The Inbetweeners scene where Simon is trying to talk to dirty to Tara. The line ‘I’m going to f*** your f***ing fanny off you twat’ gets me every time. Used it on Mrs AUN a couple of times and luckily she gets the reference.
The Inbetweeners scene where Simon is trying to talk to dirty to Tara. The line ‘I’m going to f*** your f***ing fanny off you twat’ gets me every time. Used it on Mrs AUN a couple of times and luckily she gets the reference.
Got a vision of you shouting this as you storm the cell of a prisoner who is playing up
The Inbetweeners scene where Simon is trying to talk to dirty to Tara. The line ‘I’m going to f*** your f***ing fanny off you twat’ gets me every time. Used it on Mrs AUN a couple of times and luckily she gets the reference.
Got a vision of you shouting this as you storm the cell of a prisoner who is playing up
Maybe on occasion, it depends on how pretty the con is.
Steptoe eats pickled onions in the bath
"Are there any women here today?"
The one where Grandad gets arrested in Spain and he thinks it's for past crimes.
When Rodney says "You were gun running during the Spanish Civil War?!" and he replies:
"Well... that's the best time to do it, Rodney."
So simple. So funny.
Tonnes of hilarious bits in The IT Crowd too - "I'm Disabled" or Jen finding out about the internet are pretty high up there.
Probably the one clip that never fails to make me piss myself however is below, courtesy of Brooklyn Nine Nine:
and in a similar vein
These are small, those are far away (FT)
Happy Gilmore losing it or Roseanne in 'A Stash from the Past'