I've read posts suggesting that showcasing our potential by turning up will mislead a new owner, but who's going to buy a Club where some of its supporters won't prove it still has any. The argument seems to be that a dose of realism will attract a more serious buyer, but a half empty ground is off-putting to all IMO.
A new owner will want to develop the fan base, so they might like to experience it and it makes sense to be there if it might help. I guarantee one thing, staying at home definitely won't!
When trying to sell something, attracting buyers requires positive marketing, not product promotion highlighting the negatives. Remember how hard it was for Ratner to sell his jewellery after telling everyone it was crap! It's not sensible messaging even if true.
So is this confirming that there will be a potential buyer at the game....or is it just pure speculation, based on PV tweet? I'm too old to keep getting my hopes up!
There’s a blue pill that can sort that out…oh hopes, you said hopes!
It’s really not about the money I’d say, it’s about the experience - if I was going to plough sone money in I’d want to know that I was gonna be sitting in a lively atmospheric stadium every other week, not an empty, soulless place - we know what it can be like but an investor from wherever may not - it’s worth a £15 gamble and getting off your arse for a few hours rather than impotently moaning on and on surely ???
If the investor is really as clueless as you're suggesting then why on earth would you want them taking over?
Maybe they could try attending a few league games instead?
We don't need another clown in charge.
it wouldn't make him clueless - we're not trying to trick him, just give him a good first impression - not that difficult to understand really is it?
It hardly suggests they have any interest in football or our club if they're going to be swayed that much by a fixture against Brighton.
It's not hard to do a bit of due diligence if you're serious. They could watch the Stockport game on ITV4 and come to a league match.
I don't want another owner in charge who is clueless about L1 football.
Using your definition, Palace aren’t doing badly with a “clueless” owner.
So Varney turns up with his party. The Valley is packed for once and Sandgaard thinks 'F**k this for a game of soldiers. This bunch are more popular than me!" He then refuses to do any sort of business with them in a spectacular Roland level of petulance and we end up with pound shop ESI mark 2!
Administration is the only way out of this mess I tell ya. Been saying it for years.
So Varney turns up with his party. The Valley is packed for once and Sandgaard thinks 'F**k this for a game of soldiers. This bunch are more popular than me!" He then refuses to do any sort of business with them in a spectacular Roland level of petulance and we end up with pound shop ESI mark 2!
Administration is the only way out of this mess I tell ya. Been saying it for years.
So Varney turns up with his party. The Valley is packed for once and Sandgaard thinks 'F**k this for a game of soldiers. This bunch are more popular than me!" He then refuses to do any sort of business with them in a spectacular Roland level of petulance and we end up with pound shop ESI mark 2!
Administration is the only way out of this mess I tell ya. Been saying it for years.
Not sure if these comments/replies have been picked up on already but interesting and a sign we all need to still back the boys and show up !!
Worst case scenario:
18k Charlton fans turn up and singing hearts out, its a great atmosphere...but we get thumped 4-0, and everything continues to be shit for the rest of the season. No new manager and finishing 18th in league one
No one comes in to buy Charlton!
The one off strong attendance will feel like a wasted effort and people may feel mugged off for being persuaded to turn up.
BUT, is it really a wasted effort? No, it isn't
It will still show what the fans are made of, even when everything is going to shit.
It is long term advertisement that may still help the club survive in a future.
No one knows what's around the corner, but it is always best to at least put up a bit of a fight even if you already feel like you've lost.
This will probably get a sour grape lol or 2 along with well you should turn up then mate etc but I fully believe in Varney having the best intentions and it is worthy to follow his advice for this particular situation.
I hope people who can turn up, decide that they want to turn up. I hope it doesn't feel like a reluctant effort.
Not sure if these comments/replies have been picked up on already but interesting and a sign we all need to still back the boys and show up !!
Worst case scenario:
18k Charlton fans turn up and singing hearts out, its a great atmosphere...but we get thumped 4-0, and everything continues to be shit for the rest of the season. No new manager and finishing 18th in league one
No one comes in to buy Charlton!
