And as we rolled in, on our way to take my sister to birthday dinner in Borough Market, we looked across to the opposite platform. There a mań standing near the edge of the platform, has taken out his dick and commences to take a piss. It is a very long piss. It takes as long as most of the time our train stays. At the end he carefully waggles his dick to ensure every last drop is expelled. Then he zips up, and rolls along the platform. Nobody else on the platform appears to notice.
Welcome to Kidbrooke. Welcome back to Plague Island.
Just goes to show, you can take the piss out of Kidbrooke but you can't take Kidbrooke out of the piss
Bit of a dilemma I would say? The last 4 pints always catch up!
[Name of a very nice area] is a shithole, I wanna go home.
Water and electricity don't mix well. I mean I don't suppose it'd be a pleasant jolt, penile electrocution is very painful ... so I've been told
@SporadicAddick, yes I know, right now wandering around my childhood home I can agree but I only flew in yesterday afternoon, first time in 2.5 years, and, well….
I hope he washed his hands afterwards.
Perhaps you should have given it a squeeze to check?
"Oh, yes ... it's one of those theatrical dicks. I'm an actor, you know."
There was a time when the back seats of the nightbus were regularly used for this, a mate claims he saw a bloke doing something more substantial. Vile blokes.
Is that the origin of the term ‘boil my piss’?
She casually plopped her shopping on the ground, squatted, pulled her draws down and took a massive shit. To make matters worse it was broad daylight, and i was sitting just a few feet away.