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Players Marks: Fleetwood v Charlton (closes Sunday teatime)

your marks please:


B-T: n/a
Clare: n/a


  • Options
    MacG: 7
    Gunter: 6.5
    Lavelle: 6.5
    Famewo: 6.5
    Souaré: 5
    Arter: 7
    Gilbey: 7
    Lee: 8
    Leko: 8
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 6.5
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 7
  • Options
    edited October 2021
    MacG - 6
    Gunter - 6
    Lavelle - 6
    Famewo - 6
    Souaré - 5
    Arter - 6
    Gilbey - 7
    Lee - 8
    Leko - 8
    Davison - 7
    Kirk - 6
    Stockley - 7

  • Options
    MacG: 7.5
    Gunter: 6
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 6.5
    Souaré: 6
    Arter: 7.5
    Gilbey: 7.5
    Lee: 8
    Leko: 8.5
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 6.5
    Stockley: 7

  • Options
    MacG: 6
    Gunter: 6
    Lavelle: 6.5
    Famewo: 6
    Souaré 6.5
    Arter: 7
    Gilbey: 6.5
    Lee: 6.5
    Leko: 8
    Davison: 6
    Kirk: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 5
  • Options
    MacG: 7
    Gunter: 6
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 6
    Souaré: 6
    Arter: 7
    Gilbey: 8
    Lee: 7
    Leko: 8
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 6
    Stockley: 7
  • Options
    MacG: 7
    Gunter: 6
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Souaré 6
    Arter: 7
    Gilbey: 6
    Lee: 7
    Leko: 8 
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 7

    B-T: n/a
    Clare: n/a
  • Options
    your marks please:

    MacG: 7 great saves at the beginning and end of match , but was wrong footed for their equaliser 
    Gunter: 7 much better than Matthews 
    Lavelle: 7.5 best game from him
    Famewo: 7.5 getting back to his best
    Souaré 5 prefer Purrington 
    Arter: 8 superb today
    Gilbey: 7 getting back to his best
    Lee: 7.5 unlucky not to score 
    Leko: 8 good goal and and worked his socks off today
    Davison: 6.5 worked hard , but not his day
    Kirk: 6.5 should have scored  , but looked lively 
    Stockley: 7 great finish
    Referee: 8 best I've seen for a while 

    B-T: n/a
    Clare: n/a
    Fans 10 non stop support 
  • Options
    MacG: 6.5
    Gunter: 7
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Souaré: 6
    Arter: 7.5
    Gilbey: 7.5
    Lee: 7.5
    Leko: 8
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 7
    Stockley: 7
  • Options
    MacG: 7
    Gunter: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Souaré 6
    Arter: 7
    Gilbey: 7.5
    Lee: 7
    Leko: 7.5
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 7
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 6
  • Sponsored links:

  • Options
    MacG:  6.5
    Gunter:  6.5
    Lavelle:  7
    Famewo:  6.5
    Souaré   6
    Arter:  7
    Gilbey:  7.5
    Lee:  7.5
    Leko:  7.5
    Davison:  6.5
    Kirk:  6.5
    Stockley:  7
    Referee:  6
  • Options
    MacG: 6 good showing but for the free kick.
    Gunter: 7 solid enough
    Lavelle: 7 as Gunter
    Famewo: 7 as Gunter
    Souaré 6.5 little bit weak going forward
    Arter: 7 much, much better. 
    Gilbey: 7 looked like he's never been away.
    Lee: 7 Good player like Ricky Holmes, but strong.
    Leko: 8.5 Class at this level.
    Davison: 7 Inches away from a tap in and inches away from scoring a fantastic goal in a tight angle.
    Kirk: 6.5 showed some signs of a player, was clearly thinking more about his game.
    Stockley: 8 came on and worked hard, was rewarded.
    Referee: 8 liked the ref, fair.

    B-T: n/a immediately won a corner and made good attacking runs
    Clare: n/a 
  • Options
    MacG: 7.5 
    Gunter: 5 hate him
    Lavelle: 8 
    Famewo: 8 
    Souaré 7 
    Arter: 8 very impressive good to see 
    Gilbey: 8 as above
    Lee: 8.5 great game
    Leko: 9 MoM
    Davison: 7.5 moved the opposition around more than Stockely
    Kirk: 7.5 good first half hopefully more to come
    Stockley: 7 took his goal well 
    Referee: 7 

    Adkins 4 finally twigged we need more that two in midfield 
  • Options
    MacG: 6.5
    Gunter: 7
    Lavelle: 7.5
    Famewo: 7.5
    Souaré: 6.5
    Arter: 7.5
    Gilbey: 8
    Lee: 8
    Leko: 8.5
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 7
    Stockley: 7.5
    Referee: 8
  • Options
    MacG: 7 - should have done better with the goal, but made a couple of crucial stops.
    Gunter: 6.5 - not a fan but did his job pretty well.
    Lavelle: 7 - solid 
    Famewo: 7 - much more like the player he wants last season.
    Souaré: 6 - average today 
    Arter: 7 - much better today. 
    Gilbey: 7.5 - worked his socks off. Always looking to play on the front foot and get us going.
    Lee: 7 - good performance, really like him.
    Leko: 8 - unplayable at times, deserves his goal. 
    Davison: 7 - another good performance, unlucky not to score.
    Kirk: 7 - much sharper. Tempted to mark him down as I had him first goal scorer…and he really should have taken that opportunity.
    Stockley: 7 - I really don’t like him at all. However, he did well when he came on an took his goal very well.
    Referee:  7 - one of the better ones I’ve seen at this level.

