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Give Jacko The Job (He got given it on page 31...)



  • edited December 2021
    and I bet Jacko is going to be a more expensive hire now than he would have been 2 months ago 
    as I said last Tuesday, there were potential pros and cons with Sandgaard’s approach to this but one potential con with JJ doing very well over an extended period of time was going to be this.

    The optimum time to have got this signed and sealed was immediately after the Plymouth game. That was the watershed point. 
  • A few weeks ago it was believed the hold up was down to JJ wanting Roddy's new role in writing. But it seems there's more to it. 

    One thing's for sure without throwing fuel, TS and JJ haven't actually said hugely complimentary words about eachother in any interviews since he's been caretaker Manager.
  • Rothko said:
    It may well be down to more than just contract lengths and wages. What about the structure? I would certainly be cautious if somebody above me may well be shoehorned into the role that they are not equipped for. Had that with a previous employer/owner who's child was given a role in senior management as well as lacking the experience said person was also a liar and literally threw us under the bus on a daily basis. Its rubbish. Especially when the owner thinks the sun shines out of said child's arse. Interesting times ahead.
    The front to still come on here and slag off the current owner is something else. 
    Who is he?
  • J BLOCK said:
    while I agree that when it comes to the relationship with their agent, Jacko will be far more confident and assertive than, well let’s say, Conor Gallagher at the time he was inexplicably removed from us ;) , nobody should underestimate how much naked rampant greed and manipulative instincts are in the DNA of agents. 

    And if that turns out to be a bit unfair on Jacko’s agent: Too bad. Go and find a journalist to help explain all the selfless good work you do. 
    You keep going back to Gallagher as an example of a greedy, manipulative agent but Gallen has said we could have kept him.

    Remember, Southall was in charge at the time.
    When did Gallen say we could have kept him? Was under the impression Chelsea recalled him and there was nothing we could do. 
    Bromley Addicks meeting.

    We could have paid the required fee but Southall and Amis had other priorities IE themselves
    Great to know that the fee which could've kept Gallagher (and probably meant us staying up) was instead spent on Range Rovers and the interior design of Southall's home
    They were complete crooks.  They owed money to WBA for Sam Field and were offering the range rover instead.  We had no chance with them in charge
  • What’s the odds of a joint weekly press conference for JJ and Sandgaard tomorrow?
  • He may be a novice through the world of work's eyes but this is football, where you're only as good as your last 5-10 games, and Jackson's last 10 games have been pretty impressive results wise.

    Look at Adkins, last 10 games of last season - Messiah, first 10 games this season - fucking devil incarnate.

    More established, experienced managers have been fired in less  fewer games than Jackson's had. Less experienced managers have been hired in  less  fewer  games than he's had. He's in the driving seat.

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  • garrulous
    1. excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.
      "a garrulous cab driver"
    JJ's family come from round Tottenham way, don't they? This must be the old man.

    Sale of Charlton - DING DONG IT39S DONE LAST ORDERS - Closes  Monday - Page 138  Charlton Life
  • Billy_Mix said:
    He may be a novice through the world of work's eyes but this is football, where you're only as good as your last 5-10 games, and Jackson's last 10 games have been pretty impressive results wise.

    Look at Adkins, last 10 games of last season - Messiah, first 10 games this season - fucking devil incarnate.

    More established, experienced managers have been fired in less  fewer games than Jackson's had. Less experienced managers have been hired in  less  fewer  games than he's had. He's in the driving seat.

    cheers! Where was you when I were doing GCSE English!
  • Jackos been around in the bad times as a player and coach and worked with 2 managers who have had to put up with shit before. 

    Wouldnt be surprised if Jacko is digging in and making sure he has control over certain things.
  • Don’t look like it’s going to be today! 

