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Priority Points…

… are awarded when you buy tickets home and away. But as Charlton TV is being promoted which can either be watched at home as in last night’s match against Cambridge or whilst you are on your travels. With every match costing £10 to view do you think that each match you order online should also include some priority points in case you would like to attend an away match etc? 🧐


  • Solidgone said:
    … are awarded when you buy tickets home and away. But as Charlton TV is being promoted which can either be watched at home as in last night’s match against Cambridge or whilst you are on your travels. With every match costing £10 to view do you think that each match you order online should also include some priority points in case you would like to attend an away match etc? 🧐
    If its 10 points for a ticket, I wouldn't expect more than 2 points for buying and watching at home. 
  • Solidgone said:
    … are awarded when you buy tickets home and away. But as Charlton TV is being promoted which can either be watched at home as in last night’s match against Cambridge or whilst you are on your travels. With every match costing £10 to view do you think that each match you order online should also include some priority points in case you would like to attend an away match etc? 🧐
  • Solidgone said:
    … are awarded when you buy tickets home and away. But as Charlton TV is being promoted which can either be watched at home as in last night’s match against Cambridge or whilst you are on your travels. With every match costing £10 to view do you think that each match you order online should also include some priority points in case you would like to attend an away match etc? 🧐
    Absolutely not. 
  • RedPanda said:
    I would like priority points weighted so that you get more points for going to Hartlepool or Crewe midweek than attending a Saturday home game.
    great point .. one major problem is that, for example, from where I live an away game at (say) Lincoln on a wet Tuesday night is a doddle, whereas coming from London is an act of love .. geographical weighting when allocating points would need a very complicated algorithm .. but your theory is a very sound one  
  • RedPanda said:
    I would like priority points weighted so that you get more points for going to Hartlepool or Crewe midweek than attending a Saturday home game.
    great point .. one major problem is that, for example, from where I live an away game at (say) Lincoln on a wet Tuesday night is a doddle, whereas coming from London is an act of love .. geographical weighting when allocating points would need a very complicated algorithm .. but your theory is a very sound one  
    I don't think that's too big a problem, we haven't got thaaat many fans up in that north.

    Maybe when the fixtures come out pick stuff like Gillingham as 10 points, Saturday in the Midlands or West Country as 15, a Tuesday night needing a hotel as 20.

    Sure there'd be complaints but we (me included) will always find something to moan about.
  • I'm a streamer for evening games and i would be for away games if it were possible in the UK without a VPN and I don't think there should be points.

    Perhaps give 115 extra points for people buying or renewing season tickets before 9 May or whenever it is.
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  • RedPanda said:
    RedPanda said:
    I would like priority points weighted so that you get more points for going to Hartlepool or Crewe midweek than attending a Saturday home game.
    great point .. one major problem is that, for example, from where I live an away game at (say) Lincoln on a wet Tuesday night is a doddle, whereas coming from London is an act of love .. geographical weighting when allocating points would need a very complicated algorithm .. but your theory is a very sound one  
    I don't think that's too big a problem, we haven't got thaaat many fans up in that north.

    Maybe when the fixtures come out pick stuff like Gillingham as 10 points, Saturday in the Midlands or West Country as 15, a Tuesday night needing a hotel as 20.

    Sure there'd be complaints but we (me included) will always find something to moan about.
    It’s an interesting idea, but the challenges in administering such a scheme probably wouldn’t be justified by the relatively rare occasions when people miss out on tickets for a match they want to go to.
  • It's only an issue for a handful, if that, of games a season especially at this level. 

    There is no reason that you should get points for streaming that gives you priority for Gillingham or Wimbledon tickets over those that went to Fleetwood or Morecambe or some other place. 

    I would like to see some sort of "buying history" before general sale for bigger games though.  Especially when they do a "bring some non Charlton supporting mates with you" but sod the actual supporters who can't, for what ever reason, attend as many games as they would like.  Admittedly that's about a once in every 20 years situation anyway. 
  • Should be one point for every CL post imo.
  • edited April 2022
    One thing that does need fixing is the fact that only 5 points are given for away cup games.

    Those who went to Gateshead on a Friday night should be getting the same points as those who are going to an away league game.

    Although, I think we might have reached that point where anyone who wants a ticket for any away game will get one - even if via general sale. Especially if Wimbledon and Gills go down. The exception would be playoff games that are in high demand.
  • Interesting viewpoints. Just pondering the future and probably, incorrectly, applying the award of these priority/loyalty points with the retail business. For example a good trade is now done online which attract loyalty points. And for those living abroad it would be the case of forking out £460 per season should they watch every match. All going to the club. This is more than the cost of a home season ticket. And  being excluded from cheap/free tickets to boot. And with those that live a distance away from The Valley throughout the UK when either travel issues or late nights prevent them from attending the matches. I’m not really sure what the issue that’s against  awarding each viewed match. Do fans that go to away matches gain a certain badge of honour?  But what about older fans that have already trudged up and down the country and back when younger but no longer able to? 
    Is pay per view the future for the lower leagues? 
    Anyway nice discussion. 

