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Is the season going to finish? (ed. Pg.53 - 3 players not returned to training)



  • I saw that too TellyTubby and if they stick to that, the question is on what basis, current placings, based on teams having played each other once (we’d be safe I think) or a mad ‘Duckworth Lewis) type formula? I have watched us through thick and thin and have come to expect my expectations to be dashed at every corner of the country, but poor Bowyer, Jackson, Gallen etc, I really feel for those heroes.
    If they finish the season now & we are relegated I, for one, will take the EFL to court. You can not arbitelaly just end the  season and take the standings as is. Just null & void the season

    Just finish the season - whenever you can. We can’t just squirm out of relegation. If we are good enough to stay up we will stay up. If we go down - then at least go down on the pitch. Football fans will all want the result that benefits them. If you’re in the relegation zone you scream for null and void. If you’re Liverpool you want to finish. 

    Personally i would rather it’s finished before worrying about new seasons. Surely it’s better to stay up cos we deserve it on the pitch 
  • I saw that too TellyTubby and if they stick to that, the question is on what basis, current placings, based on teams having played each other once (we’d be safe I think) or a mad ‘Duckworth Lewis) type formula? I have watched us through thick and thin and have come to expect my expectations to be dashed at every corner of the country, but poor Bowyer, Jackson, Gallen etc, I really feel for those heroes.
    If they finish the season now & we are relegated I, for one, will take the EFL to court. You can not arbitelaly just end the  season and take the standings as is. Just null & void the season

    Perhaps the first time I have ever agreed with Golfie but he is spot on the money here.

    Relegating teams after 37 games is a joke - there is still 20% of the season to go!!!

    If you can't finish the season by the end of June - which seems impossible - then you have to null and void the season because you couldn't complete it.

    It's the equivalent of England having Australia 100-2 chasing 350 as Day 5 of the Test Match starts and then having to call it off because of a bomb threat or whatever and the ICC saying, "Well, England were well ahead so we will award the game to them."

    Absolute joke.
  • I saw that too TellyTubby and if they stick to that, the question is on what basis, current placings, based on teams having played each other once (we’d be safe I think) or a mad ‘Duckworth Lewis) type formula? I have watched us through thick and thin and have come to expect my expectations to be dashed at every corner of the country, but poor Bowyer, Jackson, Gallen etc, I really feel for those heroes.
    If they finish the season now & we are relegated I, for one, will take the EFL to court. You can not arbitelaly just end the  season and take the standings as is. Just null & void the season

    Just finish the season - whenever you can. We can’t just squirm out of relegation. If we are good enough to stay up we will stay up. If we go down - then at least go down on the pitch. Football fans will all want the result that benefits them. If you’re in the relegation zone you scream for null and void. If you’re Liverpool you want to finish. 

    Personally i would rather it’s finished before worrying about new seasons. Surely it’s better to stay up cos we deserve it on the pitch 
    How do you deal with the out of contract players and returning loans. We will have 5 players!
  • I keep changing my mind on what is the best outcome, every time I listen to a podcast or an interview, read articles or CL some really good points are thrown up.

    Some people insist the season must finish, others that it must be null and void.
    I think many can appreciate an argument for both, while agreeing with neither.

    I originally thought just null and void and start fresh in August but why void a season that is 70% complete in order to start a new season that may not be able to start anyway?
    Then I thought perhaps finish the season, even if it takes all year so be it. Scrap next season if needs must, just don't rush back. But smaller clubs need money, and if scrapping this season will finish a few clubs off, scrapping next season will kill the lot. 

    Contracts etc are a big problem in all of this.
    At what point does completing the season become farcical? If we can't finish until August/September and clubs have entirely different squads is it even considered a 'completion' of the season? It would seem more like a new season anyway, just using old league tables.

    We are now looking like a restart to a season would have a longer break in the middle than there is BETWEEN different seasons.
  • I appreciate none of that actually adds anything to the conversation, just felt the need to type it out. Just to clear it in my own head.
  • edited May 2020
    Most people seem to be resigned to the fact that one way or another, this season is over and that it would be too dangerous to play to a conclusion.
    In doing so, I think we are not adequately discounting both the stupidity of the Football Authorities and the influence that Sky and its money has over them.
    It could be a huge and costly mistake for us to fall into the trap of believing this season is now over.
    It is simply not the Charlton way to be fortunate beneficiairies from such a situation.
    Its a huge ask of Bowyer, Jacko and the team, but they have to somehow ensure that the squad is not just fit enough to resume, but also that we are psychologically ready for the relegation dogfight ahead of us, probably played out behind closed doors.
    The team that ends up escaping the bottom three, will be the team that has best prepared for the resumption of play. 
    We have to ensure that we are at the top of the list in terms of preparation, because I'm sure there will be other teams who will have psychologically finished the season already.

  • 30th June are when contracts expire - no current solution to this and nothing legally binding even if so

    EFL say the season can be completed within 56 days. This means 30th June minus 56 means the league must restart no later than 5th May.

    Then Lee Bowyer says the players need 4 weeks to prepare for a restart. So take 28 days away from 5th May and we're at 7th April which is 18 days ago.

    Even if all teams go straight in with no preparation that's still 5th May the latest it can start for a 30th June finish. This is 10 days away...roughly in line with the next lockdown update from the government.

    So my guess is if the lockdown is extended which looks likely you can pretty much kiss goodbye any hope of the season ending by 30th June.
    55 days until contracts expire on 30th June

    EFL previously said the season could be completed within 56 days. Based on day 56 being 30th June we would have had to have restarted yesterday.

