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Beautiful weather...

edited November 2020 in Not Sports Related
get outside and enjoy it, we won’t have too many weekends like this over the coming months 

modt enjoyable run for ages this morning 


  • get outside and enjoy it, we won’t have too many weekends like this over the coming months 

    modt enjoyable run for ages this morning 
    Good advice Barts. Grey and drizzly down here but I still took the opportunity to just sit on a bench in a shelter with a takeaway coffee and watch the sea for 30 mins.

    Probably looked like a right nutter but makes a big difference to my mood and I get right humpy if I can't get out for some fresh air and exercise every day. Feel so sorry for those in more urban areas during these times. 
  • Glad you enjoyed it mate. Restarted running last week myself and have sprained my ankle so put paid to that for a while ha ha
  • Alright mum
    But take a woolly in case it turns 
    And clean pants in case you get run over.  You wouldn't want the mortician to see you in dirty pants.
  • get outside and enjoy it, we won’t have too many weekends like this over the coming months 

    modt enjoyable run for ages this morning 
    Did you mean to post this on the you know you’re getting old thread ?
  • get outside and enjoy it, we won’t have too many weekends like this over the coming months 

    modt enjoyable run for ages this morning 
    Posted under ‘not sports related’. Was this a run in the car rather than some form of physical exercise?
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  • get outside and enjoy it, we won’t have too many weekends like this over the coming months 

    modt enjoyable run for ages this morning 
    Good advice Barts. Grey and drizzly down here but I still took the opportunity to just sit on a bench in a shelter with a takeaway coffee and watch the sea for 30 mins.

    Probably looked like a right nutter but makes a big difference to my mood and I get right humpy if I can't get out for some fresh air and exercise every day. Feel so sorry for those in more urban areas during these times. 
    We don’t need the sea, we have the Thames we can sit and watch, though obviously not when the mist is rolling in from it...
  • Difference a day makes.
    Yesterday people were moaning everywhere was packed
  • Yes, sun streaming in through the windows. Contrast to last night when I had to pick up Golfie Jnr in the fog.

    Just a shame all the golf courses are shut.
  • Alright mum
    But take a woolly in case it turns 
    And clean pants in case you get run over.  You wouldn't want the mortician to see you in dirty pants.
    They could be brand new and straight from the the packet, you look up and see a bus hurtling towards you and trust me the mortician won’t be seeing a clean pair! 😂😂
  • Not really what you would want for a lock down though.

    But yes, beautiful day.
  • Yes, sun streaming in through the windows. Contrast to last night when I had to pick up Golfie Jnr in the fog.

    Just a shame all the golf courses are shut.
    Where had he been? Shouldn't he be in lockdown at home not round his girlfriend's?
  • It's alright for you lot in the SE ...... but it's crap weather this morning down here in Sunny Cornwall.

    Rained all night, thick mist this morning gradually disappearing, grey and overcast, damp and manky.

    Might give the beach a miss today. :neutral:

  • Really has been a lovely day... Just back from a nice family walk around Shorne Woods, bit muddy but my Son didnt mind one bit
  • Really has been a lovely day... Just back from a nice family walk around Shorne Woods, bit muddy but my Son didnt mind one bit
    I bet you were Captain Clean Shorts.  :smile:

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  • Its bloody horrible here.
  • Its bloody horrible here.
    Are you still down here in Cornwall then?  :smile:

  • like an early spring day in North Lincs. today
  • Greenwich Park yesterday and Danson Park today. As @ME14addick said, leaves you feeling better about your local area and recharged for the week ahead. 
  • Just got back from a lovely walk in the grounds of Scotney Castle. It was sunny, warm and calm, perfect for an autumn walk.  Hopefully my batteries are now recharged for another week, working at my desk at home. The Kent countryside was looking beautiful and at its best. Getting out and appreciating the natural world around us is a great way to better mental health.
    I did question whether we should go as it isn't really 'local', but as we'd booked before lockdown was announced and it was all outside and very well socially distanced, we decided to go. I am very glad that we did. 
  • Dragged the MG out of the garage and took my daughter to Ruxley to have a look round. 

    Will go for a pre Sunday dinner walk in a bit.
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