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Give Jacko The Job (He got given it on page 31...)



  • edited December 2021
    Maccn05 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Thomas out down the pub smoozing fans,  is clearly a PR stunt to win back goodwill after a shocking week for him, quite clever really, although very cynical.

    Sandgaard has low-balled the offer the JJ and they are at a standoff. We will have to see who blinks first.
    What a load of old tosh 
    In your opinion. But you’d know based on some of your guff.

    Facts are Thomas has had a terrible week or PR and his manger hasn’t signed to low-ball contract that he’s offered (also on short terms) 

    Suddenly the owner is down the pub taking selfie’s left, right and centre and telling everyone he’s offered terms (much lower than JJ’s ask) and that his agent (JJ’s dad) won’t sign it.

    If you can’t see the games being played here then sorry but I can’t help you 

    Thomas is trying to force JJ into signing a much lower and shorter contract but also preparing a cover story in case he walks as he knows the fan base will erupt!
    My insider 😂 says that’s double tosh 
  • Can anyone on CL confirm who JJ agent is?
    Is it Johnnie's Dad ? 

    Harry Kane has his Brother as his agent, so not totally unusual if true. 

    Kins’ agent was his father in law.
  • edited December 2021
    AndyG said:
    There seems to be alot of people on here that have access to the inside workings of contract negotiations their own fevered imaginations! fair play
    Fixed for you.
  • Thomas just doesn’t want to appoint somebody who is better at playing the guitar than him. 
    The also rules out Andy Reid and Gareth Ainsworth then.
  • I am reliably informed that the hold-up is due to a dispute over who is the better guitarist.

    Apparently, TS and JJ are meeting up at Makro today (2pm) for a "guitar-off" before TS flies back to the US of A.

    Only family and close friends are allowed to spectate but there is a stream available for £10.
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  • Macronate said:
    I am reliably informed that the hold-up is due to a dispute over who is the better guitarist.

    Apparently, TS and JJ are meeting up at Makro today (2pm) for a "guitar-off" before TS flies back to the US of A.

    Only family and close friends are allowed to spectate but there is a stream available for £10.

  • Never posted inside info before but here goes, the two robins who visit my garden most mornings seemed much perkier than normal today and I swear I saw them doing a little dance on top of the sundial B)

    Make of that what you will and for heaven's sake don't tell anyone else.

    The men in white coats will be round later mate.. ;)
  • Maccn05 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Thomas out down the pub smoozing fans,  is clearly a PR stunt to win back goodwill after a shocking week for him, quite clever really, although very cynical.

    Sandgaard has low-balled the offer the JJ and they are at a standoff. We will have to see who blinks first.
    What a load of old tosh 
    In your opinion. But you’d know based on some of your guff.

    Facts are Thomas has had a terrible week or PR and his manger hasn’t signed to low-ball contract that he’s offered (also on short terms) 

    Suddenly the owner is down the pub taking selfie’s left, right and centre and telling everyone he’s offered terms (much lower than JJ’s ask) and that his agent (JJ’s dad) won’t sign it.

    If you can’t see the games being played here then sorry but I can’t help you 

    Thomas is trying to force JJ into signing a much lower and shorter contract but also preparing a cover story in case he walks as he knows the fan base will erupt!
    JJ's dad is not his agent...
    No, Andy Delort's dad is ;)
  • edited December 2021
    Terms and conditions are one part of a 3 part scenario normally when a fee / deal is being agreed for 'services' which is what this is - Managerial services. The other 2 things ae scope of works and price. Just because the T's and C's are allegedly all agreed, it doesn't mean the scope of his role and his remuneration is. Sure it will be sorted in the next few days but don't blame jacko for standing his ground if that is what is happening. He is in a very strong negotiation position although TS also knows that the last thing he wants to do is to leave the club so yes,a  bit of brinkmanship being played out maybe that will hopefully come to a head today / tomorrow.    
  • This week I’m thinking. 
  • Cool - everybody's entitled to their own opinion or Rafa Facts!
  • Maccn05 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Thomas out down the pub smoozing fans,  is clearly a PR stunt to win back goodwill after a shocking week for him, quite clever really, although very cynical.

