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Vertigo........anyone had it?

Need advice and ain’t pleasant, I know that much.🤮


  • Has it just started? A friend of mine had it and it was down to the crystals in the ear - condition called BPPV. Relatively easy to treat if it's this - GP can sort it.
  • Yes I have BPP vertigo. When it happens it’s bloody horrible 🤢
  • Has it just started? A friend of mine had it and it was down to the crystals in the ear - condition called BPPV. Relatively easy to treat if it's this - GP can sort it.

    Your friend must have a better GP than me. I was told there’s no cure, you have to learn to live with it. I take medication when I’m having an episode & also do the Epley Manouevre - although sometimes that makes it worse.
  • Has it just started? A friend of mine had it and it was down to the crystals in the ear - condition called BPPV. Relatively easy to treat if it's this - GP can sort it.

    Your friend must have a better GP than me. I was told there’s no cure, you have to learn to live with it. I take medication when I’m having an episode & also do the Epley Manouevre - although sometimes that makes it worse.
    I had it when I was about 17; I had the physio/ manoeuvres  and it did go 
  • edited May 2021
    Yes I have BPP vertigo. When it happens it’s bloody horrible 🤢
    My friend got it treated by their GP who'd been trained in carrying out a manual repositioning procedure that fixed it. There's stuff on the internet about it - 

    Canalith repositioning.

    It did the trick and never came back. Maybe depends on severity?
  • Multiple reasons for vertigo. Depends on what’s causing it as to how it’s treated. 
  • Multiple reasons for vertigo. Depends on what’s causing it as to how it’s treated. 
    Agreed but I think BPPV is the most common. Horrible condition.
  • Multiple reasons for vertigo. Depends on what’s causing it as to how it’s treated. 
    Agreed but I think BPPV is the most common. Horrible condition.
    It is. It’s important to establish the cause though. 
  • Multiple reasons for vertigo. Depends on what’s causing it as to how it’s treated. 
    Agreed but I think BPPV is the most common. Horrible condition.
    It is. It’s important to establish the cause though. 
    Hopefully the GP is on the case.
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  • Only had to attacks of it, strangely on two consecutive Sunday evenings. If anyone suffers with it constantly they have my sympathy, it was the worse I’ve ever felt for no apparent reason. Sitting it the chair reading my pad/watching tv then bang couldnt focus, the room was spinning. Fecking horrible. 
  • I am speaking to my doctor tomorrow.....been throwing up for a few days when it’s at its worst.
    It’s worse when I wake up in the mornings and I can’t get up for an hour or two.
    Christ alive I’ve had nothing but various ailments since my Covid 14 months back.
    What’s next FFS.......I was in pretty good shape until then but it would seem my body took one hell of a general I feel a good five to ten years a number of ways too. 😟
  • Has it just started? A friend of mine had it and it was down to the crystals in the ear - condition called BPPV. Relatively easy to treat if it's this - GP can sort it.

    Your friend must have a better GP than me. I was told there’s no cure, you have to learn to live with it. I take medication when I’m having an episode & also do the Epley Manouevre - although sometimes that makes it worse.
    Has it just started? A friend of mine had it and it was down to the crystals in the ear - condition called BPPV. Relatively easy to treat if it's this - GP can sort it.

    Your friend must have a better GP than me. I was told there’s no cure, you have to learn to live with it. I take medication when I’m having an episode & also do the Epley Manouevre - although sometimes that makes it worse.
    From reading stuff on the net I am getting that there is not a long term cure as such, as in, it can always come back.
    You may be lucky and have no further episodes.........or not, as the case may be.
  • My Mum had Covid - she is also suffering Long Covid - her GP has put her in a Long Covid clinical study group - she (since Covid) has suffered from this, and others in her study group have - sadly, it seems you have this because of Covid I’m afraid old chap
  • My Mum had Covid - she is also suffering Long Covid - her GP has put her in a Long Covid clinical study group - she (since Covid) has suffered from this, and others in her study group have - sadly, it seems you have this because of Covid I’m afraid old chap
    I wouldn’t be surprised for one moment.
  • Has it just started? A friend of mine had it and it was down to the crystals in the ear - condition called BPPV. Relatively easy to treat if it's this - GP can sort it.

