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Champions League 21/22



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    Irony of the sending off for a little kick out. Beckham got a red for that v Simeone in 98.
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    How the fuck Felipe can moan at that red card, he should've been off already.
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    Reminds me of a Mourinho Chelsea/Madrid/Inter. 

    Fuck 'em, glad they're out. 
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    Don't fancy City's chances on Saturday. De Bruyne off injured, Walker off injured, Foden battered.

    Meanwhile Liverpool rested half their team tonight.
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    How the fuck Felipe can moan at that red card, he should've been off already.
    Probably why he was furious... I feel that if a referee isnt going to take action for previous offences, then they're telling the players its okay to keep doing it. 
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    Well I’ve seen worse nil-nils
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    edited April 2022
    Shame I really wanted this to go to Extra Time actually.

    Great game of Football to watch - Pity anyone who naturally thinks that a 0-0 scoreline means its a boring game. 
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    Fair play City. Stuck it out in one of the toughest atmospheres. Apparently Savic threw a headbutt somewhere in there. 
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    Funny that people like Ferdinand will criticise how Atletico played after the game, completely ignoring their own career at United getting away with murder because of referee intimidation. 
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    Great game/battle 
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    edited April 2022
    brilliant. Filth of a side. 
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    2nd half Athletico were well on top.  If only they stuck to football.
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    Where’s tunnel cam when we need it?!
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    Must be electric in that Stadium - You wouldn't think that Atletico Madrid have lost watching the fans
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    Of all the people to rise to the Atletico nonsense, of course it's Grealish. 

    Really not a top level player. 
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    Wow, that was tense. I thought those dirty bastards were going to score right at the end.
    Massive credit to Citeh for not reacting once to all the intimidation.
    Athletico played like the Italian sides back in the 60's/70's.
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    Of all the people to rise to the Atletico nonsense, of course it's Grealish. 

    Really not a top level player. 
    In fairness to him he was on the end of some nasty tackles in the first leg and Savic constantly flicking his hair and ear. Why shouldn’t he give some back when Madrid get knocked out? Also sounds like Savic purposely ran down the tunnel to confront him when the rest of his team mates stayed on the pitch to applaud the fans. Can’t say that’s Jack’s fault. 

    Agree he’s not a top level player at the moment though. 
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    Of all the people to rise to the Atletico nonsense, of course it's Grealish. 

    Really not a top level player. 
    In fairness to him he was on the end of some nasty tackles in the first leg and Savic constantly flicking his hair and ear. Why shouldn’t he give some back when Madrid get knocked out? Also sounds like Savic purposely ran down the tunnel to confront him when the rest of his team mates stayed on the pitch to applaud the fans. Can’t say that’s Jack’s fault. 

    Agree he’s not a top level player at the moment though. 
    A top player gets kicked for 180 minutes, knocks the other team out and walks away. 

    If I had to predict one Man City player to have a scuffle after the game with an Atletico player, it would have been Grealish. He's not cut out for these types of atmospheres. 
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    edited April 2022
    Hahaha Grealish just called him a cunt and then walked off enjoying the win yet ‘he’s not cut out for these types of atmospheres’

    He's cut out for the bench, which is where he was. 

    Pep doesn't trust him and you can see why. 
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    Oh shit he actually full on nutted Sterling! How did he get away with that with VAR!?
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    edited April 2022

    Front looks like Greaslish (maybe) and Savic having verbals. 

    In behind it's another Atletico player and maybe Walker having verbals? 
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    Oh shit he actually full on nutted Sterling! How did he get away with that with VAR!?
    Pushed Foden whilst on the ground, pulled Grealish's hair, headbutted Sterling then instead of clapping their fans he chased after Grealish in the tunnel and police separate them. Talk about losing your head.
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    ‘Hold me back, hold me back’

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    Hahaha Grealish just called him a cunt and then walked off enjoying the win yet ‘he’s not cut out for these types of atmospheres’

    He's cut out for the bench, which is where he was. 

    Pep doesn't trust him and you can see why. 
    So you’re talking about his form which is completely different. You’d make a lot more sense if you didn’t add opinions like they’re facts. ‘Pep doesn’t trust him’ oh right, it’s that. Not that he’s got Foden, Sterling, Mahrez, KDB all in better form at the moment.

    Grealish even on the bench couldn't help himself but have verbals with Savic during the game. 

    Imagine if he was in Foden or Sterling's position getting lumps kicked out of him. 
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    edited April 2022

    Front looks like Greaslish (maybe) and Savic having verbals. 

    In behind it's another Atletico player and maybe Walker having verbals? 
    What's the Atletico guy at the front trying to do at 28 seconds? If he's spitting then he deserves a ban.
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    Front looks like Greaslish (maybe) and Savic having verbals. 

    In behind it's another Atletico player and maybe Walker having verbals? 
    At 0:28 does anyone else think it looks like the Madrid player is spitting?
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