The one off strong attendance will feel like a wasted effort and people may feel mugged off for being persuaded to turn up.
BUT, is it really a wasted effort? No, it isn't
It will still show what the fans are made of, even when everything is going to shit.
It is long term advertisement that may still help the club survive in a future.
No one knows what's around the corner, but it is always best to at least put up a bit of a fight even if you already feel like you've lost.
This will probably get a sour grape lol or 2 along with well you should turn up then mate etc but I fully believe in Varney having the best intentions and it is worthy to follow his advice for this particular situation.
I hope people who can turn up, decide that they want to turn up. I hope it doesn't feel like a reluctant effort.
More important than ever to line the pockets of an owner taking us into the ground?
I would hope any potential owner would just watch a video of the play off final if they want to see our potential.
I feel like you're just using any excuse you can not to go at this point
Not really, I just think it's a pretty meaningless gesture that only really benefits Sandgaard who will pocket the extra income.
Any intelligent potential owner doesn't make a decision based from a few extra thousand in a ground during a game while the club is at their lowest point in years.
If a potential new owner is at the Brighton game, is he more likely to be interested in buying Charlton if -
1 There are 14,000 Charlton fans & 6,000 Brighton fans, making a 20,000 crowd and great atmosphere.
2 There are 6,000 Charlton fans & 6,000 Brighton fans. The Brighton fans out sing Charlton all match & it is largely a great embarrassment to Charlton.
3. Neither, because we want an owner that has a brain in their head and isn’t basing any of their interest in buying us on whether we get a decent crowd for a one off cup match.
Bloody hell, this is hard work. It is to demonstrate that right now, Charlton are still a "biggish" club and can still attract @15,000 home fans in L1, in a cup game. Even though we are 17th and in one of the lowest positions for 100 years. It is an up to date "show" that we still have good potential if there is a decent game to watch. To experience a good Valley atmosphere.
...Gonna see these boys turning up at the game decked out in brand new Castore Charlton gear belting out Valley Floyd Road outside the West Stand before kick off!
My grandsons and I are going we would anyway,what is there to lose by going the atmosphere is always better with bigger crowds as Airman said and if it leads to something else then that’s a bonus. Can’t be worse than the atmosphere at the last couple of games. I also have no doubt that PV only wants the best for the club
As I am sure some of you may have noticed, I am not posting much anymore on all matters. There are multiple factors in that decision.
What I will say is that whilst everything at our once great club is quite clearly falling apart, we have to make sure that we, as a fanbase, don’t fall with it.
We celebrated 30 years back to The Valley this month, and an incredible 30 years within the community. It’s important to remember who we are and what we stand for, especially when times are so challenging. Over the last 30 years, we have had a few ups and many downs, with far too many in the latter half. However, one constant throughout our history has remained the same. Charlton fans have always been prepared to play a major part in achieving something special that was desperately needed at a very specific moment in time. I would stress that it would not be an oversight to say that we are needed in this precise moment to be prepared to do it again.
There is a great feeling of apathy and disappointment spread throughout our club, inside and out, and people will naturally make their own decisions, conclusions, and comparisons between where we are now, and where we have been in recent years. But let’s make no mistake, barring the times of a genuine threat to our existence, we are currently at the lowest point in our history.
We need a huge shift in the mentality at the club and of us fans if we are ever going to progress. If things continue as they are, we will eventually head into League Two, be it this season or next. To me, the question we need to ask ourselves is what can we do to improve matters, and how prepared are we to do it?
Right now, the only answer I can see is we can trust someone who has done more than enough to earn that trust and respect, and listen to it. If there is a chance of improving our situation by attending the game and showing everyone, whilst reminding ourselves, what we can be like when we create an atmosphere, I would desperately encourage everyone to listen and do what’s been asked of us. If fans can sit here and find the energy to discuss and moan about the dire situation our club finds itself in, we all should be able to channel that same feeling into a positive with the aim of achieving something special in a moment of need.
