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  • Very jealous of my wife at moment - she got text yesterday to have her first jab - going to Dartford FC’s ground on Saturday to have it - turns out that because she has low immunity, her GP put her in group 6 - I am marooned in group 9 - she is 2 years older than me (I am 50)
  • Having had my vaccination on Saturday afternoon (thereby having 1 more shot than Charlton that day) I developed painful joints that night. Normally, that would be ok but I’m 3 weeks post op for the new hip. I took a codeine and slept ok. I put it down to maybe overdoing the walking even though I know I haven’t been.
    Last night, the pain levels increased so much, codeine didn’t touch it and my leg on the operated side was covered in a rash of purple spots. An ambulance was called, the crew gave me morphine and off to A&E I went. 
    Bottom line is, the hip is intact and no blood clots or DVT but the pain is still in my groin, knee, back and hip. I’m now home and started to shiver a bit this morning.
    Whilst the docs were mystified as to the cause, they did suggest it could be side effects of the jab but can’t understand why the spots (broken blood vessels) are only on one leg. 
    I really hope it’s a temporary issue caused by the vaccine side effects and I don’t struggle again today.
    I hope you are feeling better today.
    Cheers mate. Still have sore groin and knee plus the purple spots down my leg but I think the painkillers helped me have a better night.
    I now have a skin infection on a gonad so on antibiotics !! 
    God knows if it’s vaccine related, probably not but you never know I suppose !
    A post that you wish to acknowledge but don't feel you should like or LOL.
    Sorry, is the this really a dig or a jest ?
     I’m a bit spaced out on painkillers so if I didn’t press a button, I sincerely apologise. Not top of my list of concerns though tbh
    No sorry I'm sympathising with you.
    As I said it didn't seem "right" to like a post when someone isn't well.
    It certainly isn't right to LOL your predicament, so there wasn't an appropriate response without typing a physical comment.
    I hope you're feeling a bit better and sorry I wasn't clear in my good intentions.
    I see ! It’s me being out of it more than anything so I apologise ! I should have realised. 

    As regards the vaccine, the hospital think there’s a possibility that my jab has reacted with the aspirin I’m taking to thin the blood.

    I wonder, does anyone on here who has had their jab, take aspirin daily ?
    I had the Pfizer jab 3 weeks ago and i take a cocktail of heart medications daily including 1 asprin tablet.  Did tell them when asked but they still carried on. No reaction apart from a sore arm. Hope you get better soon
  • hawksmoor said:
    I was asked if I took any blood-thinning medication before my vaccine, and my wife was too. They mentioned specifically Warfarin and aspirin. I don't know if that helps.
    Same here (AZ jab). When asked I told them I was on Warfarin, then they stabbed me in the arm. Not sure what difference my answer made to the process tbh... 
  • Having had my vaccination on Saturday afternoon (thereby having 1 more shot than Charlton that day) I developed painful joints that night. Normally, that would be ok but I’m 3 weeks post op for the new hip. I took a codeine and slept ok. I put it down to maybe overdoing the walking even though I know I haven’t been.
    Last night, the pain levels increased so much, codeine didn’t touch it and my leg on the operated side was covered in a rash of purple spots. An ambulance was called, the crew gave me morphine and off to A&E I went. 
    Bottom line is, the hip is intact and no blood clots or DVT but the pain is still in my groin, knee, back and hip. I’m now home and started to shiver a bit this morning.
    Whilst the docs were mystified as to the cause, they did suggest it could be side effects of the jab but can’t understand why the spots (broken blood vessels) are only on one leg. 
    I really hope it’s a temporary issue caused by the vaccine side effects and I don’t struggle again today.
    I hope you are feeling better today.
    Cheers mate. Still have sore groin and knee plus the purple spots down my leg but I think the painkillers helped me have a better night.
    I now have a skin infection on a gonad so on antibiotics !! 
    God knows if it’s vaccine related, probably not but you never know I suppose !
    A post that you wish to acknowledge but don't feel you should like or LOL.
    Sorry, is the this really a dig or a jest ?
     I’m a bit spaced out on painkillers so if I didn’t press a button, I sincerely apologise. Not top of my list of concerns though tbh
    No sorry I'm sympathising with you.
    As I said it didn't seem "right" to like a post when someone isn't well.
    It certainly isn't right to LOL your predicament, so there wasn't an appropriate response without typing a physical comment.
    I hope you're feeling a bit better and sorry I wasn't clear in my good intentions.
    I see ! It’s me being out of it more than anything so I apologise ! I should have realised. 

    As regards the vaccine, the hospital think there’s a possibility that my jab has reacted with the aspirin I’m taking to thin the blood.

    I wonder, does anyone on here who has had their jab, take aspirin daily ?
    I had the Pfizer jab 3 weeks ago and i take a cocktail of heart medications daily including 1 asprin tablet.  Did tell them when asked but they still carried on. No reaction apart from a sore arm. Hope you get better soon

    I also take 75mg of aspirin daily and had Pfizer with no issues. 
  • My brother is not 40 until August and no underlying health issues. He got a call at the weekend and had a vaccine at Guy's on Monday. Even the nurse was confused why he had gotten the call.

  • edited March 2021
    My brother is not 40 until August and no underlying health issues. He got a call at the weekend and had a vaccine at Guy's on Monday. Even the nurse was confused why he had gotten the call.

    Presumably when they have excess vaccine they ring people on their hospital records?
    One of my mates had the same last week and he is 49 and no health issues.
    But he was on their records for back treatment years ago.
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  • My brother is not 40 until August and no underlying health issues. He got a call at the weekend and had a vaccine at Guy's on Monday. Even the nurse was confused why he had gotten the call.

