1. first, I would like to convey (albeit indirectly) my thanks to Richard Cawley for his daily tweets, which save an awful lot of time scrolling through many hundreds of posts on this esteemed thread (as entertaining and fun as they all are…..); and
2. secondly, can I be the first to suggest that Thomas Sandgaard’s giddiness at reaching the Euros semi-finals with Denmark is likely to turbo charge his enthusiasm for our forthcoming conquest of League 1. Surely the great man will be in town for Wednesday’s semi-final
What Morrell are we talking about. If its Joe Morrell the Welsh kid then I definitely call BS. He only joined Luton last season for an undisclosed fee so I very much doubt that 9 months later Luton would be willing to sell.
⁹right you are all having a pop at me carry on does not bother me at all.BUT so far bar one Moses I have been correct.Stockley all you clever ducks signed beginning May he wasn't got the date bang on. Got Dobson bang on got mullins bang on despite cawley saying he was not a target.ALSO the only one saying we where about to sign a new partner we have and over time will be huge all you lot could think off was a shirt sponsor ship . AS for JFC I was set up By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
I have no idea who @Addicks59 is, but can we please cut him some slack? He has explained in his post his connections, and, yes I don't know how good they are, but let's just see what transpires over the next few days As for having a go at him about his spelling that's just rude and to me, also as an older generation guy, a bit OTT, afterall he may be dyslexic! Let's just revel in last night's win for England and enjoy the next few days. If the info he has been given is correct a few people are going to have to eat humble pie, if not then we'll know soon enough!
⁹right you are all having a pop at me carry on does not bother me at all.BUT so far bar one Moses I have been correct.Stockley all you clever ducks signed beginning May he wasn't got the date bang on. Got Dobson bang on got mullins bang on despite cawley saying he was not a target.ALSO the only one saying we where about to sign a new partner we have and over time will be huge all you lot could think off was a shirt sponsor ship . AS for JFC I was set up By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
Take a chill pill before you blow a gasket.
I think that some are tempted to have a pop at you because of the way you put your rumours across. We all know that Cawley has contacts at the club, you haven't yet proved you have a good track record.
Nobody should be digging you out over your spelling. I won't given my frequent cock ups on that front, although just occasionally your posts are difficult to fully comprehend. My genuine suggestion would be to count to ten, re-read your post, amend if necessary and then press send.
⁹right you are all having a pop at me carry on does not bother me at all.BUT so far bar one Moses I have been correct.Stockley all you clever ducks signed beginning May he wasn't got the date bang on. Got Dobson bang on got mullins bang on despite cawley saying he was not a target.ALSO the only one saying we where about to sign a new partner we have and over time will be huge all you lot could think off was a shirt sponsor ship . AS for JFC I was set up By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
Addicks59's sumptuous prose and nose for a deal reminds me of a certain Richard Cawley - thank you for your fine work good sir - your secret is safe with us!
⁹right you are all having a pop at me carry on does not bother me at all.BUT so far bar one Moses I have been correct.Stockley all you clever ducks signed beginning May he wasn't got the date bang on. Got Dobson bang on got mullins bang on despite cawley saying he was not a target.ALSO the only one saying we where about to sign a new partner we have and over time will be huge all you lot could think off was a shirt sponsor ship . AS for JFC I was set up By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
Well said mate .. to many people moan when there no rumours on the rumours page yet when someone does have information they get attacked because if don’t happen within the hour …. Richard Crawley gets things wrong he corrected me about Amos leaving but find out through someone else I was right .. the club are keeping things very close and Crawley only finds out about 30 mins before it happens
keep posting its good info even the best sources don’t know what goes on behind the managers door fully so let’s take the info and be grateful
Psyched for the big match next week. Cawley vs @Addicks59. All rests on Mullin. We've had the Rumble in the Jungle, now it's time for the Skirmish on the Spreadsheet, @Dazzler21.
⁹right you are all having a pop at me carry on does not bother me at all.BUT so far bar one Moses I have been correct.Stockley all you clever ducks signed beginning May he wasn't got the date bang on. Got Dobson bang on got mullins bang on despite cawley saying he was not a target.ALSO the only one saying we where about to sign a new partner we have and over time will be huge all you lot could think off was a shirt sponsor ship . AS for JFC I was set up By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
Well said mate .. to many people moan when there no rumours on the rumours page yet when someone does have information they get attacked because if don’t happen within the hour …. Richard Crawley gets things wrong he corrected me about Amos leaving but find out through someone else I was right .. the club are keeping things very close and Crawley only finds out about 30 mins before it happens
keep posting its good info even the best sources don’t know what goes on behind the managers door fully so let’s take the info and be grateful
What was is about the Amos deal Richard Crawley got wrong that you know to be correct?