Admittedly, there remains those of us who are seeing things differently to the majority of the fanbase but that doesn’t make their opinion any less worthy. What I would say though is that some key questions should be considered. How many loyal, experienced, dedicated, Charlton people have left, resigned, been made redundant, or sacked in previous years? How many have been over the last 14 months? Why did these people survive and stick with it before? Why aren’t they now? What has changed?
If you’ve answered those questions in the same way I have, and you are prepared to be apart of achieving something when our club needs it the most, I’ll see you at The Valley against Brighton on Wednesday 21st December.
The thing I don't really understand in all this at the moment, is why hasn't the identity of these people in the public? If they are going to in the public eye for the Brighton game, and PV is open about this. Surely there would be more in the press! Or few more rumours of who the party involved is...
Key people that normally have good inside knowledge on this type of stuff are very quiet as well! Them being Airman and Henry.. How confident are you about this takeover even happening, and do they have enough cash.
Just not sure why once you go on to social media to drum up a big crowd, no further detail becomes public... I have heard a couple of things, but nothing concrete.
It not as if Thomas isn't going to be aware! Just don't get the big hhhuuussshhhh.. All a little strange for my liking!
The thing I don't really understand in all this at the moment, is why hasn't the identity of these people in the public? If they are going to in the public eye for the Brighton game, and PV is open about this. Surely there would be more in the press! Or few more rumours of who the party involved is...
Key people that normally have good inside knowledge on this type of stuff are very quiet as well! Them being Airman and Henry.. How confident are you about this takeover even happening, and do they have enough cash.
Just not sure why once you go on to social media to drum up a big crowd, no further detail becomes public... I have heard a couple of things, but nothing concrete.
It not as if Thomas isn't going to be aware! Just don't get the big hhhuuussshhhh.. All a little strange for my liking!
Either something is close (doesn't look likely with the Garner sacking) or Varney is coming along with people with blow you out the water money, that wouldnt be phased by an extra few million here and there, and Varney wants them to be sucked in by a great atmosphere for the Brighton game. If it is the latter, im guessing they wouldnt want their name in the public eye, as they would be getting approaches left, right and centre. Probably got my rose tinted glasses on there though!
The thing I don't really understand in all this at the moment, is why hasn't the identity of these people in the public? If they are going to in the public eye for the Brighton game, and PV is open about this. Surely there would be more in the press! Or few more rumours of who the party involved is...
Key people that normally have good inside knowledge on this type of stuff are very quiet as well! Them being Airman and Henry.. How confident are you about this takeover even happening, and do they have enough cash.
Just not sure why once you go on to social media to drum up a big crowd, no further detail becomes public... I have heard a couple of things, but nothing concrete.
It not as if Thomas isn't going to be aware! Just don't get the big hhhuuussshhhh.. All a little strange for my liking!
Either something is close (doesn't look likely with the Garner sacking) or Varney is coming along with people with blow you out the water money, that wouldnt be phased by an extra few million here and there, and Varney wants them to be sucked in by a great atmosphere for the Brighton game. If it is the latter, im guessing they wouldnt want their name in the public eye, as they would be getting approaches left, right and centre. Probably got my rose tinted glasses on there though!
I understand that, but if that rich, they wouldn't be to worried about the crowds etc.. They would already know about the potential of the club.
The only strange thing about this, in my mind, is, surely TS must know who's supposedly coming with PV, he must have asked or made enquiries? The call went out, for people to attend, on main Social Media sites, TS must have seen/heard about it? TS is not the type of person not to need to know what's happening, and if that's the case, the actions over the last 48hrs or so don't add up. Why sack a manager, appoint a caretaker, if he is hoping to get out? Just a couple of questions I've been unable to answer in my thoughts.
The only strange thing about this, in my mind, is, surely TS must know who's supposedly coming with PV, he must have asked or made enquiries? The call went out, for people to attend, on main Social Media sites, TS must have seen/heard about it? TS is not the type of person not to need to know what's happening, and if that's the case, the actions over the last 48hrs or so don't add up. Why sack a manager, appoint a caretaker, if he is hoping to get out? Just a couple of questions I've been unable to answer in my thoughts.
