Advance tickets available on the following trains.
Dep Euston 08.30 Arr Preston 10.38 price £33.00 [£21.75] Cheapest train
Euston 09.30 Arr Preston 11.38 price £43.70 [£28.80]
Euston 10.30 Arr Preston 12.38 as above
Euston 11.30 Arr Preston 13.38 as above
Dep Preston 17.59 Arr Euston 20.27 price £30.30 [£19.95]
Dep Preston 19.02 Arr Euston 21.44 price £32.00 [£21.10]
Dep Preston 20.06 Arr Euston 22.47 Price £30.30 [£19.95]
Trains between Preston / Accrington depart at 46/57 minutes past the hour arriving 11/35 past the hour
Trains between Accrington/Preston depart at 12/41 minutes past the hour arriving 21/40 past the hour
Day return costs £8.40 [£5.50]
Railcard fares in brackets.
The stadium is about a 20 minute walk from the station.
Journey time is one hour.
The fare would also be a lot higher.
Depart Kings Cross 08.03 Arr Leeds 10.16 Price £19.80 [£13.05]
Depart Kings Cross08.33 Arr Leeds 10.47 Price £22.50 [£14.85]
Depart Leeds 10.58 Arr Accrington 12.11 Price Day Return £17.00 [£11.20]
Depart Accrington 17.27 Arrive Leeds 19.02 change at Todmorden
Dep Leeds 19.16 Arr Kings Cross 21.31 Price £22.50 [£14.85]
Dep Leeds 19.45 Arr Kings Cross 21.54 Price £23.90 [£15.75]
not sure which companies yet.
And LNER for anyone going via Leeds
- Can't drive as then going onto Leeds for work on the Sunday and there's not much parking at the hotel/work.
- Booked a coach as I was worried about train strikes.
- Coach I booked gets cancelled.
- Thought sod it, I'll get the train, get the coach refunded, booked the train.
- Train strike announced.
- Booked the coach as a back-up to the train now, but gets in about 3 hours later than I wanted!
Hoping maybe the strikes get called off.
Now got to hope nothing extends to the Sunday as need to get from Birmingham to Leeds!!
Are there routes from London to Accrington that are not currently affected?
Sorry, I do feel your pain.
This of course would not even be thought of or discussed.