most common preference. On a Leeds or Liverpool board it will be play to a finish.

    If the roles were reversed and we were two games from promotion back to the prem and a totally different future for the club......

    Do we honestly believe this forum would be screaming for null and void?

    I'd hope so, is finishing the season really worth the less of even one life?
  • Recent form is surely more relevant for predicting final places anyway

    Luton for example were 5th in the form table, with 11 points from 6 games, we had 6 points whereas Hull had only 1 point

    I'd have been amazed if Hull weren't in the bottom 3 by the end of the season, and it wasn't impossible that Luton could have overtaken both Hull and ourselves.
  • edited May 2020
    No matter how much football fans are trying to deny it, the vast majority of views will be at least partially affected by the club they supports situation.

    Take us - Null and Void is the most common preference. On a Leeds or Liverpool board it will be play to a finish.

    If the roles were reversed and we were two games from promotion back to the prem and a totally different future for the club......

    Do we honestly believe this forum would be screaming for null and void?

    I think starting the new season with the teams on their current points would be fairer than null and void to be honest

    Same teams in each League yet Leeds start on 71-pts; Charlton start on 39-pts

    It would effectively be a new season so the Footballing authorities could then make the rule changes that make it lawful

    My other idea is more long winded yet we complete this season however long it takes, even with different players - Say its not until September when Football can restart then this current season gets completed in December... For the next two years there can then be altered Football competitions to take us through to the summer of 2023 where the 2023/24 season restarts again in its current form, I say that period because we're fast approaching the Qatar World Cup and reckon all these delays give a chance to slot that into the calendar with even less issues.

    The Football League managed something during WW2 with the Wartime Leagues so why not do something similar now?

    E.g. Each Division splits in half (So Premier League North | South... Championship North | South), means each team will automatically only play half the normal games, combination Play-Offs at the end of the season to decided promotion / relegation
  • SDAddick said:
    I would feel for the likes of Leeds and West Brom were the season to be voided. I'd be in favor of promotion but no relegation. It's hard to argue those teams don't deserve to go up. And it's also hard to relegate a team and potentially change their fate for years to come (more so than will already happen post-COVID) based on only part of a season.

    Had the season continued, I fully expected we would have gone down. It was clear in January, not just from the additions, or lack thereof, but that players had forgotten how to win and Bowyer wasn't capable of changing that. Not just the results, but the type of football we played was awful. 

    That said, I'd be fucked off if we were relegated without having played the full season.

    What I suspect is going to happen is they're going to try to restart the season at Prem and maybe Championship level. Players will go back to partial training. Some will test posivite. Teams will be quarantined, they'll keep pushing the start date back, and then eventually they'll be left trying to figure out how to do this in July 15th, and it will all be slapdash.

    A much better use of their time will be figuring out how to keep clubs afloat when they have to go a year without supporters in stadiums. But given I haven't seen any mass planning for that, I suspect it's a case of ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away. 
    What sort of logic is that....?  WBA & Leeds deserve to go up because they have been top all season but Luton & Barnsley dont deserve to get relegated.....because they hadn't completed the season.   Wtf  ?

    Why cant you just do one thing or the other. Play the season to a conclusion (whenever that is) or null & void it. Black or white. There is no grey. 

    The former is not really an option as there might not be an "end" to the season until.....who knows when. And then there is  the problem of contracts finishing on June 30th. And then playing to empty stadiums.......
    It's about trying to find a logical solution that has a high degree of fairness, will be acceptable to the vast majority of clubs (thus avoiding legal actions) and most importantly, keeps people safe.
    Leeds and WBA, will not complain if they are promoted (and in fairness, they deserve it) whilst relegated clubs, including us who had spend only one week in the bottom three, should kick up merry hell if they put us down.
    Allowing top two to be promoted, whilst cancelling relegations, ticks all the above boxes, no other solution does that, including voiding the season.
  • SDAddick said:
    I would feel for the likes of Leeds and West Brom were the season to be voided. I'd be in favor of promotion but no relegation. It's hard to argue those teams don't deserve to go up. And it's also hard to relegate a team and potentially change their fate for years to come (more so than will already happen post-COVID) based on only part of a season.

    Had the season continued, I fully expected we would have gone down. It was clear in January, not just from the additions, or lack thereof, but that players had forgotten how to win and Bowyer wasn't capable of changing that. Not just the results, but the type of football we played was awful. 

    That said, I'd be fucked off if we were relegated without having played the full season.

    What I suspect is going to happen is they're going to try to restart the season at Prem and maybe Championship level. Players will go back to partial training. Some will test posivite. Teams will be quarantined, they'll keep pushing the start date back, and then eventually they'll be left trying to figure out how to do this in July 15th, and it will all be slapdash.

    A much better use of their time will be figuring out how to keep clubs afloat when they have to go a year without supporters in stadiums. But given I haven't seen any mass planning for that, I suspect it's a case of ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away. 
    What sort of logic is that....?  WBA & Leeds deserve to go up because they have been top all season but Luton & Barnsley dont deserve to get relegated.....because they hadn't completed the season.   Wtf  ?

    Why cant you just do one thing or the other. Play the season to a conclusion (whenever that is) or null & void it. Black or white. There is no grey. 

    The former is not really an option as there might not be an "end" to the season until.....who knows when. And then there is  the problem of contracts finishing on June 30th. And then playing to empty stadiums.......
    It's about trying to find a logical solution that has a high degree of fairness, will be acceptable to the vast majority of clubs (thus avoiding legal actions) and most importantly, keeps people safe.
    Leeds and WBA, will not complain if they are promoted (and in fairness, they deserve it) whilst relegated clubs, including us who had spend only one week in the bottom three, should kick up merry hell if they put us down.
    Allowing top two to be promoted, whilst cancelling relegations, ticks all the above boxes, no other solution does that, including voiding the season.
    In the championship yes, but then the EFL would surely have to do the same for leagues 1 and 2 where promotion was far from being so clear cut.
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