Perhaps premature and I think the end of this summer's window will give a better insight so may bump it then but as it stands today:
a) Promotion within the next 2 full seasons (22/23 and 23/24)
b) Another 3 - 5 seasons
c) More than 5 seasons
d) Promotion this year
e) We will get relegated before we get promoted
As it is today I would say b.
We've got into a habit of getting promoted in the 3rd season back at this level, which would be next season
Something feels different this time round. We’ve got a proper set up yet we seem to get everything wrong. Sheffield United have shown it’s very difficult to get out of this league, and bigger clubs are getting relegated every season.
The other 3 times we have had that we got in the play offs, this year is an outlyer. We can't get it so badly wrong 3 summers in a row can we?
A better question would be how many managers will we have before we are promoted..... The last 2 times were 2 and 3. We are on number 3 already.
Will Tommy still be around to make it happen is the question?
League one is now a boring relationship that we won't ever get away from. We will always end up back here.
Neither of us love each other, but it's better then nothing and better then being homeless - (administration) just about.
Promotion to the championship is and was Charlton simply just ...having an affair.
It was pretty brief last time as "misses" league one found out pretty quick. She took us back... again, and didn't even seem angry about it this time. It was just "meh". I think deep down, she actually hoped the affair continued.
It was much of an enthusiastic welcome.
We are currently out having a meal and can't even give each other eye contact. The relationship is getting worse and it is now only mostly rather mind numbing.
The kids have grown up, moved away and have completely lost interest in football.
It has bit a bit of a rocky ESI couple of years for us though. Maybe a EFL marriage therapy is the answer? Who knows
Starting to think SHE might dump me this time and I'd find myself in an inevitable league two relationship, that would just be the remake of Jeremy Kyle show toothless council estate hell.
I need another beer
Hope I’m wrong.
Or does it just feel like that..?
The teams down here get bigger and the competition gets harder. I don't think it's been this competitive since when Leeds etc were down here.
Rotherham, Wycombe and Wigan are not clubs that I consider big even if they seem to be the standard now to meet.
The teams at the top are no bigger and better than before. We are just getting worse and worse.
Would have been (a) without the Nigel interference. The best we can hope for is (b).
I probably won't believe you.
Personally, I think if we don't go up next year then there'll be a rethink on the plan. A load of football boardroom and business clichés and it'll be a 3-5 plan to stabilise the club as financially self sufficient as possible and establish as a top league one club edging up towards the championship - a Peterborough, MK Don's type.
Only slightly depressing to think we could end up aspiring to be the next Peterborough.