    Sandgaard has low-balled the offer the JJ and they are at a standoff. We will have to see who blinks first.
    What a load of old tosh 
    In your opinion. But you’d know based on some of your guff.

    Facts are Thomas has had a terrible week or PR and his manger hasn’t signed to low-ball contract that he’s offered (also on short terms) 

    Suddenly the owner is down the pub taking selfie’s left, right and centre and telling everyone he’s offered terms (much lower than JJ’s ask) and that his agent (JJ’s dad) won’t sign it.

    If you can’t see the games being played here then sorry but I can’t help you 

    Thomas is trying to force JJ into signing a much lower and shorter contract but also preparing a cover story in case he walks as he knows the fan base will erupt!
    My insider 😂 says that’s double tosh 
    I give up I can’t compete with this level of humour it’s cutting edge.

    Coming from the guy getting excited that TS liked his tweet 🤦🏻‍♂️
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  • Maccn05 said:
    Jonniesta said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Thomas out down the pub smoozing fans,  is clearly a PR stunt to win back goodwill after a shocking week for him, quite clever really, although very cynical.

    Sandgaard has low-balled the offer the JJ and they are at a standoff. We will have to see who blinks first.
    What a load of old tosh 
    In your opinion. But you’d know based on some of your guff.

    Facts are Thomas has had a terrible week or PR and his manger hasn’t signed to low-ball contract that he’s offered (also on short terms) 

    Suddenly the owner is down the pub taking selfie’s left, right and centre and telling everyone he’s offered terms (much lower than JJ’s ask) and that his agent (JJ’s dad) won’t sign it.

    If you can’t see the games being played here then sorry but I can’t help you 

    Thomas is trying to force JJ into signing a much lower and shorter contract but also preparing a cover story in case he walks as he knows the fan base will erupt!
    Facts are not this at all. Fact is the women's team is an evident own goal, but there are no other facts on the JJ side other than, at the moment, he's still a caretaker manager on a 60 day review period which is nearly up. 

    TS has been down the pub with fans since before he joined, so don't think you can level accusations of manipulation on him there. It's hardly 'suddenly'. 

    You seem to have a real agenda against him and I can't work out what your desired outcome is. You want him to be a wrong un? Or you want everyone to take off their optimistic glasses and be a cynical grouch? What do you want to happen, ownership-wise?
    Facts was based on he clearly had a bad week last week (Women’s, JJ, The Song) and I’ve been told about JJ’s negotiations by somebody inside the club (so to be fair that’s not facts, more rumour, but I trust the source)

    Like everyone I’m grateful for what Thomas did to rescue the club from ESI and admin and the improving atmosphere around the club.

    Do I like Sandgaard? no not particularly. I don’t like his show off personality, I don’t like how he makes everything about him, how media hungry he is and I’ve not agreed with a good few of his decisions.

    I’ve also been told a few things about how he works I’ve not liked what I’ve been told.

    On top of that I don’t think he has the funds to do what he promised - I think he’ll be gone within 3-5 years - just my opinion, not fact.

    If I could have had a choice I’d have picked Barclay & Varney over Sandgaard without hesitation.

    …. and yes I genuinely believe the trip to the pub was all about winning back some goodwill, but that’s not fact just my opinions.

    With all these facts I feel like Rafa Benitez. 

    Some might say these are just stereotypical American characteristics relative to the way we work in the UK (huge generalisation of course) ! Much more 'hire & fire' attitude in the US compared to the UK for example.

    He is different to what went before and entitled to be so. Not perfect but not necessarily wrong / bad either.
  • Maccn05 said:
    Jonniesta said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Thomas out down the pub smoozing fans,  is clearly a PR stunt to win back goodwill after a shocking week for him, quite clever really, although very cynical.

    Sandgaard has low-balled the offer the JJ and they are at a standoff. We will have to see who blinks first.
    What a load of old tosh 
    In your opinion. But you’d know based on some of your guff.

    Facts are Thomas has had a terrible week or PR and his manger hasn’t signed to low-ball contract that he’s offered (also on short terms) 

    Suddenly the owner is down the pub taking selfie’s left, right and centre and telling everyone he’s offered terms (much lower than JJ’s ask) and that his agent (JJ’s dad) won’t sign it.