Is the PV call to arms definitely related to a potential takeover? Is it possible we’re all putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5?
The only strange thing about this, in my mind, is, surely TS must know who's supposedly coming with PV, he must have asked or made enquiries? The call went out, for people to attend, on main Social Media sites, TS must have seen/heard about it? TS is not the type of person not to need to know what's happening, and if that's the case, the actions over the last 48hrs or so don't add up. Why sack a manager, appoint a caretaker, if he is hoping to get out? Just a couple of questions I've been unable to answer in my thoughts.
It’s been suggested before mate but it could be for a possible new owner to bring in their own man fairly swiftly especially with the transfer window fast approaching and have included the severance payout to Garner in the sale price 🤷♂️.
The thing I don't really understand in all this at the moment, is why hasn't the identity of these people in the public? If they are going to in the public eye for the Brighton game, and PV is open about this. Surely there would be more in the press! Or few more rumours of who the party involved is...
Key people that normally have good inside knowledge on this type of stuff are very quiet as well! Them being Airman and Henry.. How confident are you about this takeover even happening, and do they have enough cash.
Just not sure why once you go on to social media to drum up a big crowd, no further detail becomes public... I have heard a couple of things, but nothing concrete.
It not as if Thomas isn't going to be aware! Just don't get the big hhhuuussshhhh.. All a little strange for my liking!
Either something is close (doesn't look likely with the Garner sacking) or Varney is coming along with people with blow you out the water money, that wouldnt be phased by an extra few million here and there, and Varney wants them to be sucked in by a great atmosphere for the Brighton game. If it is the latter, im guessing they wouldnt want their name in the public eye, as they would be getting approaches left, right and centre. Probably got my rose tinted glasses on there though!
I understand that, but if that rich, they wouldn't be to worried about the crowds etc.. They would already know about the potential of the club.
May know of the potential, but would still need to buy into it and "fall in love" with the club, so to speak. They could buy any club, why ours? They'd effectively be buying it as a hobby with a view of getting to the prem
It does appear to me with the little knowledge we've got that this is in someway bypassing TS? Is someone looking to get into discussion with Roland perhaps?
Who knows how the delicate ownership intricacies of Charlton Athletic work anymore? Who's signed up for what? Clauses in contracts? I don't know.
The thing I don't really understand in all this at the moment, is why hasn't the identity of these people in the public? If they are going to in the public eye for the Brighton game, and PV is open about this. Surely there would be more in the press! Or few more rumours of who the party involved is...
Key people that normally have good inside knowledge on this type of stuff are very quiet as well! Them being Airman and Henry.. How confident are you about this takeover even happening, and do they have enough cash.
Just not sure why once you go on to social media to drum up a big crowd, no further detail becomes public... I have heard a couple of things, but nothing concrete.
It not as if Thomas isn't going to be aware! Just don't get the big hhhuuussshhhh.. All a little strange for my liking!
Either something is close (doesn't look likely with the Garner sacking) or Varney is coming along with people with blow you out the water money, that wouldnt be phased by an extra few million here and there, and Varney wants them to be sucked in by a great atmosphere for the Brighton game. If it is the latter, im guessing they wouldnt want their name in the public eye, as they would be getting approaches left, right and centre. Probably got my rose tinted glasses on there though!
I understand that, but if that rich, they wouldn't be to worried about the crowds etc.. They would already know about the potential of the club.
Every bit helps. There are a lot of clubs with a lot of potential and quite a few of them aren't as far away from the Premier League than we are. Positive vibes are all part of any sell.
It does appear to me with the little knowledge we've got that this is in someway bypassing TS? Is someone looking to get into discussion with Roland perhaps?
Who knows how the delicate ownership intricacies of Charlton Athletic work anymore? Who's signed up for what? Clauses in contracts? I don't know.
An interesting suggestion however if RD gets wind of PV in any shape or form being involved that could end negotiations straight away, unless he’s more receptive these days. Still as you say who knows and only time will tell.