  • edited April 2022
    Solidgone said:
    Interesting viewpoints. Just pondering the future and probably, incorrectly, applying the award of these priority/loyalty points with the retail business. For example a good trade is now done online which attract loyalty points. And for those living abroad it would be the case of forking out £460 per season should they watch every match. All going to the club. This is more than the cost of a home season ticket. And  being excluded from cheap/free tickets to boot. And with those that live a distance away from The Valley throughout the UK when either travel issues or late nights prevent them from attending the matches. I’m not really sure what the issue that’s against  awarding each viewed match. Do fans that go to away matches gain a certain badge of honour?  But what about older fans that have already trudged up and down the country and back when younger but no longer able to? 
    Is pay per view the future for the lower leagues? 
    Anyway nice discussion. 

    Would be great if the only cost attending games was the season ticket. You also contribute to the atmosphere attending, buy merchandise and food from the kiosks etc.

    As you say, it's an interesting discussion, but there's just no comparison between sitting in the sofa and attending. 

    Reward each match for sure, but there's not really an argument for a flat reward system. The rewards for VG are all but non existent compared to a few seasons ago. 

    £460 gets you every game on tv,  but you need to double that and some for in person viewing. 
  • Away games generally cost well over £100 (say £25 match ticket, £10 train to London, £40+ usually to travel north, £15 on coffee and food = £90 before you've had a beer or played Chase the Ace with @Stewart )

    It's also the time element, like setting a Saturday alarm for 0630 so you can make a 0900 train from Euston. Then you have train issues like with Shrewsbury and Lincoln this season. Or like last night the M11 was closed for 10 miles. Midweek games further away than Cambridge require time off work. Sundays for lots of people are a write-off after an away game...

    Maybe the compromise here would be to offer a discount or bonus for purchasing lots of £10 streams because £460 is a lot of money, especially for this season's dross.
  • Solidgone said:
    Interesting viewpoints. Just pondering the future and probably, incorrectly, applying the award of these priority/loyalty points with the retail business. For example a good trade is now done online which attract loyalty points. And for those living abroad it would be the case of forking out £460 per season should they watch every match. All going to the club. This is more than the cost of a home season ticket. And  being excluded from cheap/free tickets to boot. And with those that live a distance away from The Valley throughout the UK when either travel issues or late nights prevent them from attending the matches. I’m not really sure what the issue that’s against  awarding each viewed match. Do fans that go to away matches gain a certain badge of honour?  But what about older fans that have already trudged up and down the country and back when younger but no longer able to? 
    Is pay per view the future for the lower leagues? 
    Anyway nice discussion. 

    The priority points are for buying tickets, if you're never buying tickets you don't need any priority.

    No one around the world, no matter what time they're staying up til or how early they're waking up, is putting in as much effort to support their club as the fans who are travelling to watch them regularly. Streaming and match day travel are simply incomparable. 
  • Solidgone said:
    … are awarded when you buy tickets home and away. But as Charlton TV is being promoted which can either be watched at home as in last night’s match against Cambridge or whilst you are on your travels. With every match costing £10 to view do you think that each match you order online should also include some priority points in case you would like to attend an away match etc? 🧐
    Only if they can take this with them to enjoy it all from 
  • Solidgone said:
    … are awarded when you buy tickets home and away. But as Charlton TV is being promoted which can either be watched at home as in last night’s match against Cambridge or whilst you are on your travels. With every match costing £10 to view do you think that each match you order online should also include some priority points in case you would like to attend an away match etc? 🧐
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  • edited April 2022
    Solidgone said:
    Interesting viewpoints. Just pondering the future and probably, incorrectly, applying the award of these priority/loyalty points with the retail business. For example a good trade is now done online which attract loyalty points. And for those living abroad it would be the case of forking out £460 per season should they watch every match. All going to the club. This is more than the cost of a home season ticket. And  being excluded from cheap/free tickets to boot. And with those that live a distance away from The Valley throughout the UK when either travel issues or late nights prevent them from attending the matches. I’m not really sure what the issue that’s against  awarding each viewed match. Do fans that go to away matches gain a certain badge of honour?  But what about older fans that have already trudged up and down the country and back when younger but no longer able to? 
    Is pay per view the future for the lower leagues? 
    Anyway nice discussion. 

    All the away fans money doesn't go to the away club. It's split dependant on numbers.
    Fans like me who fork out £400 for a home S/T, also fork out more than that for away games, plus possibly even more than that on train travel.
    I must spend between £1,500 to £2,000 physically attending Charlton games each season, plus beer & food, which  probably adds another £500, so I reckon £2,500 would be a good guess, plus taking up most of every Saturday.
    I also chose not to move too far from The Valley.