    If you can’t see the games being played here then sorry but I can’t help you 

    Thomas is trying to force JJ into signing a much lower and shorter contract but also preparing a cover story in case he walks as he knows the fan base will erupt!
    Facts are not this at all. Fact is the women's team is an evident own goal, but there are no other facts on the JJ side other than, at the moment, he's still a caretaker manager on a 60 day review period which is nearly up. 

    TS has been down the pub with fans since before he joined, so don't think you can level accusations of manipulation on him there. It's hardly 'suddenly'. 

    You seem to have a real agenda against him and I can't work out what your desired outcome is. You want him to be a wrong un? Or you want everyone to take off their optimistic glasses and be a cynical grouch? What do you want to happen, ownership-wise?
    Facts was based on he clearly had a bad week last week (Women’s, JJ, The Song) and I’ve been told about JJ’s negotiations by somebody inside the club (so to be fair that’s not facts, more rumour, but I trust the source)

    Like everyone I’m grateful for what Thomas did to rescue the club from ESI and admin and the improving atmosphere around the club.

    Do I like Sandgaard? no not particularly. I don’t like his show off personality, I don’t like how he makes everything about him, how media hungry he is and I’ve not agreed with a good few of his decisions.

    I’ve also been told a few things about how he works I’ve not liked what I’ve been told.

    On top of that I don’t think he has the funds to do what he promised - I think he’ll be gone within 3-5 years - just my opinion, not fact.

    If I could have had a choice I’d have picked Barclay & Varney over Sandgaard without hesitation.

    …. and yes I genuinely believe the trip to the pub was all about winning back some goodwill, but that’s not fact just my opinions.

    With all these facts I feel like Rafa Benitez. 

    Some might say these are just stereotypical American characteristics relative to the way we work in the UK (huge generalisation of course) ! Much more 'hire & fire' attitude in the US compared to the UK for example.

    He is different to what went before and entitled to be so. Not perfect but not necessarily wrong / bad either.
    It’s a fair point and he certainly seems to want to Americanise the match day experience and commercial activities. Which is his prerogative. 

    However I’ve worked at 2 large American corporates for almost 15 years and I didn’t come across any Sandgaard’s on the exec team… thank goodness ☺️
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    I really know why there is so much bed wetting going on. 

    Thomas said 30-60 days, that takes us to the middle of next week.  He probably shouldn't have said it but it is what it is.

    He hasn't appointed someone else.  From all sources there are negotiations on going.  It's easy for fans to say "give him what ever he wants", because, well it is.  If we always did that we have Lyle Taylor in the pay roll on 40k a week!!

    There is absolutely no reason to believe he won't get it the job.  Thomas, in all honesty, is doing what he should be doing to protect his business. He hasn't gone back on his word, yet. 

    I am not sure why any adult could be insulated by it and being insulted on JJs behalf, when there is no indication he is, is ummm unique. 
    100%, he is our manager and doing a mighty fine job of it. It will happen as and when to suit TS and JJ. If for some reason it doesn’t happen I am sure we will find out the reason why.

     I am not wetting my bed, insulted, worried or tweeting TS asking why the delay. Chill, Christmas is coming 
  • Main reason i keep checking this thread is the rather delightful 'Boux Avenue' adverts that are on it via a 'sponsored link' - no bed wetting as such 
  • Maccn05 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Thomas out down the pub smoozing fans,  is clearly a PR stunt to win back goodwill after a shocking week for him, quite clever really, although very cynical.

    Sandgaard has low-balled the offer the JJ and they are at a standoff. We will have to see who blinks first.
    What a load of old tosh 
    In your opinion. But you’d know based on some of your guff.

    Facts are Thomas has had a terrible week or PR and his manger hasn’t signed to low-ball contract that he’s offered (also on short terms) 

    Suddenly the owner is down the pub taking selfie’s left, right and centre and telling everyone he’s offered terms (much lower than JJ’s ask) and that his agent (JJ’s dad) won’t sign it.