    Your friend must have a better GP than me. I was told there’s no cure, you have to learn to live with it. I take medication when I’m having an episode & also do the Epley Manouevre - although sometimes that makes it worse.
    Has it just started? A friend of mine had it and it was down to the crystals in the ear - condition called BPPV. Relatively easy to treat if it's this - GP can sort it.

    Your friend must have a better GP than me. I was told there’s no cure, you have to learn to live with it. I take medication when I’m having an episode & also do the Epley Manouevre - although sometimes that makes it worse.
    From reading stuff on the net I am getting that there is not a long term cure as such, as in, it can always come back.
    You may be lucky and have no further episodes.........or not, as the case may be.
    It depends on the cause - hopefully the GP can provide treatment. 
  • edited May 2021
    If you are diagnosed you must inform the DVLA
    If you hold a licence and intend to drive that is.
  • Yes, I have suffered  Vertigo for many years as part of my Meniere's  Disease.
    In my case, attacks of "the spins" tend to last on average about 7 hours during which time it is completely disabling.
    As mentioned above there can be many causes of vertigo and you may need to get yourself investigated.
    One thing is for sure, it is a lot worse than just "feeling a bit dizzy"
  • Yes I've had it a couple of times. First episode was awful. I did the Epley excercise which brings on the spinning room syndrome but after actually falling over and hitting my head on a wall after having for six weeks it stopped by its own account. 

    Second time wasnt so bad and I didn't have the vomiting just the pissed out of your brains spinning which in itself is bad enough.

    I do have some moments with it even now ten years later. Bit of sudden disorientation of my head has been in an awkward position when sleeping etc. 
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  • My other half as had vertigo since having Covid last spring. Seems that it’s one of her ongoing symptoms of Long Covid, as well as tinnitus, brain fog, breathlessness, poor memory, lethargy and a lot more. Vertigo was the first sign of it back in the autumn.

  • I’ve had two episodes, nastiest feeling I’ve ever experienced. Both times I had upper molars that were giving me trouble. Have had no reoccurrence since I had the teeth taken care of, about ten years now.
  • I am speaking to my doctor tomorrow.....been throwing up for a few days when it’s at its worst.
    It’s worse when I wake up in the mornings and I can’t get up for an hour or two.
    Christ alive I’ve had nothing but various ailments since my Covid 14 months back.
    What’s next FFS.......I was in pretty good shape until then but it would seem my body took one hell of a general I feel a good five to ten years a number of ways too. 😟
    Hi Sound asda... I'm pretty sure although not a Gp that you are experiencing labyrrinthitis which is an infection of the ear after having a cold or something similar.

     Head spinning, rooms moving when you move your head and puking are all symptoms. Had it twice and it's not nice. Lasts around two weeks and all I was offered by the Doctor was anti sickness drug called stemitil.
    Don't worry it will go but its horrible. 

  • No, but my balls retracted back in to my body while riding the Detonator at Thorpe Park.

    Nasty incident.
  • PopIcon said:
    No, but my balls retracted back in to my body while riding the Detonator at Thorpe Park.

    Nasty incident.
    Is this true?
  • My doctor has prescribed Betahistine Dihydrochloride tablets three a day (though he doesn’t have a great deal of faith in their effectiveness) + the Brandt-Darhoff Exercises.
    So let’s see what gives......funnily enough, I have been appreciably better today, with just slight symptoms but can still tell it’s there in the background.

  • My doctor has prescribed Betahistine Dihydrochloride tablets three a day (though he doesn’t have a great deal of faith in their effectiveness) + the Brandt-Darhoff Exercises.
    So let’s see what gives......funnily enough, I have been appreciably better today, with just slight symptoms but can still tell it’s there in the background.

    Did they say what they thought the cause was?
  • PopIcon said:
    No, but my balls retracted back in to my body while riding the Detonator at Thorpe Park.

    Nasty incident.
    Is this true?
    Yes. Annoyingly it was the first ride of the day.

    They made their own way back out.
  • @SoundAsa£ Out of interest, do you also get Nystagmus when you’re having a dizzy episode? I often do, it feels very weird not being able to control what my eyes are doing.,or%20in%20a%20circular%20motion.
  • No Parky.....I don’t.
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