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USER POLL; Garner - Kept or Released?



  • Released
    The boot.  He should of done much better with the sublime footballing resourses made available to him by a rock star in wating chairman.

    Thomas Sandgaard
  • Kept
    We need stability. Wouldn't have been a great season with an incomplete squad but our chances of relegation have now increased.
  • edited December 2022
    Unless he was sacked because of the takeover, I cannot see the point, whoever is appointed will be in the same position. Without financial backing, noone will succeed,  especially if MS appoints him 😖🙁😠
  • Kept
    Kept. Don't see how we're any better off without him. Seems like we have 1 fewer piece of the jigsaw. Believe that leaves us with... err... 1 piece left? Sorry, George, guessing you're off in January so we can truly start at nothing. 
  • edited December 2022

    It’s fine wanting to play a more attractive style of football but if you don’t have the players, then find a system that works for what we have.

    I think Stockley epitomises this, he clearly can score goals in this league he’s proved that and it’s hardly surprising that we’re struggling because of not utilising his strengths.

    Use the transfer windows, assuming there’s backing, to bring in the right players to play your preferred system/style. He didn’t appear to recognise that and therefore its a flaw in his ability or skill set!
  • Kept
    He is a young, passionate manager that was warming to many fans for the things he said and the way he went about things. Quite honestly, I don't think he could have done much more with the cards he was dealt. He wasn't backed at all in getting the players he wanted and was attempting to get the players to play a progressive style of football that, I believe (if invested properly into) could have taken us to success.

    Managers need time and investment, and he was given neither. It's a complete joke tbh. Not given the tools to do this job properly at all. He may not have been the messiah and may have still struggled this season, but his sacking sums up the utter insanity at ownership level. A lot of the players that he inherited are massively underperforming and this is why we are where we are. The uncertainty over the managers we have had means the players never have any certainty over their future or how they are managed. Only through investment in the squad could we have ever judged him fairly.

    Total mess of a sacking that I still struggle to understand and I fear could drag us into the relegation scrap without swift action taken to replace. Praying for another Xmas miracle to save us from more ownership charlatans.
  • Kept
    I think we are more likely to get in a relegation fight now he has gone. Not great to be fair, but was never given the tools to do the job. Sandgaard was and remains the problem.
  • Released
    I don't normally advocate sacking managers as I think stability is needed and at least a few windows to get in the right players, etc,

    But there's little doubt in my mind this is what he was angling for all along with the various comments he made starting a few weeks back, in which case he then had to go. No boss can tolerate an employee calling them out and trying to make them look bad to their paying customers, regardless of the rights and wrongs of it. From that point onwards binning him was the only option.
  • Released
    PS. Why does the poll say "released" rather than "sacked", which is what actually happened.
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  • Kept

    We're in desperate need of stability, and a squad, and an owner not on a lunatic ego trip, and... and...
  • Kept
    Kept. What is the point of firing an unsupported manager when the next one will be just as unsupported?
  • Kept
    Despite being convinced that he would accumulate less points than Johnnie Jackson(who overachieved in my opinion)  I wanted him to stay to see if he could get blood from a stone or would realize he had to compromise. I will go to my grave believing you play to the strengths of the players you have at your disposal. To have players like Inniss and Lavelle and think you can play out from the back was misguided. 
    All football folk knew we were screwed once the window shut and that includes Garner and Gallen who knew we hadn't been backed by Sandgaard.

    Stockley has gone from a decent League 1 player who could score if he had a partner who Sheff Wednesday wanted to a player who would struggle to get a game at Bromley.
  • edited December 2022
    Deserved longer. One transfer window to change he the playing philosophy with a bunch of freebie signings isn’t enough to expect instant results. 
  • Kept
    Adkins is the only sacking I’ve agreed with so far
  • Kept
    Stitched up by TS. Didn't stand a chance really.
  • Kept
    Kept - deserved more time , the level of transformation he wanted to make in terms of playing style was never going to be done in one transfer window with limited backing and then the injuries to the likes of Egbo, O'Connell and Leaburn struck. 
  • edited December 2022
    Should never have got the job. Once he did he needed to be pragmatic and prioritising getting points in the bag, the style seemed to take more preference with him. The dropping of Dobson was baffling, the not learning from Stockley being isolated at the start of last season (says he watched all the games on DvD), the picking of Macgilvary once Jojo was injured but AMB was back.

    He was totally stiched up by the Sandgaard family in terms of the squad he gave him, but have no sympathy for him as he signed up for it.

    In a dream world If I had won the Euro Millions Rollover Rollover type win, I would have moved him on the minute I had done the deal with TS.

    It will now probably get worse as no one of any note will want this job but that is not the question asked
  • Kept
    Need a better understanding of exactly what is going on at SL before I would vote to rid.
    Complex situation and need to understand what was promised, what has / hasn’t happened and what BG has tried do.
    Don't think yo can realistically make a judgement with out a good understanding and timeline of events
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  • Kept
    Seemed fair to have at least given him the two cup games, now we’ve just flushed those even further down the toilet…
  • Kept
    Ben Garner stuck to the owner's brief at Bristol Rovers and it cost him his job, he's just done the same at Charlton. 

    Perhaps we'll never know how good he could be.  Maybe he should just play to the strengths of the available players and forget about the delusions of grandeur that rain down from above.
  • Released
    Was losing it big time. 
  • Released
    Clearly angling for it. No point keeping a manager who's heart isn't in it for any reason, especially when you are hurtling down towards relegation spots.  Need a Warnock type to rabble rouse and get the dressing room into that sort of siege mentality.  The issue is that TS will put someone cheap in charge (ie Hayes) so we will likely go down anyway.
  • Kept, he joined Adkins and Jackson who were undone by Sandgaards Bullshit. I understand that people think the next manager will do better, not under Sandgaard they won't. 
  • Kept
    I liked his football ethos. I think with good players, better players than Charlton gave him I think he would be a very good manager. 
  • Kept
    We'll never know what he could have done or how good a manager he is. He was fucked before he started.
  • Kept
    Wasn’t backed and was given hardly anytime to do anything. 
  • Kept
    Kept but not bothered hes gone 
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