⁹right you are all having a pop at me carry on does not bother me at all.BUT so far bar one Moses I have been correct.Stockley all you clever ducks signed beginning May he wasn't got the date bang on. Got Dobson bang on got mullins bang on despite cawley saying he was not a target.ALSO the only one saying we where about to sign a new partner we have and over time will be huge all you lot could think off was a shirt sponsor ship . AS for JFC I was set up By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
Well said mate .. to many people moan when there no rumours on the rumours page yet when someone does have information they get attacked because if don’t happen within the hour …. Richard Crawley gets things wrong he corrected me about Amos leaving but find out through someone else I was right .. the club are keeping things very close and Crawley only finds out about 30 mins before it happens
keep posting its good info even the best sources don’t know what goes on behind the managers door fully so let’s take the info and be grateful
Apart from Cawley who knew we were interested in the goalkeeper from Portsmouth back on the 26th May on the South London Press website.
I have no idea who @Addicks59 is, but can we please cut him some slack? He has explained in his post his connections, and, yes I don't know how good they are, but let's just see what transpires over the next few days As for having a go at him about his spelling that's just rude and to me, also as an older generation guy, a bit OTT, afterall he may be dyslexic! Let's just revel in last night's win for England and enjoy the next few days. If the info he has been given is correct a few people are going to have to eat humble pie, if not then we'll know soon enough!
Well said, @Redmidland. Can I ask who Addicks59 is saying we are getting? Don’t really fancy the last 10 pages if it’s just people arguing.
Is it now official that the only person who ever gets any rumours right is Cawley ?
For me if anyone puts what they have heard on here then that's great even if it doesnt happen. This is a rumour thread isnt it ? Nobody should get shot down for putting something down on here that doesnt happen. That's why it was a rumour 😂
This thread is always the same every window. Someone hears something and posts it 99.9% in good faith and when it doesn’t transpire, the same people every window jump in with their effing size 12’s and call them out. Some advice. If you don’t want to read about rumours posted by fellow lifers then don’t open the sodding thread. To those of you that do hear stuff. Please keep posting. Most of us take the post as just that. Something you’ve heard and decided to share. Some of it will come off and some won’t. It’s only the child brains on here that can’t handle that.
⁹right you are all having a pop at me carry on does not bother me at all.BUT so far bar one Moses I have been correct.Stockley all you clever ducks signed beginning May he wasn't got the date bang on. Got Dobson bang on got mullins bang on despite cawley saying he was not a target.ALSO the only one saying we where about to sign a new partner we have and over time will be huge all you lot could think off was a shirt sponsor ship . AS for JFC I was set up By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
Well said mate .. to many people moan when there no rumours on the rumours page yet when someone does have information they get attacked because if don’t happen within the hour …. Richard Crawley gets things wrong he corrected me about Amos leaving but find out through someone else I was right .. the club are keeping things very close and Crawley only finds out about 30 mins before it happens
keep posting its good info even the best sources don’t know what goes on behind the managers door fully so let’s take the info and be grateful
What was is about the Amos deal Richard Crawley got wrong that you know to be correct?
I was told in confidence information from Amos agent via another person who posts on all forums .. sorry I can’t pass it on unless the person in question says it’s ok
⁹right you are all having a pop at me carry on does not bother me at all.BUT so far bar one Moses I have been correct.Stockley all you clever ducks signed beginning May he wasn't got the date bang on. Got Dobson bang on got mullins bang on despite cawley saying he was not a target.ALSO the only one saying we where about to sign a new partner we have and over time will be huge all you lot could think off was a shirt sponsor ship . AS for JFC I was set up By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
Well said mate .. to many people moan when there no rumours on the rumours page yet when someone does have information they get attacked because if don’t happen within the hour …. Richard Crawley gets things wrong he corrected me about Amos leaving but find out through someone else I was right .. the club are keeping things very close and Crawley only finds out about 30 mins before it happens
keep posting its good info even the best sources don’t know what goes on behind the managers door fully so let’s take the info and be grateful
What was is about the Amos deal Richard Crawley got wrong that you know to be correct?
