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Just wondered if anyone on here has ever had one done? Had it today and f*** me it was unpleasant.


  • One up no problem compared to the one down. Awful, worst thing I've ever experienced and hope i never suffer that again
  • Had one about 11 years ago

    And put it this way I still remember it to this day.
  • Hard to explain how it feels somebody sticking a camera down your throat and into your stomach - torture!
  • Yep had it done about 6 months ago as an emergency after an internal bleed....not pleasant 
  • Don't know about you but I burst several small vessels in my face choking throughout it, had blotches all over my face for about a week. Honestly just thinking about it makes me nervous about ever suffering that again 🤣
  • CAFCDAZ said:
    Don't know about you but I burst several small vessels in my face choking throughout it, had blotches all over my face for about a week. Honestly just thinking about it makes me nervous about ever suffering that again 🤣
    The nurse said I seemed very relaxed - purely down to ignorance! 
  • Try having a rigid cystoscopy! I cried when I pissed blood afterwards 
  • I’ve had it down twice - first time was horrible, burping, gagging, so the second time I asked for more drugs and it was all rather pleasant... 

    and if you think that’s bad... trying having a camera put up your nob - that I will never recover from...
  • Horrid experience and still recall the unpleasantness 15 years ago.
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  • I had to have 3 this year alone! I have PSC and got  esophageal varices because of it.

    Always ask for max dosage and make sure you have someone to pick you up after otherwise they can’t do it for you.

    Im only 28 as well and don’t drink alcohol. Feels like winning the lottery lol
  • Yep had it done about 6 months ago as an emergency after an internal bleed....not pleasant

    Sorry to hear it fella, try asking for travel insurance after. I’m basically stuck in the country 
  • edited August 2020

  • I was sedated in and out of  consciousness when I had the camera crew up my arse , wife was there as well to make sure nothing untoward going on ....
    loved it cos I was half out of it , plenty of farting once finished .
    the laxative I took pre op to clean myself out was a 1000 times more painful , like pissing molten lava and broken glass out the arsehole , I chewed a towel everyone of the 32,000 pissy glass ridden shits I had in the lead up (I think it was for this procedure , may have been another ) 
  • I have to have it every 2 years. First time was hideous, so tried sedation next time and slept through it - lovely. But they don't like that, so since then I've had sedation but it seems to make no difference. The last time they nearly abandoned it because I couldn't cope. It doesnt get any easier. 
  • I was sedated in and out of  consciousness when I had the camera crew up my arse , wife was there as well to make sure nothing untoward going on ....
    loved it cos I was half out of it , plenty of farting once finished .
    the laxative I took pre op to clean myself out was a 1000 times more painful , like pissing molten lava and broken glass out the arsehole , I chewed a towel everyone of the 32,000 pissy glass ridden shits I had in the lead up (I think it was for this procedure , may have been another ) 

    The pre-op clear out ......... and it clears you out. 
    And just when you think there's nothing left to clear out,repeat ad-infinitum, or at least every 5 minutes for the next 24 hours.

    By contrast, the actual procedure with me laying down facing the screen, watching the camera in it's internal travels and being giving a running commentary by the Doc had a fascination all of it's own.

    Not to be missed.

  • Yep had it done about 6 months ago as an emergency after an internal bleed....not pleasant 
    Same here for the same thing. I was at the QE and they offered full anaesthetic which i accepted. I’d had one before and hated it.
  • Yep had it done about 6 months ago as an emergency after an internal bleed....not pleasant 
    Same here for the same thing. I was at the QE and they offered full anaesthetic which i accepted. I’d had one before and hated it.
    I was in the QE as well, barely had any sedative - I was well aware all the way throughout !
  • I had one a couple of years ago. Unfortunately there is a risk that the sedative can trigger mania so I can’t have it. I assumed the camera would be a little wire passed unnoticed down my throat, not a hose pipe. After the initial gagging and belching I just concentrated on my breathing as if meditating. It wasn’t the most pleasant thing I’ve ever had but it’s possible to do without sedation if you relax as much as possible.
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  • Have it every other year on average
  • I had a camera down my throat a few years back, I wanted to be sedated but they didn’t do it. Hands down the most unpleasant experience of my life, I absolutely hated it. 

    Definitely confirmed that I couldn’t be a homosexual, I’d be useless.
  • I had one down the throat at Queen Marys last Autumn, wasn't looking forward to it as had had one years ago where they knock you right out, but you still get the gagging sensation. However, this one I was fully awake and to my surprise it wasn't too bad. Also had to have colonoscopy, that was horrible, because I have diverticular disease and the procedure irritates it. Was gripping the nurses hand all the way through! The stuff they give you to clear you out is dreadful, like wallpaper paste, why can't they give you a good vindaloo instead. They pump air up the tube which is uncomfortable and the doctor actually says fart as much as you can! They gave me large amounts of laughing gas which I OD'e'd on so was alternately laughing and groaning. Why would anyone want to be a bum doctor
  • Have had an endoscopy 4 times, on 2 occasions they had to take a biopsy and the tube down the throat I was told is even bigger, truly awful. Had a colonoscopy quite a few years ago and drinking that awful laxative the night before was horrendous still remember that.
  • Yes, have had a camera down my throat, up both nostrils and from behind on a number of occasions.  In all honesty, didnt find any of them that bad.  There's something quite satisfying about a good clear out, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

    I thought the examination I had for haemorrhoids was far far worse.
    She was such a petite, attractive doctor.  I've never felt so violated.  For such a petite doctor, she had hands like Geoff Bloody Capes.  
  • I have had 3 - didn’t mind the ones up the backside (no cheap jokes please 😜) - one down the throat was awful - I first had to have them because I was losing lots of weight and very lethargic - turned out I was anaemic - but they wanted to check it wasn't cancer - other 2 were because of ‘farmer Giles’ 

    One aspect I did enjoy was the moviprep to clear you out before hand - the greatest shites I have ever had - just epic

    Doctor told me that people in America who have health insurance have the procedure once a year to check all is well !!
  • JohnBoyUK said:
    Yes, have had a camera down my throat, up both nostrils and from behind on a number of occasions.  In all honesty, didnt find any of them that bad.  There's something quite satisfying about a good clear out, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

    Is this what started your career as a photographer?
  • JohnBoyUK said:
    Yes, have had a camera down my throat, up both nostrils and from behind on a number of occasions.  In all honesty, didnt find any of them that bad.  There's something quite satisfying about a good clear out, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

    Is this what started your career as a photographer?
    The pretty little doctor could have been using a prime 500mm f2.8 lens to look up my jacksie for what it felt like! 
  • I have had a camera up two different orifice, but not down my throat. Talking to the male species, if you think down your throat is bad, wait until you have it up your penis
  • ross1 said:
    I have had a camera up two different orifice, but not down my throat. Talking to the male species, if you think down your throat is bad, wait until you have it up your penis
    That's the one I have every other year and get genuine anxiety over it, for about 6 weeks leading up to it.
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