The only strange thing about this, in my mind, is, surely TS must know who's supposedly coming with PV, he must have asked or made enquiries? The call went out, for people to attend, on main Social Media sites, TS must have seen/heard about it? TS is not the type of person not to need to know what's happening, and if that's the case, the actions over the last 48hrs or so don't add up. Why sack a manager, appoint a caretaker, if he is hoping to get out? Just a couple of questions I've been unable to answer in my thoughts.
I imagine PV has an interested party but there’s no deal in place yet, they probably haven’t even spoken to TS yet.
TS is still intending to stay on, or at least give the impression he’s not desperate to sell in order to get as much for the club as possible.
Sooner than later he’ll have to sell as he won’t want to continue covering the losses.
Relegation looks more likely than promotion this season, but TS might be deluding himself that with the right manager and some good deals in January (partly funded by the sale of Leaburn?) we can win the playoffs.
The only strange thing about this, in my mind, is, surely TS must know who's supposedly coming with PV, he must have asked or made enquiries? The call went out, for people to attend, on main Social Media sites, TS must have seen/heard about it? TS is not the type of person not to need to know what's happening, and if that's the case, the actions over the last 48hrs or so don't add up. Why sack a manager, appoint a caretaker, if he is hoping to get out? Just a couple of questions I've been unable to answer in my thoughts.
Only 2 reasons I can think of:
1. Doing the dirty work on behalf of the prospective new owner who would inevitably change it anyway? 2. Sadly because we need to based on results / what BG has brought to the table in terms of transfer targets?
The thing I don't really understand in all this at the moment, is why hasn't the identity of these people in the public? If they are going to in the public eye for the Brighton game, and PV is open about this. Surely there would be more in the press! Or few more rumours of who the party involved is...
Key people that normally have good inside knowledge on this type of stuff are very quiet as well! Them being Airman and Henry.. How confident are you about this takeover even happening, and do they have enough cash.
Just not sure why once you go on to social media to drum up a big crowd, no further detail becomes public... I have heard a couple of things, but nothing concrete.
It not as if Thomas isn't going to be aware! Just don't get the big hhhuuussshhhh.. All a little strange for my liking!
Either something is close (doesn't look likely with the Garner sacking) or Varney is coming along with people with blow you out the water money, that wouldnt be phased by an extra few million here and there, and Varney wants them to be sucked in by a great atmosphere for the Brighton game. If it is the latter, im guessing they wouldnt want their name in the public eye, as they would be getting approaches left, right and centre. Probably got my rose tinted glasses on there though!
I understand that, but if that rich, they wouldn't be to worried about the crowds etc.. They would already know about the potential of the club.
Sales technique from varney? Any new buyer will know we are shit and crowds are dropping. Varney showing the new buyer a large crowd with a good atmosphere is effectively saying " get us out of this league and look what you can have week in week out".
Reminds of when Sandgaard brought us and said that two of the things we had in place (which made us such an attractive proposition compared to other clubs) were the fanbase, and the Manager.
He's made us so fucking sellable in both cases now hasnt he
A new owner will want to develop the fan base, so they might like to experience it and it makes sense to be there if it might help. I guarantee one thing, staying at home definitely won't!
When trying to sell something, attracting buyers requires positive marketing, not product promotion highlighting the negatives. Remember how hard it was for Ratner to sell his jewellery after telling everyone it was crap! It's not sensible messaging even if true.
He then refuses to do any sort of business with them in a spectacular Roland level of petulance and we end up with pound shop ESI mark 2!
Administration is the only way out of this mess I tell ya. Been saying it for years.
a. Happen
b. Help
Worst case scenario:
18k Charlton fans turn up and singing hearts out, its a great atmosphere...but we get thumped 4-0, and everything continues to be shit for the rest of the season. No new manager and finishing 18th in league one
No one comes in to buy Charlton!
The one off strong attendance will feel like a wasted effort and people may feel mugged off for being persuaded to turn up.
BUT, is it really a wasted effort? No, it isn't
It will still show what the fans are made of, even when everything is going to shit.
It is long term advertisement that may still help the club survive in a future.
No one knows what's around the corner, but it is always best to at least put up a bit of a fight even if you already feel like you've lost.