    B-T: n/a
    Clare: n/a
  • Options
    MacG: 6
    Gunter: 6
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Souaré: 6
    Arter: 7
    Gilbey: 8
    Lee: 8
    Leko: 7
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 7

    B-T: n/a
    Clare: n/a
  • Options
    MacG: 7
    Gunter: 7
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Souaré 7
    Arter: 8
    Gilbey: 8
    Lee: 9 MOM
    Leko: 8
    Davison: 8
    Kirk: 8
    Stockley: 7
    Referee:  5
  • Options
    MacG: 7
    Gunter: 6.5
    Lavelle: 6
    Famewo: 5.5
    Souaré: 6
    Arter: 7
    Gilbey: 7
    Lee: 7
    Leko: 7.5
    Davison: 6.5
    Kirk: 5.5
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 4
  • Options
    MacG: 7
    Gunter: 6
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 5.5
    Souaré 5.5
    Arter: 6
    Gilbey: 7
    Lee: 7
    Leko: 8
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 6

    B-T: n/a
    Clare: n/a 
  • Options
    MacG: 6.5
    Gunter: 6
    Lavelle: 6.5
    Famewo: 6
    Souaré 5.5
    Arter: 6.5
    Gilbey: 7.5
    Lee: 7.5
    Leko: 7
    Davison: 6
    Kirk: 6
    Stockley: 7
  • Sponsored links:

  • Options
    MacG: 6.5 felt he could have saved that free kick
    Gunter: 6 i don't rate him but he didn't do anything to piss me off
    Lavelle: 6.5 looked assured, some good tackles in the first half, much better than last week.
    Famewo: 6.5 much better today, needs to cut out the needless mistakes and silly passes however.
    Souaré: 7 really like him, has abit about him. Passed, moved and tracked back really well
    Arter: 6 he didn't do anything amazing, pretty anonymous, his best game so far which says something. Hope there is so much more to come.
    Gilbey: 7 thought he really hard, made some good runs and worked hard.
    Lee: 7.5 makes us tick, im a fan, only bad part for me was that weird header near the end, it was like he thought we were attacking! MOTM for me
    Leko: 7 scored 
    Davison: 7 worked hard, deserved a goal, gritty if not special and doesn't stop
    Kirk: 6 5 extra .5 for the assist, a good start performance to work on
    Stockley: 7 scored
    Referee: 6 should have sent Andrews off for striking out early on I felt, letter of the law is that is violent conduct. 
  • Options
    MacG - 7
    Gunter - 6
    Lavelle - 6.5
    Famewo - 6.5
    Souare - 6.5
    Arter - 7
    Gilbey - 7.5
    Lee - 7
    Leko - 8
    Davison - 6.5
    Kirk - 6.5
    Stockley -7

    Ref - 6

  • Options
    MacG: 7
    Gunter: 6.5
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Souaré 6.5
    Arter: 7
    Gilbey: 7.5
    Lee: 8
    Leko: 8.5
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 6.5
    Stockley: 7
  • Options
    MacG: 6.5
    Gunter: 6.5
    Lavelle: 6.5
    Famewo: 6.5
    Souaré 6.5
    Arter: 7.5
    Gilbey: 7.5
    Lee: 7
    Leko: 7.5
    Davison: 6.5
    Kirk: 6.5
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 6.5

  • Options
    MacG: 6.5
    Gunter: 6,5
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Souare: 6.5
    Arter: 6.5
    Gilbey: 6.5
    Lee: 7
    Leko: 7.5
    Davison: 6.5
    Kirk: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 6.5 very loud 
  • Options
    edited October 2021
    MacG: 6 Poor attempt to stop the goal. Committed too early. 
    Gunter: 6
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 6.6
    Souaré 6.5
    Arter: 7.5 We may have the player we were hoping for
    Gilbey: 7 Quality today
    Lee: 7 Very busy. Set up chances
    Leko: 8 Loved his attitude. Good goal and assist MOTM
    Davison: 7.5 Goalie got a touch which led to the miss
    Kirk: 6.5 Much better. Pity about his miss. 
    Stockley: 7 As predicted, very good off the bench 👍
    Referee: 6 Yeah, quite good 
  • Options
    MacG: 6
    Gunter: 6.5
    Lavelle: 7
    Famewo: 7
    Souaré 6.5
    Arter: 6.5
    Gilbey: 6.5
    Lee: 7
    Leko: 8
    Davison: 7
    Kirk: 6
    Stockley: 7
    Referee: 6.5
  • Options
    MacG: 7 loses .5 for their goal as thought he had to save it. A number of really good saves 
    Gunter: 6.5
    Lavelle: 7 best game for us
    Famewo: 7
    Souaré 6.5
    Arter: 7 best game since resigning 
    Gilbey: 7
    Lee: 7
    Leko: 8 unplayable. Great goal
    Davison: 7.5 knackered them out. Grew into the game. So close to a tap in, then so unlucky with the great strike off the post. I thought it was the wrong time to take him off as the goal was coming… I thought wrong! 
    Kirk: 6.5 loses .5 for the fluffed chance, but best game in a charlton shirt and I hope he grows on this. 
    Stockley: 7.5 was put on to go and get us a winner and that’s exactly what he done. I hope he now kicks on knowing that Davison isn’t just in the squad to make up the numbers. 
    Referee: 7 decent 

    B-T: n/a
    Clare: n/a 

    I really really hope we kick on now. 
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