  • I personally think JJ is the best person to get us out of this league and we really need that, but once out of L1 we need to stay out of it. So my question is has JJ got the experience to manage at a higher level, and are there better out there who already have that experience in the championship? If JJ wants more money and a longer contract than TS is prepared to match then you wouldn't blame him if he wanted to look elsewhere. I hope JJ gets the gig but my opinion costs nothing wheras the owners decision will cost him money.
  • Clarky said:
    I personally think JJ is the best person to get us out of this league and we really need that, but once out of L1 we need to stay out of it. So my question is has JJ got the experience to manage at a higher level, and are there better out there who already have that experience in the championship? If JJ wants more money and a longer contract than TS is prepared to match then you wouldn't blame him if he wanted to look elsewhere. I hope JJ gets the gig but my opinion costs nothing wheras the owners decision will cost him money.
    Managers nowadays only last about 14 months .. so 3/4 year contracts are ridiculous from any owner especially if an agreement on pay off can’t be agreed .. can only see JJ getting 2 year deal with option of extra one but that option won’t be included in any pay off … ( that most likey where the problem lays with his agent ) 
  • Do people actually understand the likely value of this contract?


    I'm out.
    I’m getting old - the insomnia has consequences.
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  • I've heard similar Lookout. But my insider tells me there is a stand off due to biscuits. Apparently TS has a right soft spot for a custard creams, and refuses to allow any other biscuits at the Valley or Sparrows Lane. Jacko on the other hand is holding out for a deal that includes the requirement of Jammy Dodgers at both venues. I'm not sure which of these hard nosed negotiators will blink first, but I think Jammy Dodgers will edge it.
  • am sure I read that TS goes back to the states this week, surely it's going to be done before he leaves?
  • @Grapevine49

    I'll match your £100. 

    It does seem a good time to remind everyone on this thread that currently anyone, literally, today, can become an FA registered agent. You pay the £500 fee and that's it. The process is no more difficult or scrutinised than that of registering your dog in the Addicks pet membership scheme. It would therefore be unwise to assume that the quality of advice or conduct of an agent is at the same level as a lawyer. Of course there are dodgy lawyers, but even Farnell studied for and passed some quite difficult exams. 

    That is one of the reasons why the Fan-Led Review recommends that "The government should explore ways to support the regulation of football agents operating in English football by working with relevant authorities including FIFA."; I am sure you have already read it, but some other readers may not be aware of the mind- boggling amounts of money "earned" by agents, quoted from a FIFA report in the FLR. Over the decade 2010-2019, the English game was easily the most lucrative in the world for agents. They "earned" $919,500,000. Ponder that for a moment. And then absorb that this figure does not include (for reasons that are not clear) fees paid to agents for domestic transfers or contract renewals. So the true figure is well north of a billion pounds. I am restraining myself when I say it is difficult to discern what value English football derives from this eye-watering amount of money. 

    If, therefore, it bothers Tracey Crouch, then I suggest it is reasonable that people on here are bothered about the possible activity of an agent in this particular matter, because the balance of global evidence about agency behaviour and reward (described in the Review) suggests this activity is unlikely to in fact deliver value to either "Mr Jackson" or the football club, commensurate with what the agent earns, or thinks he should earn. 
  • Or an intermediary. I built up a relationship with one of the Portugal CFO guys on Facebook of all places and when Bowyer left he actually gave me some CV's of Head Coaches that they represented. One of which had a good assistant record at two of the Premier Leagues top clubs. I forwarded them to Thomas and if successful they offered me 10% of what they got if it went through. I would not have taken the fee I can promise you that but I felt I should forward them to Thomas so he could have a look. That proves how easy and unregulated it all is. A simple guy like me who sits in his bedroom could insert himself easily into the recruitment process of a League 1 head coach. The whole thing is nuts:)
  • Charlton Athletic is the only soap opera I follow. Personally, I feel the script writers shouldn't make the JJ/TS interim saga go on too long. We had the story line where the 1st team  LB gets injured and an 18 year old who's dad is the owners right hand man just happens to be a LB so no one is signed.

    Nepotism has again been the main storyline where the owner leaks that it's the agent holding things up and now a lesser character states that the agent is JJ's father in-law !

    Why can't we have a happy story line for once ?
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