    Over to you EFL.
  • Ridiculous 10 players confirmed to have covid19 yet Merkel says German football can return on 15th May or 23rd May.

    The Premier League will follow suit now I reckon, if they can do it why cant we they will say.

    Putting Football before lives is ridiculous 
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  • edited May 2020
    I don't think we are as far advanced as Germany are in respect of the control of the virus. Merkel announced today that they are through the first phase of the pandemic, whereas we have announced that there were 331deaths yesterday in England alone, and that doesn't include fatalities in care homes. We are nowhere near the end of the first phase. 
    A return of football, even behind closed doors, would be ridiculous whilst people are dying in such large numbers. 
  • I don't think we are as far advanced as Germany are in respect of the control of the virus. Merkel announced today that they are through the first phase of the pandemic, whereas we have announced that there were 331deaths yesterday in England alone, and that doesn't include fatalities in care homes. We are nowhere near the end of the first phase. 
    A return of football, even behind closed doors, would be ridiculous whilst people are dying in such large numbers. 
    54 from yesterday (so far) ...

    Of the 331 new deaths announced today in England alone:

    - 54 occurred on May 5

    - 121 occurred on May 4

    - 28 occurred on May 3 The figures also show 28 of the new deaths took place on May 1-2, 84 took place in April, while the remaining 16 deaths occurred in March, with the earliest new death taking place on March 13.

  • Void this season.

    Redistribute the wealth of the premier league so that lower league sides can survive.

    Begin a new season when it's safe to do so. If that isn't until January next year then so be it, rules for a new season can be changed to accommodate fewer games but they shouldn't be changed halfway through one.

    Tough on Liverpool and Leeds but the virus has been tougher on the many families who have lost loved ones.
    Harsh on your local team.
  • Ridiculous 10 players confirmed to have covid19 yet Merkel says German football can return on 15th May or 23rd May.

    The Premier League will follow suit now I reckon, if they can do it why cant we they will say.

    Putting Football before lives is ridiculous 
    I‘m over the moon to be honest, can’t wait to watch some live football on TV!
  • Ridiculous 10 players confirmed to have covid19 yet Merkel says German football can return on 15th May or 23rd May.

    The Premier League will follow suit now I reckon, if they can do it why cant we they will say.

    Putting Football before lives is ridiculous 
    I know we’re not supposed to make comparisons between different countries but perhaps the reason the Germans feel confident in resuming their league is based on their numbers of infected / deaths. That and the fact germans could herd cats whereas in this country we couldn’t organise a shit in a toilet. 
  • se9addick said:
    Ridiculous 10 players confirmed to have covid19 yet Merkel says German football can return on 15th May or 23rd May.

    The Premier League will follow suit now I reckon, if they can do it why cant we they will say.

    Putting Football before lives is ridiculous 
    I‘m over the moon to be honest, can’t wait to watch some live football on TV!
    And thats the whole point.

    People are desperate to watch live football on tv.

    Whilst there are people losing loved ones every day.

    Personally I don't care about live sport returning atm, until its safe to do so

    Why should our enjoyment come at the risk of lives
    It shouldn’t, it’s a mad decision, but it’s not my decision. I’m just excited to watch some footy. 
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  • Well thats a surprise.
    The government who were going to let the fixtures continue the weekend of the 14th of march probably spreading the virus to thousands of supporters around the country are probably going to let the season continue.
  • Who are the 10 Bundesliga players and who do they play for?
  • se9addick said:
    se9addick said:
    Ridiculous 10 players confirmed to have covid19 yet Merkel says German football can return on 15th May or 23rd May.

    The Premier League will follow suit now I reckon, if they can do it why cant we they will say.

    Putting Football before lives is ridiculous 
    I‘m over the moon to be honest, can’t wait to watch some live football on TV!
    And thats the whole point.

    People are desperate to watch live football on tv.

    Whilst there are people losing loved ones every day.

    Personally I don't care about live sport returning atm, until its safe to do so

    Why should our enjoyment come at the risk of lives
    It shouldn’t, it’s a mad decision, but it’s not my decision. I’m just excited to watch some footy. 
    Not really football though is it, at least not as we know it. Glorified exhibition matches played in empty stadiums by teams I have zero interest in from a foreign league. I'd rather watch the soaps.
  • Croydon said:
    se9addick said:
    se9addick said:
    Ridiculous 10 players confirmed to have covid19 yet Merkel says German football can return on 15th May or 23rd May.

    The Premier League will follow suit now I reckon, if they can do it why cant we they will say.

    Putting Football before lives is ridiculous 
    I‘m over the moon to be honest, can’t wait to watch some live football on TV!
    And thats the whole point.

    People are desperate to watch live football on tv.

    Whilst there are people losing loved ones every day.

    Personally I don't care about live sport returning atm, until its safe to do so

    Why should our enjoyment come at the risk of lives
    It shouldn’t, it’s a mad decision, but it’s not my decision. I’m just excited to watch some footy. 
    Not really football though is it, at least not as we know it. Glorified exhibition matches played in empty stadiums by teams I have zero interest in from a foreign league. I'd rather watch the soaps.
    I mean the German League is pretty competitive standard and they actually have a title race this year. 
  • edited May 2020
    DFL have confirmed to Bild/SID that the Bundesliga will return on 15th May.
  • clb74 said:
    Well thats a surprise.
    The government who were going to let the fixtures continue the weekend of the 14th of march probably spreading the virus to thousands of supporters around the country are probably going to let the season continue.
    ??? OUR government hasn't decided anything. 
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