    If you can’t see the games being played here then sorry but I can’t help you 

    Thomas is trying to force JJ into signing a much lower and shorter contract but also preparing a cover story in case he walks as he knows the fan base will erupt!
    My insider 😂 says that’s double tosh 
    I give up I can’t compete with this level of humour it’s cutting edge.

    Coming from the guy getting excited that TS liked his tweet 🤦🏻‍♂️
    You are right

    You can’t compete . 
  • edited December 2021
    Maccn05 said:
    Jonniesta said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Thomas out down the pub smoozing fans,  is clearly a PR stunt to win back goodwill after a shocking week for him, quite clever really, although very cynical.

    Sandgaard has low-balled the offer the JJ and they are at a standoff. We will have to see who blinks first.
    What a load of old tosh 
    In your opinion. But you’d know based on some of your guff.

    Facts are Thomas has had a terrible week or PR and his manger hasn’t signed to low-ball contract that he’s offered (also on short terms) 

    Suddenly the owner is down the pub taking selfie’s left, right and centre and telling everyone he’s offered terms (much lower than JJ’s ask) and that his agent (JJ’s dad) won’t sign it.

    If you can’t see the games being played here then sorry but I can’t help you 

    Thomas is trying to force JJ into signing a much lower and shorter contract but also preparing a cover story in case he walks as he knows the fan base will erupt!
    Facts are not this at all. Fact is the women's team is an evident own goal, but there are no other facts on the JJ side other than, at the moment, he's still a caretaker manager on a 60 day review period which is nearly up. 

    TS has been down the pub with fans since before he joined, so don't think you can level accusations of manipulation on him there. It's hardly 'suddenly'. 

    You seem to have a real agenda against him and I can't work out what your desired outcome is. You want him to be a wrong un? Or you want everyone to take off their optimistic glasses and be a cynical grouch? What do you want to happen, ownership-wise?
    Facts was based on he clearly had a bad week last week (Women’s, JJ, The Song) and I’ve been told about JJ’s negotiations by somebody inside the club (so to be fair that’s not facts, more rumour, but I trust the source)

    Like everyone I’m grateful for what Thomas did to rescue the club from ESI and admin and the improving atmosphere around the club.

    Do I like Sandgaard? no not particularly. I don’t like his show off personality, I don’t like how he makes everything about him, how media hungry he is and I’ve not agreed with a good few of his decisions.

    I’ve also been told a few things about how he works I’ve not liked what I’ve been told.

    On top of that I don’t think he has the funds to do what he promised - I think he’ll be gone within 3-5 years - just my opinion, not fact.

    If I could have had a choice I’d have picked Barclay & Varney over Sandgaard without hesitation.

    …. and yes I genuinely believe the trip to the pub was all about winning back some goodwill, but that’s not fact just my opinions.

    With all these facts I feel like Rafa Benitez. 
    Care to share?

    With regard to funding, Sandgaard said early doors he will look for further investment as/when it is needed. 
  • I have a gut feeling that TS has his sights set on a foreign coach, who perhaps isn’t as yet available. Jackson is giving TS a headache. I doubt JJ has been offered anything longer than 18 months and is balking at it. I’m still convinced though that a deal will be made. 
    I think you might be right, but I also think TS is much more concerned about fan opinion than previous owners and will probably have offered Jackson a deal by now. I think Jackson probably wants longer than TS wants to give, but TS will have to give him what he wants soon or lose the fans. Of course it may already be a done deal but both parties have agreed not to announce it for whatever reason.
    The whole women’s team name fiasco has shown TS doesn’t care about outside opinion as much as initially thought 
    I would say it shows he is not always very in touch with outside opinion, I would be surprised and disappointed if he sticks to his guns on that issue. 
    He knows exactly what’s going on there, it’s been bubbling away for months. I personally couldn’t care less, but he is actively ignoring public opinion on this topic. 
    Although the issue has been there for some time, it was only brought to most supporters attention after the Telegraph published their article on 8th December. It is the weight of supporter opinion that will likely sway him and if it doesn’t then he will have lost some credit with many
  • edited December 2021

    The name change IS happening and won't be reversed. So he is not totally beholden to public opinion, for better or worse.

    What this means for Jackson and the negotiations, well, that remains to be seen. But let's not put too much weight on supporter opinion as a deciding factor. 
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