I was told in confidence information from Amos agent via another person who posts on all forums .. sorry I can’t pass it on unless the person in question says it’s ok
I have no idea who @Addicks59 is, but can we please cut him some slack? He has explained in his post his connections, and, yes I don't know how good they are, but let's just see what transpires over the next few days As for having a go at him about his spelling that's just rude and to me, also as an older generation guy, a bit OTT, afterall he may be dyslexic! Let's just revel in last night's win for England and enjoy the next few days. If the info he has been given is correct a few people are going to have to eat humble pie, if not then we'll know soon enough!
Well said, @Redmidland. Can I ask who Addicks59 is saying we are getting? Don’t really fancy the last 10 pages if it’s just people arguing.
There is, I believe, a few he has mentioned. Mullin(s), Tucker, Boyle I seem to remember, there may be a couple more, but I cant remember.
If Denmark beat England, Thomas Sandgaard will celebrate by paying championship wages to a playmaker Midfielder and a 20-25 goal striker. Both of the players will turn down offers from Championship clubs because they want to join the journey at Cafc.
If Denmark lose to England, Thomas Sandgaard will resign Josh Parker and Ben Reeves.
⁹right you are all having a pop at me carry on does not bother me at all.BUT so far bar one Moses I have been correct.Stockley all you clever ducks signed beginning May he wasn't got the date bang on. Got Dobson bang on got mullins bang on despite cawley saying he was not a target.ALSO the only one saying we where about to sign a new partner we have and over time will be huge all you lot could think off was a shirt sponsor ship . AS for JFC I was set up By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
Well said mate .. to many people moan when there no rumours on the rumours page yet when someone does have information they get attacked because if don’t happen within the hour …. Richard Crawley gets things wrong he corrected me about Amos leaving but find out through someone else I was right .. the club are keeping things very close and Crawley only finds out about 30 mins before it happens
keep posting its good info even the best sources don’t know what goes on behind the managers door fully so let’s take the info and be grateful
How do you know Cawley knows only 30 minutes before a signature?
1. first, I would like to convey (albeit indirectly) my thanks to Richard Cawley for his daily tweets, which save an awful lot of time scrolling through many hundreds of posts on this esteemed thread (as entertaining and fun as they all are…..); and
2. secondly, can I be the first to suggest that Thomas Sandgaard’s giddiness at reaching the Euros semi-finals with Denmark is likely to turbo charge his enthusiasm for our forthcoming conquest of League 1. Surely the great man will be in town for Wednesday’s semi-final
I think @addick59 is on a massive wind up.
By someone that should of known better I sponsored him as a kid but there you go I mentioned piggott as a joke and said at the time you would laugh at this but there you go.Now to the people that pop at my spelling SO WHAT I hope there is nothing wrong with you I hope all of you are proud of yourself I have played for the club as a boy and have made many friends over the years associated with the club .Anyway enjoy yourselves having a go at me I could not care less I am 77yrs old and been with the club for 68 of those yrs I do not live in England anymore so I realy relight on my contacts built up over the years.I wish all you so called supporters the best of luck in your so called predictions YOU are not doing very well are you .y record is spot on bar one never mind A.
As for having a go at him about his spelling that's just rude and to me, also as an older generation guy, a bit OTT, afterall he may be dyslexic!
Let's just revel in last night's win for England and enjoy the next few days.
If the info he has been given is correct a few people are going to have to eat humble pie, if not then we'll know soon enough!
I think that some are tempted to have a pop at you because of the way you put your rumours across. We all know that Cawley has contacts at the club, you haven't yet proved you have a good track record.
Nobody should be digging you out over your spelling. I won't given my frequent cock ups on that front, although just occasionally your posts are difficult to fully comprehend. My genuine suggestion would be to count to ten, re-read your post, amend if necessary and then press send.
Richard Crawley gets things wrong he corrected me about Amos leaving but find out through someone else I was right .. the club are keeping things very close and Crawley only finds out about 30 mins before it happens
keep posting its good info even the best sources don’t know what goes on behind the managers door fully so let’s take the info and be grateful
Satire is officially dead
For me if anyone puts what they have heard on here then that's great even if it doesnt happen. This is a rumour thread isnt it ? Nobody should get shot down for putting something down on here that doesnt happen. That's why it was a rumour 😂
Btw I did mention Dobson early on in this thread (I am not claiming to be itk though).
I just don't think we need Gunter and Matthews.
Now that Gunter has signed I would rather bring in a younger player to challenge him .
If Denmark lose to England, Thomas Sandgaard will resign Josh Parker and Ben Reeves.