    Presumably when they have excess vaccine they ring people on their hospital records?
    One of my mates had the same last week and he is 49 and no health issues.
    But he was on their records for back treatment years ago.
    No idea mate. He was at Guy's in 2011 for a minor op so may be the case. 
  • My brother is not 40 until August and no underlying health issues. He got a call at the weekend and had a vaccine at Guy's on Monday. Even the nurse was confused why he had gotten the call.

    Presumably when they have excess vaccine they ring people on their hospital records?
    One of my mates had the same last week and he is 49 and no health issues.
    But he was on their records for back treatment years ago.
    No idea mate. He was at Guy's in 2011 for a minor op so may be the case. 
    There you go then.
  • Very jealous of my wife at moment - she got text yesterday to have her first jab - going to Dartford FC’s ground on Saturday to have it - turns out that because she has low immunity, her GP put her in group 6 - I am marooned in group 9 - she is 2 years older than me (I am 50)
    Go with her if you can, they may give you the jab as well.

    Mrs came with me to the Excel centre on Monday and they offered her the vaccine even though she's in group 8 and said they would have vaccinated anyone who lived at the same address if they had turned up with me.
    The same thing happened with me as I said earlier on this thread. It's definitely worth asking the question when you accompany someone for the vaccine.
    They always have cancellations or no shows, although I don't get why people would just not turn up for no reason.

  • I can confirm that if you accompany someone for a jab, you should ask. I accompanied my brother for his jab, and mentioned that I was his main and only carer in his family (he has early on-set dementia), but that I don't live with him, and they said, 'That's fine, you can have your jab with him,' probably because they could tell that he was a bit confused and scared and needed me to get him there. It did help that I was in the age bracket that should've had one.
  • I’m going to attempt this tmrw when my wife goes for her jab - he who dares Rodney, and all that - it’s only a 5 minute walk from our house, so I will get her to ask if I can be jabbed as well
  • hawksmoor said:
    I can confirm that if you accompany someone for a jab, you should ask. I accompanied my brother for his jab, and mentioned that I was his main and only carer in his family (he has early on-set dementia), but that I don't live with him, and they said, 'That's fine, you can have your jab with him,' probably because they could tell that he was a bit confused and scared and needed me to get him there. It did help that I was in the age bracket that should've had one.
    Fairly sure the age in this instance is irrelevant. 

    There’s obviously going to be some places that are sticklers and you’ll come across the odd jobsworth, but it’s clear from how many people saying it that when either booking their appointments in advance or in turning up on the day, others with them are getting jabbed as well.  

    Just make sure you have your NHS number handy. 
  • Now, see, I wasn't armed with my NHS number, because I asked on the off-chance, but it was all fine for me, after filling out the form as far as I could. Now, as you say, AFKA, it might not be that easy for everyone, with the odd jobsworth here and there.
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  • But, yes, going in with your NHS number will probably give you a head start.
  • Dammit I was looking forward to tucking into a Brazilian this weekend.
  • Redrobo said:
    Oxford study indicates AstraZenica effective against Brazil variant. 😅 

    Have you got a link to this please
  • Age 54, got my first Pfizer last week. Other than a slightly sore are for a few hours, no issue.
    arm or arse  :D
    I say I had a sore arm. My wife says I am a pain in the arse.
  • Having had my vaccination on Saturday afternoon (thereby having 1 more shot than Charlton that day) I developed painful joints that night. Normally, that would be ok but I’m 3 weeks post op for the new hip. I took a codeine and slept ok. I put it down to maybe overdoing the walking even though I know I haven’t been.
    Last night, the pain levels increased so much, codeine didn’t touch it and my leg on the operated side was covered in a rash of purple spots. An ambulance was called, the crew gave me morphine and off to A&E I went. 
    Bottom line is, the hip is intact and no blood clots or DVT but the pain is still in my groin, knee, back and hip. I’m now home and started to shiver a bit this morning.
    Whilst the docs were mystified as to the cause, they did suggest it could be side effects of the jab but can’t understand why the spots (broken blood vessels) are only on one leg. 
    I really hope it’s a temporary issue caused by the vaccine side effects and I don’t struggle again today.
    I hope you are feeling better today.
    Cheers mate. Still have sore groin and knee plus the purple spots down my leg but I think the painkillers helped me have a better night.
    I now have a skin infection on a gonad so on antibiotics !! 
    God knows if it’s vaccine related, probably not but you never know I suppose !
    A post that you wish to acknowledge but don't feel you should like or LOL.
    Sorry, is the this really a dig or a jest ?
     I’m a bit spaced out on painkillers so if I didn’t press a button, I sincerely apologise. Not top of my list of concerns though tbh
    No sorry I'm sympathising with you.
    As I said it didn't seem "right" to like a post when someone isn't well.
    It certainly isn't right to LOL your predicament, so there wasn't an appropriate response without typing a physical comment.
    I hope you're feeling a bit better and sorry I wasn't clear in my good intentions.
    I see ! It’s me being out of it more than anything so I apologise ! I should have realised. 

    As regards the vaccine, the hospital think there’s a possibility that my jab has reacted with the aspirin I’m taking to thin the blood.

    I wonder, does anyone on here who has had their jab, take aspirin daily ?
    Yes...I do.💊

  • carly.....where can I find this photo?
  • I couldn’t move my arm the next day! But worth it to be jabbed !
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