  • I personally would do away with Charlton TV altogether, but I know there are arguments on both sides.

    Stream purchases should never be eligible for any sort of ticketing priority. If you want priority, then go to games.

    But if we’re trying to come up with an idea of how to repay loyalty for streamers - then maybe a half priced stream for a game if you purchase five games in a row or something of that ilk.
  • Personally think that 100 points should be added for every promote on CL.

    Only problem is @Henry Irving would be on minus :wink:
  • Should be one point for every CL promote imo.
    Fixed that for you
  • Sage said:
    Personally think that 100 points should be added for every promote on CL.

    Only problem is @Henry Irving would be on minus :wink:
    14,200 points for me if they count stolen promotes.
  • I really don't get why some people are so against streaming. 

    If other people were all sat at home watching moody streams (I know it happens but it's not the subject of discussion) and the club were not actively marketing it and making money out of it I would be more sympathetic to that pov.

    I have never not been to a game because I could stream it (or watch it on SKY).  I have streamed loads of games I wouldn't have ever watched at all.  The club would have made zero money.

    What about the audio coverage, local radio etc etc?  That doesn't seem to get such a grilling. 
  • Solidgone said:
    Interesting viewpoints. Just pondering the future and probably, incorrectly, applying the award of these priority/loyalty points with the retail business. For example a good trade is now done online which attract loyalty points. And for those living abroad it would be the case of forking out £460 per season should they watch every match. All going to the club. This is more than the cost of a home season ticket. And  being excluded from cheap/free tickets to boot. And with those that live a distance away from The Valley throughout the UK when either travel issues or late nights prevent them from attending the matches. I’m not really sure what the issue that’s against  awarding each viewed match. Do fans that go to away matches gain a certain badge of honour?  But what about older fans that have already trudged up and down the country and back when younger but no longer able to? 
    Is pay per view the future for the lower leagues? 
    Anyway nice discussion. 

    All the away fans money doesn't go to the away club. It's split dependant on numbers.
    Fans like me who fork out £400 for a home S/T, also fork out more than that for away games, plus possibly even more than that on train travel.
    I must spend between £1,500 to £2,000 physically attending Charlton games each season, plus beer & food, which  probably adds another £500, so I reckon £2,500 would be a good guess, plus taking up most of every Saturday.
    I also chose not to move too far from The Valley.

    £500 for beer and food  you must be nearly as tight as @Elfsb@ElfsborgAddick
  • Has anyone said they are against streaming in this discussion?
    Maybe they have.
    I thought fans were generally saying that those streaming, shouldn't get priority for tickets for away games.
    Presumably, that would be priority over fans that do attend away games.
  • clb74 said:
    Solidgone said:
    Interesting viewpoints. Just pondering the future and probably, incorrectly, applying the award of these priority/loyalty points with the retail business. For example a good trade is now done online which attract loyalty points. And for those living abroad it would be the case of forking out £460 per season should they watch every match. All going to the club. This is more than the cost of a home season ticket. And  being excluded from cheap/free tickets to boot. And with those that live a distance away from The Valley throughout the UK when either travel issues or late nights prevent them from attending the matches. I’m not really sure what the issue that’s against  awarding each viewed match. Do fans that go to away matches gain a certain badge of honour?  But what about older fans that have already trudged up and down the country and back when younger but no longer able to? 
    Is pay per view the future for the lower leagues? 
    Anyway nice discussion. 

    All the away fans money doesn't go to the away club. It's split dependant on numbers.
    Fans like me who fork out £400 for a home S/T, also fork out more than that for away games, plus possibly even more than that on train travel.
    I must spend between £1,500 to £2,000 physically attending Charlton games each season, plus beer & food, which  probably adds another £500, so I reckon £2,500 would be a good guess, plus taking up most of every Saturday.
    I also chose not to move too far from The Valley.

    £500 for beer and food  you must be nearly as tight as @Elfsb@ElfsborgAddick
    Good point I was thinking of aways, with home games it must be £1k+.
  • clive said:
    Do you mean loyalty points?
    Loyalty points are awarded to people who buy tickets & attend matches, why should they be awarded to people who only pay £10 & can't be bothered to attend matches.

    Whilst I agree with your point the loyalty points should only be for people who attend games.

    I hate this perception that people who don't go "can't be bothered"

    I was fortunate enough that someone helped  me with a season ticket this season so was able to attend every home.

    And believe me I would have loved to join @cafctom @ReeCAFC15 and the other FNS lads on their many away trips this season, unfortunately money stopped me, not because I couldn't be bothered, but when you include train tickets, matches tickets, food/drink for the day it's really expensive.

    So I have just enjoyed the home games and watched away games at home.

    As I say this perception of its because people can't be bothered annoys me, when I'm sure like me there are others who would love to go, probably others who would love to go to home games as well but can't afford it(which is why I'm fortunate someone helped me and also why the fill the valley incentive Is a good idea if marketed well)
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