If I like a point of view, or someone has taken the time to present a post well, add something different etc I’ll like the post.
If someone posts something that makes me chuckle, I’ll lol it.
If someone posts something I disagree with or I think is stupid, I ignore it.
Those who issue sarcastic lol’s as a way of showing disagreement or belittling, I think are pathetic considering you’re all meant to be adults and I look upon with disdain.
lol away…
Thing is Bart, it’s not being used as you initially intended. In an ideal world what you would like and what is actually happening are considerably different. I for one am disappointed by your reply as it would seem you aren’t about to even consider giving folks an option of some kind and keep things as they are. Am I right?
I log the number of likes and LOLs I get to each thread and store the results in a spreadsheet. I calculate my daily, weekly and monthly average. If the LOLs are a bit low for any month, I tell my wife jokes.
If I like a point of view, or someone has taken the time to present a post well, add something different etc I’ll like the post.
If someone posts something that makes me chuckle, I’ll lol it.
If someone posts something I disagree with or I think is stupid, I ignore it.
Those who issue sarcastic lol’s as a way of showing disagreement or belittling, I think are pathetic considering you’re all meant to be adults and I look upon with disdain.
lol away…
Most of the time it is the same users who lol sarcastically … fortunately they are names I normally ignore anyway, so not a problem
I think we should be able to give each post a score, 1 to 10.
1= massively disagree, 10 = massively agree.
The algorithm would then show a running average score for each post, with the lifer with the highest score for a single post in a calendar month winning a fabulous prize like dinner at Bartram Towers, and the lifer with the lowest score ‘winning’ dinner at ‘Spoons with Elfsborg (with Elfsborg paying).
The lol button could be supplemented by a ROTF button, and perhaps perhaps there could even be a Whoosh button.
If the mods could get that up and running by the weekend we could have a seven day trial period.
I think we should be able to give each post a score, 1 to 10.
1= massively disagree, 10 = massively agree.
The algorithm would then show a running average score for each post, with the lifer with the highest score for a single post in a calendar month winning a fabulous prize like dinner at Bartram Towers, and the lifer with the lowest score ‘winning’ dinner at ‘Spoons with Elfsborg (with Elfsborg paying).
I find it frustrating that you can’t like and LOL something. Maybe an option to like and LOL and another option for like quite a lot and a bit LOL. And, perhaps an option for like a lot but only very slightly LOL. Then again, it’s not really a LOL if it’s only very slightly, I suppose.
In an ideal world what you would like and what is actually happening are considerably different.
I for one am disappointed by your reply as it would seem you aren’t about to even consider giving folks an option of some kind and keep things as they are.
Am I right?
option a) i genuinely found funny
b) post is ridiculous or you cant be serious
I know the second one isn't really good for the forum and promotes a negative reaction but the only way around that is literally have a WTF button
No lols for this post please.
(Laugh sarcasticly out loud)