This will probably get a sour grape lol or 2 along with well you should turn up then mate etc but I fully believe in Varney having the best intentions and it is worthy to follow his advice for this particular situation.
I hope people who can turn up, decide that they want to turn up. I hope it doesn't feel like a reluctant effort.
Chin up
...Gonna see these boys turning up at the game decked out in brand new Castore Charlton gear belting out Valley Floyd Road outside the West Stand before kick off!
What I will say is that whilst everything at our once great club is quite clearly falling apart, we have to make sure that we, as a fanbase, don’t fall with it.
We celebrated 30 years back to The Valley this month, and an incredible 30 years within the community. It’s important to remember who we are and what we stand for, especially when times are so challenging. Over the last 30 years, we have had a few ups and many downs, with far too many in the latter half. However, one constant throughout our history has remained the same. Charlton fans have always been prepared to play a major part in achieving something special that was desperately needed at a very specific moment in time. I would stress that it would not be an oversight to say that we are needed in this precise moment to be prepared to do it again.
There is a great feeling of apathy and disappointment spread throughout our club, inside and out, and people will naturally make their own decisions, conclusions, and comparisons between where we are now, and where we have been in recent years. But let’s make no mistake, barring the times of a genuine threat to our existence, we are currently at the lowest point in our history.
We need a huge shift in the mentality at the club and of us fans if we are ever going to progress. If things continue as they are, we will eventually head into League Two, be it this season or next. To me, the question we need to ask ourselves is what can we do to improve matters, and how prepared are we to do it?
Right now, the only answer I can see is we can trust someone who has done more than enough to earn that trust and respect, and listen to it. If there is a chance of improving our situation by attending the game and showing everyone, whilst reminding ourselves, what we can be like when we create an atmosphere, I would desperately encourage everyone to listen and do what’s been asked of us. If fans can sit here and find the energy to discuss and moan about the dire situation our club finds itself in, we all should be able to channel that same feeling into a positive with the aim of achieving something special in a moment of need.
Admittedly, there remains those of us who are seeing things differently to the majority of the fanbase but that doesn’t make their opinion any less worthy. What I would say though is that some key questions should be considered. How many loyal, experienced, dedicated, Charlton people have left, resigned, been made redundant, or sacked in previous years? How many have been over the last 14 months? Why did these people survive and stick with it before? Why aren’t they now? What has changed?
If you’ve answered those questions in the same way I have, and you are prepared to be apart of achieving something when our club needs it the most, I’ll see you at The Valley against Brighton on Wednesday 21st December.
Key people that normally have good inside knowledge on this type of stuff are very quiet as well! Them being Airman and Henry.. How confident are you about this takeover even happening, and do they have enough cash.
Just not sure why once you go on to social media to drum up a big crowd, no further detail becomes public... I have heard a couple of things, but nothing concrete.
It not as if Thomas isn't going to be aware! Just don't get the big hhhuuussshhhh.. All a little strange for my liking!
The call went out, for people to attend, on main Social Media sites, TS must have seen/heard about it?
TS is not the type of person not to need to know what's happening, and if that's the case, the actions over the last 48hrs or so don't add up.
Why sack a manager, appoint a caretaker, if he is hoping to get out?
Just a couple of questions I've been unable to answer in my thoughts.
Is someone looking to get into discussion with Roland perhaps?
Who knows how the delicate ownership intricacies of Charlton Athletic work anymore? Who's signed up for what? Clauses in contracts?
I don't know.
TS is still intending to stay on, or at least give the impression he’s not desperate to sell in order to get as much for the club as possible.
Sooner than later he’ll have to sell as he won’t want to continue covering the losses.
Relegation looks more likely than promotion this season, but TS might be deluding himself that with the right manager and some good deals in January (partly funded by the sale of Leaburn?) we can win the playoffs.
Only 2 reasons I can think of:
1. Doing the dirty work on behalf of the prospective new owner who would inevitably change it anyway?
2. Sadly because we need to based on results / what BG has brought to the table in terms of transfer targets?
I still can't be arsed to do though!